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"Up, up" you heard someone pulling in your arm lightly. You hissed and rolled over hoping they would get the hint and let you sleep more.

"Yew are not cat, come on up" the person said. You got up so fast realizing it was Stu. You hit your head with his.

"Ouch" you said rubbing your head.

"Come in luv let's get something to eat, I'll take you out for breakfast" Stu said opening the hatch.

" You first let's go luv" he said

"Why me first?" You huffed.

"You're wearing a dress. I'm being respectful luv" he said.

You blushed and rolled your eyes not thinking about that.

"Thanks then" you said and climbed down the wooden ladder that was nailed onto the tree.
Stu followed making sure to lock the tree house.

"Well where are we going?" You asked

"Breakfast I know a good diner around 'ere. Yew like pancakes?" Stu asked

"Do I? Are the misfits a good band?" You chuckled

"Misfits ay? Yewre a misfit fan now are yew?" He said smiling.

"Sure am, they are rather great don't you think?" You asked.

"Of course, I love them. But I'm wondering how a sweet girl like you knows such a scary band?" He chuckled

"Well I guess I'm not all like how I seem" you winked and laugh. Walking through the forest, you felt relaxed. Sleeping on the floor of a tree house was rather relaxing. You were just glad that you got to hang with Stu.

I'm sure Tom would go nuts knowing you're spending time with Stu.

You shook the thought out of your head. After getting towards the city you saw the busy town. Everyone was in a hurry and you felt embarrassed. You ran your hands through your hair to try to take the bed hair.

"You look fine luv" Stu said.

"Huh?" You looked at him surprised.

"You're hair is fine, you look pretty" he smiled. He had that wide toothy grin. Showing his two front teeth were missing. You couldn't help but blush.

"Thanks stu" you said smiling.

He nodded and walked towards a building, sure enough it was the diner. It was red and the smell of breakfast foods filled the air. It was rather busy filled with lots of chatter and laughter from families.

"Wow, this place is packed" you said.

"I'll order us some food you pick a seat and wait okay luv" he said walking towards the ordering side. You walked down the small restaurant and picked a booth that was away from everyone. And to your surprise there was a old juke box by your side.

You walked towards it and checked your pockets. You had a nickle and used it to play a song.

"Yes they have it!" You smiled.

You played the song and sat at the booth.
You tapped your toes waiting for the song to play.

"There's fifty two ways to murder anyone, one and two are the same and they both work as well..."

You hummed along and then heard singing. You turned and saw Stu walking his way towards you singing. You smiled.

"You're a good singer you know" you said.

"I don't think so, but if it comes from you I like hearing it" he smiled.

"That didn't make any sense" you giggled but it still made your cheeks red.

"I got you hot chocolate for a drink. I should of asked what yew wanted before" he chuckled nervously.

You smiled "I love hot chocolate thanks stu, I owe you one for this" you said.

"No it's okay, this is a welcoming gift you can say. A gift of friendship" he smiled.

"Thanks stu" you blushed.

He looked away, his cheeks were rather red as well. And then a waitress came and placed the food. She kinda slammed it a little so it made you jump.

"Hey! Yew scared-" Stu froze and then frowned once he saw the waitress.

"Yew scared her, be more careful next time" he said sternly. The waitress just gave a him some eyes and left.

"What was that about?" You asked.

"Just past relationships. But it's all good, it's been awhile since that happened" he said.

"I'm sorry about that stu, let's hope she didn't posion the food" you chuckled and Stu laughed back.

You took a bite of your pancakes and enjoyed them. Happy to see Stu eating as well. You two talked about other random things. It was nice talking to someone like him.

I never talked to Tom like this. He hates punk music and horror films.

You smiled at the many stories Stu would tell. He told you how he got his blue hair. You almost didn't believe him but sure enough he didn't have any roots to prove that he dyed his hair. Plus it didn't feel like he had dyed his hair.

"Do you like your blue hair?" You asked.

"I do, I think it makes me look tough, don't you think?" He chuckled

"Yeah very tough" you rolled your eyes as a joke

And he held his hand over his heart as if you had hurt his ego. You giggled.

"You're rather nice y/n, I enjoy being your friend." He said.

"Me too, plus it's gonna be good now since we have the music room for ourselves. I was thinking about decorating it a little." You said.

"Now really? How so?" He asked.

"Band posters! Let's have some Beatles posters up and some misfits. Maybe buy a radio to have in the room" you said.

"That sounds more like yew're trying to decorate a bedroom than a music room" he said taking a drink from his hot chocolate

"Well bad idea?" You sighed.

"Yes, I'm sorry luv" he said

"No it's fine I understand, but I have something you can help me on" you asked.

"Wut is it?" He said.

"I been trying to get better at song writing, and I'm pretty sure you know your way around writing a song" you said.

"I-I don't know luv, I'm not the best song writer or anything." He said nervously he grabbed the back of his neck.

"Please, plus you never played me a song you wrote. Maybe we can help each other no? We can write music together!" You smiled.

"Well, my guitar is still up in the tree house if you want to go and play something. I can help you with your song and you can give me your opinion on my song." He said.

"For sure I like that idea! Another day in the tree house." You chuckled.

"Maybe we should get more snacks, we ate them all" he laughed.

"Later we might end up staying in the tree house for awhile. And when it's noon we can get dinner and then snacks" you said

"Smart girl let's get going I paid anyway" he smiled leaving a tip at the table.

"So I'll buy dinner later, you better like Chinese takeout" you smiled.

"That sounds like a good idea, I can't wait" he chuckled.

You two walked out of the diner and headed back up to the tree house. Walking through the busy town talking once again.

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