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You woke up and turn to see dark. It was still dark out and didn't feel like you had been asleep for so long. You turn to see Stu not in his bed. He was on the balcony he was sitting on the floor his legs dangling off the edge.

"Stu why are you still awake?" You said standing up and sitting down next to him.

"I couldn't sleep did I wake yew?" He said.

"No you didn't you're fine" you said.

You looked out at the night sky it was rather pretty.

"So I've been thinking." Stu says.

"Huh?" You said turning to look at him but he just looked out at the distance.

"You know our music class needs a new guitar huh?" Stu smirked.

You laughed "you got all serious on me for that?" You rolled your eyes.

"I'm sorry luv" he says smiling.

"Why do you call me that?" You ask

"Luv? Oh I dunno i-its a habit I guess" he says.

"It's cute when you say it" you said. You didn't realize what you said until it left your mouth. You felt blush creep up your face.

Why did I say that?

"I'm glad you like it luv. Now get back to bed okay. I'm sure ya still pretty tired" he says kissing the top of your head. You got up and went to bed. You touched your cheeks they were burning.

You know Tom wouldn't like what Stu did.

But why do I want Stu to do it again. It makes my heart flutter.

You remembered the kiss you and Tom shared it made you blush again but it didn't make your heart flutter like how it did just now.

You look at Stu who still was looking at the night sky.

Do I like him?

You blushed and closed your eyes trying to get yourself to fall asleep. You felt your cellphone ring and you turned it on and looked at it. It was Tom.

You answered it and Stu looked at you but turned away.

"Hey Tom, why are you calling so late?" You said in the phone.

"I know I'm sorry but I couldn't help but call you. You know I miss you. How was your day?" He asked he was still Sweet. He would call you at random times especially at night so this wasn't strange to you.

"It's good, sorry tom but I was about to sleep" you said yawning.

"Oh okay I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Love you!" He says and hangs up. You close your phone and lay down.

"You're boyfriend?" Stu asks.

"Something like that, my fiance actually" you said.

"What?" He asks shocked.

"Yeah since I was a kid he has been promised to be my husband and I his wife." You said. As if it wasn't something strange.

But Stu's face was one of just shock.

"Wow, that's a lot. Since yew where a kid?" He asked shock filling his eyes.

"Well yeah, I just haven't really thought about it. I just know once we are older I will get married to him." You said.

"Yew're parents arranged yewr engagement?" He asked.

You just nodded, "yeah is that not normal?" You asked surprised by Stu's shock.

"Well no, yewve been promised to someone you don't even love!" He said his voice cracking a bit.

"Yeah but I'll be happy, he's nice. Plus he has planned everything once we turn 19 we will get married." You said.

"But, you haven't dated? You hardly have any experience with dating and you're gonna get married?" He asked.

"I don't need to, he's my fiance." You say.

"And do yew love him?" Stu asks.

"Yeah I think so" you said. Not really thinking about that question.

I blush around him, and when he kisses me I feel lust. That's like love no?

"Think so?" He says. Rasing a eyebrow.

"Well I've always loved him he's my fiance. So of course I love him." You said.

"But do yew love him as a person? Cause yew really don't sound like a girl who's in love." Stu says.

"And what makes you say that?" You asked. Crossing your arms.

I've been told I will marry him since a child. I sure have love for him right?

"Well, yew wouldn't have spent time here alone with another guy. And yew would of said something when I kissed yew're head. Yet yew said nothing. And yew blushed quite a bit" he said looking at you rasing a eyebrow.

"I-I, I was just shocked that's all. You're my first friend and it's not like I get out of my home often" you said defending yourself.

"So yew wouldn't mind if I kissed yew?" Stu said.

You looked at him blush dusted across your cheeks. You felt your heart pound and felt your ears get warmer.  You felt butterflies deep down in the pit of your stomach. This was different than when you and Tom would kiss. You felt no butterflies. But why did you feel butterflies with Stu.

I don't have feelings for him right? I love Tom I couldn't betray him. But why do I wanna kiss Stu.

He leaned closer and brushed a hair strand away from your face. He placed a hand on your cheek and his thumb caressed the skin.

"I-I" is all you could manage to say. You felt temptation to lean in and kiss him. But you pulled yourself away from that thought.

Then you backed away feeling him lean closer. You felt shy and you looked away your cheeks burning hot.

"Yew are not in luv with him" Stu says.

"I am! You just caught me off guard, how am I supposed to to respond to something like that?" You say.

"Easy a yes or no" Stu says chuckling.

"Haha very funny Stu" you said. Rolling your eyes.

Why does it matter to him about how I feel about my fiance.

"I'm just messing with yew, quick luv let's get some rest it's rather late now" Stu said.

"Okay night" you said getting back into your sleeping bag.

"Night" Stu responded.

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