Just Like Last Year

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     Narrator's point of view:

     Shouya sat on a blanket next to Shouko ready to watch the fireworks. Shouko was wearing her most beautiful kimono with her hair done up is a cut bun that let her hair down a little bit to the side. She looked stunning. 

     Shouya's point of view:

     She looks so beautiful. Wait, isn't that the same outfit she wore the last time? Maybe she's trying to get over the past again. Still, what a weird thing to wear today of all days. It almost makes me feel like she might-like she might. Try again. 

     Narrator's point of view:

     The fireworks started and Shouya and Shouko looked up in awe. After a little while Shouko closed her eyes to listen to the vibrations, just like she did a year ago. In fact this whole scene was exactly the same as it was a year ago. 

     Shouya's point of view:

     I'm starting to get really uncomfortable. I mean this is almost exactly like what it was like a year ago. Everything from the people, to her outfit, to what she's doing. Honestly I'm getting nervous. 

     Narrator's point of view:

     After a few fireworks went off Shouko got up. Shouya looked over quickly with his heart pounding. "Where are you going?" He asked and signed quickly. 'To study.' She signed. Shouya's heart almost dropped. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked and signed trying not to stutter. Shouko looked at him for a second with an empty smile and then nodded her head. "O-Okay." He signed and whispered. Shouko walked away and Shouya stared after her. 

    Shouya's point of view:

     What am I doing? I can at least go with her! But would that be like me saying she'll do it again? I don't want to be mean with her thinking I don't trust her enough to go to her own house. I can't just go after her. Can I? 

     Narrator's point of view:

     "Hey where's Shouko?" Yuzuru asked Shouya. "S-she went to go study." He answered her trying his absolute best to act like he wasn't nervous for her. "Oh okay. Oh man I totally forgot." Yuzuru exclaimed. "What?" Shouya asked a little concerned. "My camera. Can you go get it for me?" Yuzuru asked him. Shouya's eyes widened with surprise. He nodded his head in agreement. Shouya slowly started making his way back to the apartment his mind fuzzy. 

     Shouya's point of view:

     Isn't Yuzuru concerned? Doesn't she realize that this is the exact scene that happened last year? I mean, leaving her camera! You would think that she would remember after leaving it last year. Though I guess it's a great thing that she did last year. If she hadn't, then. Well let's try not to think about it. At least me going back I can show myself that there's nothing I need to worry about. 

     Narrator's point of view:

    Shouya walked up the stairs with the streets around him deadly quiet. He looked around nervously. He slowly creaked open the door. "Hey Shouko! I just have to grab something for Yuzuru!" Shouya screamed hoping that her hearing aids would pick it up. He looked over at the counter and saw Yuzuru's camera. "She even left it in the same place." Shouya muttered to himself. Suddenly he saw the fireworks going off outside. He looked over to see Shouko looking out and studying the fireworks. The scene nearly made his heart drop.

     Shouya's point of view:

     What is she doing! I mean I guess she might just be looking at them, but still. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

     Narrator's point of view:

     Shouya grabbed the camera and started to make his way over to the balcony. Shouko started to slowly hoist herself up on the side of the balcony. Fireworks started streaming down as she stood on the top of the balcony overlooking a shallow river. 

     Shouya's point of view:

     She's not! She can't be! No No No No Shouko please! What did I do! Shouko! 

     Narrator's point of view:

     Shouya started to run over to Shouko, but could barely move his feet. His feet seemed to be glued to the floor. Tears started streaming from Shouya's face. "Shouko!" He screamed with all of his might. Shouko didn't hear him. 

     Shouya's point of view:

     Shouya you have to move! You have to save her! You can't let her die! I can't let her die! I can't! I can't! I can't! I'd rather kill myself then let her die!

     Narrator's point of view:

     Shouya finally got his feet moving and started racing for the balcony door. His eyes were glued to Shouko and he didn't even notice the chair. He crashed into the chair as things went flying. Shouya got back up again and looked out at the balcony to find that Shouko had nearly done it. Tears still streaming down from his face he screamed, "Shouko!" One more time. 

    Shouya's point of view:

    God please! Please let me save her one more time! Please give me one more chance! She doesn't deserve this! She doesn't deserve to die! Please God just let me save her!

     Narrator's point of view:

     Fireworks started to burst more and more in the night sky. Time seemed to slow down as Shouya raced to Shouko his arm reaching for her. She let herself fall with a few tears running down from her face as Shouya reached for her arm. 

With a sudden heart pound Shouya shot up from bed and looked around. He was- he was in his room. He looked over at his calendar and saw that it was in fact a year from that night. Shouya rubbed his eyes in the bright sun and got up and went down stair. He sat down next to Maria and tried to eat some breakfast. "Remember Shouya you have sign language class today with Shouko and Yuzuru." Shouya's mom reminded her. It had only been two days since they all hung out. 

     Shouya's point of view:

     After going to the park I can't seem to get last year out of my head. I just hope that things aren't weird with me and Shouko today.

Author's note:

Hey guys sorry this is a day late I was at my cousins so I didn't have my computer. Hope I can get next weeks version out on time :)


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