A Little Haircut

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Authors note: I am so sorry I miss spelled Shouya's name in the last few chapters. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouya woke up the next day still lulling over the previous day. 

Shouya's point of view:

Would it be okay for me to even see her today? I mean I did kinda walk out on them. Ahhh I shouldn't have done that! I hope she's not mad at me. This is Shouko we are talking about, it takes a lot more than that to get her mad. Well, it takes more than that for her to show her anger at least. What if she's really angry I just don't know! That was so stupid I should have just spent the day with them? It's not like we don't see each other all the time anyway. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouya walked to the bathroom and studied himself in the mirror. He grabbed a little bit of his dark hair and rubbed it between his fingers. 

Shouya's point of view:

I should really have mom cut my hair soon. I'll ask her after I was it. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouya washed his hair in a quick shower and walked down stairs to get some breakfast. "Sorry Shouya, I have to take Maria to see her father's parent's. Your sister is out of town again and they really want to see her." Shouya's mom told him. "Oh that's okay mom." Shouya told her a little disappointed. Maria ran up to him and hugged his legs tight. "Why don't you come Sho Sho?" She asked in her sweetest voice. Shouya couldn't help but smile at her innocence and sweetness. But, he wasn't in the greatest mood to be sitting in a car for seven hours to go see people who were still strangers to him. "Sorry Maria some other time okay?" Shouya answered. Maria pouted her face a little and let go of his leg. "Okay well I have some left overs in the fridge. We should be back either tomorrow or the day after. You okay with being here by yourself?" She asked him, already knowing the answer, but wanting to be inclusive. "Yeah I'm fine. Oh right! Mom, when you get back, you mind cutting my hair?" Shouya asked pointing to his overgrown hair. "Oh yeah it's gotten pretty bad. Maybe you should try and find someone else to do it while me and Maria are out of town." She suggested. 

Shouya's point of view:

I've never had anyone cut my hair before. Will it be okay? Wait what am I thinking of course it is, it's not like mom's the only one who knows how to cut my hair. But, what if I can't properly explain how I want it and they screw it up? What if I order the wrong cut on accident and I get some weird cut? 

Narrator's point of view:

"Yeah that's fine." Shouya answered her with a smile. "So sorry I can't do it sweetheart. I promise I'll do it next time." She told him as she took Maria's hand and led her to the door. The door shut behind them and Shouya was alone in the house. "It's quiet." Shouya commented out loud. Shouya went up to his room and laid down on his bed. He rolled over on the new bed, which was only nine months old, and tried to drift to sleep.    "Hello, anyone home!" Shouya heard someone call from a distance. He sat up to listen. "Helllooo!" It called. It was Yuzuru. "Just a minute!" He called back. 

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