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"Well I wanted to do like a old style, maybe like if the Beatles were modern. Y know?" You said.

"Well that sounds like rather a big challenge. Play your song I'll give you my opinion." Stu said.

You both were sitting at the balcony, feet dangling once again. You had Stu's guitar in had. He had covered it in punk stickers. You smiled nervously and tuned the guitar.

"It's already tuned you can play luv" he said.

"Oh, I just am nervous" you chuckled

"You weren't nervous with singing last time" he said

"Well, that song was one I was proud of. And it's not like this one where I'm trying something new." You sighed.

"You'll do great luv, I promise I won't hurt your feelings that much" he smiled

"Wow thanks stu" you giggled and rolled your eyes.

You took a deep breath and played the guitar,
"Maybe if you answered my question with an answer. I wouldn't be behaving in the way that I am.
I might be pretty crazy, but something I would do is nothing until something comes along instead of you"  you sang. Stu looked at you content.

"That's all I got so far, what do you think?" You asked.

"It's got a great start, but instead of having such a soft beginning. Why don't you raise your voice higher. Singing that beginning part strongly would sound rather nice" he said.

"Oh I didn't think about that, you think? I was planning on even adding like whispering singing part to the song, and then having a upbeat part after " you smiled

"Thanks a great idea luv!" He smiled.

"Now you heard mine, now you have to sing a song" you laughed handing him the guitar.

"Well got any requests?" He smiled.

"Hmm, how about helena?" You chuckled

"Wow, I don't think I can sing that song. I'll try." He chuckled.

And of course he sang it beautifully. You sighed and just rested a hand on your face while listening to him sing.

"You're a good singer I don't understand why you doubt yourself" you said.

"I could say the same thing about yew luv" he said.

"Well I don't know, anyway what was up with that girl by the way. I know she doesn't like you cause she's your ex. But why did she scare me like that?" You asked out of the blue.

"Why are you asking now?" He said.

"I just remembered, plus I didn't want to risk her hearing me. She could I dunno maybe try to spill a drink on me or something" you chuckled.

"Do girls actually do that? I think that's just movies luv" he laughed

"Girls are crazy! And stop avoiding the question" you said.

"We asking personal questions now are we? I'll tell yew if yew tell me how you feel about that future husband of yours." He chuckled

"Well that's different" you huffed.

"Nope, still relationship talk" he said.

You rolled your eyes and sighed.
"I was promised to him for as long as I can remember. Our parents want us to get married. I think cause it's easier for us to merge our businesses that way. That's what they tell me, but I think the just want to be known as this big powerful family" you sighed.

"Yew're okay with this?" He said.

"Well do I really have another option on how to feel? I'm promised." You said.

"But do you love him?" He asked.

"I do." You said quietly.

"How do you know you love him? Have you kissed him?" He asked.

"I did, I just. He was my first kiss I don't have anything else to compare it to. A kiss is a kiss." You sighed.

"No, when you kiss someone you love. It's special, you feel like your heart is going to explode and you get butterflies in your stomach" he said smiling.

"So you found your special someone?" You said.

"Nope" he said taking out a cigarette.

"What? I thought you did considering how you know so much about this" you said.

"I've kissed people I loved, but I haven't kissed my special someone. I'm sure that will be a different feeling entirely" he said lighting his cigarette and taking a puff from it.

"I guess I never thought about it that way." You said looking at the sky.

"It's not your fault. You're promised to someone you don't love" Stu says.

"And how can I feel love for him?" You said.

"You don't, if you don't love him. You just don't. You shouldn't force love, it should come naturally" he said.

Things were quiet, but you were just thinking. It wasn't awkward. It just was peaceful actually.

"I'm sorry to shit on your relationship, do you wanna go get food now?" He asked.

"Sure, and don't feel bad. It's good to have someones opinion" you said.

"But you can tell me if I get to much" Stu said opening the hatch for you to go down the stairs ladder first.

"You're fine, and I'll will tell you" you chuckled.

"Where's the best Chinese takeout around here?" You asked.

"Around the corner, let's just eat there and then I should walk you home. I forgot my folks wanted me to be home there for tonight." He said.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea, I can walk myself home if you want" you said.

"No I don't mind, plus it gets rather dangerous for a chick at night" he said.

"Thanks stu" you smiled.

He blushed and looked away.

"You're blushing" you smirked.

"Oh look who's teasing now" Stu chuckled.

"Teasing? Who said I was teasing I was just stating a fact. Your cheeks are rather red" you said.

"Oh hush" he rolled his eyes laughing

You two walked to the Chinese takeout and got your food. You guys sat at a booth and started messing around trying to eat with chopsticks.

"Have you used these before?" Stu asked

"Nope never have you?" You asked.

"Only once it's pretty hard no?" He said trying to pick up some chicken and giving up just stabbing it to pick it up.

"What already giving up?" You smirked but then you tried to pick up noodles and it fell on the table instead of your mouth.

Stu chuckled and you laughed along.

Tom never jokes around with me like this. Could Stu be right about me not loving him?

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