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"So how is everything in your new school? How was your first day?" Tom said.

He called you once he got back from school you were happy to get a call from him. You already missed him.

"Good actually I made a new friend. I also got into music class" you said happily.

"Music class? You're good at art" he said. You sighed.

But I also like music.

"They don't have a art program here. I'm fine with music class I actually like it" you said.

"Okay, it's good to hear you're good. I wish we were in the same highschool. We could of been highschool love birds." Tom sighed.

"I know, but college we can go to the same school right? We have a future together what's four years huh?" You tried to look at the bright side.

"You're right. I should get going I got home work. I love and miss you y/n" he says sweetly.

"I miss you too" you said and he hung up saying goodbye one last time.

It was the weekend and you don't know what to do. The week was pretty good you and Stu would always talk. You wanted to watch a movie.

Stu told me he likes zombie movies. Maybe we can watch a movie.

You just hopped in the shower and changed into some clothes. You walked to the tree house that Stu showed you. You knew he would stay there after school on Fridays. He didn't like going home so he would always stay up there smoking.

You walk to the forest and head to the treehouse. You climbed up the wooden ladder and knocked on the hatch. Stu opened it and he helped you up. He smiled when he saw you but he looked a little down. You know he doesn't have the best family but you didn't want to push.

You have him a smile and he softly smiled back. His cigarette hung loosely from his lips.

"Hey Stu you wanna go watch a movie? I heard the cinema is playing that new zombie movie" you said.

"Yeah sure luv, let's get going" he said with a smile he headed down the small ladder and you followed down. But Stu slipped and fell down a little way. Nothing serious but he still fell.

"Stu!" You yelled jumping off landing on your feet and you help Stu up. He chuckled that funny laugh of his.

"Hehe I'm sorry luv" he said. He was looked embarrassed.

"Sorry? You're not hurt Stu?" You said brushing off the dirt on the back of his shirt.

" I'm fine luv just slipped" he smiled. You looked at him worried and he just smiled and Pat your head. You sighed and you two headed out of the forest.

You walked down the street and looked at the many stores around the area. People where in dates, talking with friends. Over all the whole street was alive.

"Hey Stu" you said.

Stu just looked at you his eyebrows raised.

"Thanks for hanging out with me this whole week. I don't know what I would do without you" you smiled. He was your only friend at that school. Well other people didn't seem bothered to make friends. They weren't mean and would talk with you in class but they wouldn't actively hang out with you after school.

"That's sweet luv, thanks for being my friend. I haven't really had anyone as nice as ya. I think you're a good influence" he chuckled at the end.

He took out a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He had popped the collar on his jacket. It was a black jacket that had a hoodie. It made him appear like a greaser if anything. It complimented his blue hair.

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