A Slow Start

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Shoya's point of view:

Has it really been just one year since it all happened. It feel like just yesterday. The memories of everything keep replying in my head as my mind tries to think of what could have happened if I had done things differently. Everything from the festival with her to the school festival with my friends is constantly in my mind. It's hard not to slip into my own mind and relive everything. Looking ahead into the future is getting harder and harder. I wonder if it ever will be easy to look forward.

Narrator point of view:

Shoya slipped into another idea that seem to drown him. "Shoya Shoya!" Maria ( Shoya's niece) called. He snapped back into reality. "What is it Maria?" He asked giving her his best "I'm ok" voice. "You were day dreaming again." She said casually as she bit into a piece of toast. "Seriously Shoya did you not get enough sleep?" Shoya's mom questioned. "Sorry mom just tired from all the school work is all." He lied. "When is was in high school I went to bed at a decent time so I wasn't so tired. Maybe I should make you get in bed at a better time." His mom trailed off mostly trying to get him to say he would try and get to bed later. "I'll try and get to bed earlier tonight ok." He promised knowing she just wanted to hear that but still intended to do it anyway. He quickly ate his breakfast and rushed out the door. "By mom! By Maria!" He yelled as he rushed off to school on his bike.

Shoya's point of view:

Same path to school every day. I wish I didn't have to go. There's no real point anymore. Hey I wonder where Nagatsuka is?

Narrator's point of view:

Right on time Nagatsuka came riding next to Shoya. "Hey Shoya!" He called happily. Shoya smiled as he slowed down a little to ride to school with him.

Shoya's point of view:

It's weird how close we are. I mean, I've only known him for a little over a year now. And how we met isn't exactly normal. How many people can say they're friends because his bike got stollen? But anyway. I'm kinda glad I'm friends with him. In a strange sort of way I don't entirely think things would be nearly as ok without him here for me.

Narrator point of view:

Both boys went about their school lives as normal, but Shoya was getting more and more nervous as the day went on. Today was the first day he would be able to attend a class with Shouko. Even though things were ok between them, and had been for a year now, he still couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't deserve to be friends with her. That after all he did he shouldn't even be allowed to know her. There was a time when he believe he shouldn't have been allowed to live after what he had done. But funny enough, Shouko was the one who taught him different. He was grateful to her, but didn't quite know how to tell her that. He wouldn't have been there if it weren't for her. If it weren't for how she gave him a second chance. How she genuinely seemed to want to be with him. How sweet she was. Going to classes with her was one of the only ways he knew to tell her thank you. He just didn't want it to be awkward for her, but she said it was ok so he took the invitation.  A few hours had passed and the time for Shoya to meet up for his first class with her was drawing nearer.

Shoya's point of view:

     "Hey Shoya want to go watch a movie after school?" Nagatsuka asked me happily. "Sorry can't today, sorry Nagatsuka." I hated to tell him no, but I couldn't miss my first class. "Why not, what do you have to do?" He asked disappointed. I knew I couldn't lie to him. But I wasn't exactly thrilled to tell him where I was going. "I've got to go to a class." I said quietly trying to leave before he had the chance to say anything. Just my luck though my bike just didn't want to move that that afternoon. "My man, taking chances with Shouko. You know you two really should just date already I mean the girl is really cute." He started. I didn't want to hear anymore of Nagatsuka thinking weren't a couple so I force my bike to get into motion so I could leave before things got even more awkward. "It's not like that. Got to go bye, see you tomorrow!" I yelled back. "Wait!" He yelled after me. I kinda felt bad about leaving him there, but whenever he talked about Shouko like that I always felt weird. Kinda like it bothered me to think that I could ever deserve to be with her. Or maybe the thought of dating a person I considered a friend was what was the problem I could never be sure. All I knew was that I could never stay in a conversation long about me and Shouko as a couple. I just hope things will be better at the class.

Narrator point of view:

     Shoya made it to the class and found Shouko and her little sister Yuzuru. They were sitting close to the window. "They're you are. I never thought the rat would show up." Yuzuru joked. She was referring to the first time Shoya had came to see them in the class and were things were a lot more complicated between the three of them. "Come on Yuzuru." Shoya reapplies with a hint of playfulness in his voice. He looked up at Shouko as they gave each other a warm smile. Just then the teacher came in and everyone sat down. It was then Shoya and Shouko started their first sign language class together.

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