Lessons for the Future

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Shouko's point of view:

     Seeing Shouya sign with that little boy was so sweet. I bet he want to be a interpreter one day. That will be so sweet. It suits him honestly. I wonder if I ever told Shouya what I wanted to do once school was over. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko walked into the Ishida salon and saw Shouya's mother washing her hair supplies. "Shouko." She said happily. Shouko waved and walked over to her. "Shouya! Shouya will you come down her please?" Shouya's mother yelled. Shouya sat up from reading his book and rolled over lazily. He sighed and walked down stairs. He looked down where his mother was standing and saw Shouko standing there looking up at him. Shouya's heart froze as he stood in place. 

Shouya's point of view:

     Why is Shouko here?! Is everything okay? Do I look okay? Is she here to see me? Maybe she wants to tell me something? It wouldn't be a confession would it?!! No, no there's no way. Get a hold of yourself Shouya. Calm down. But she's here in my house without a heads up!

Narrator's point of view:

     "W-what is it?" Shouya asked as he walked down the stairs. "Shouko came in to day for some lessons on how to cut and dye hair properly. Though I do know quite a bit of sign I don't think I will be able to get everything across. So will you translate for me please Shouya?" His mother asked sweetly. Shouko turned around and faced Shouya. She gave him a sweet smile and Shouya fought against himself to keep from blushing. 

Shouya's point of view:

     I hope I'm even able to do this. I can't believe she's seeing me like this. I should have gotten ready. I can't just say no. Wait, mom is giving her hair lessons? Why? Does she want to be a hair dresser? 

Narrator's point of view:

     "Sure. Though I might not know some signs for hair stuff." Shouya explained. "Great. Lets get started. I've never actually been able to be a teacher before." Shouya's mother told them happily. Shouya quickly signed what she was saying to Shouko and she just smiled. Shouya's mother pulled Shouko over to a small table and chair where a wig sat on top a dummy head. "We'll use this to practice." Shouya's mother explained. Shouya explained and drew up a nearby chair as Shouko stood over the head with his mother over her shoulder. "So you'll start with damping the hair." Shouya's mother explained. She handed Shouko the little spray bottle as Shouya explained what it was for. Shouko started to carefully spray the hair and followed all of Ms. Ishida's instructions. 

Shouko's point of view:

     This is kinda fun. Seeing all the different things that you can do with hair. It's kinda fascinating in a way. Seeing someone happy with a part of themselves that helps them wordlessly express themselves is amazing to see. Maybe I should cut my hair again. After all, there's really no point in hiding my hearing aids all the time. But then again, everyone will be able to see them. Maybe when I get a little bit more confident I will. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko carefully cut and brushed the first wigs hair and had her eyes so narrowly focused showing her concentration. She hardly made any mistakes as she measured and snipped away at the hair. It was hard for Shouya to explain, but he felt like she was really having fun deep down. Though her body was tense and concentrated, it looked like she was trying everything in her power to show Mrs. Ishida what she could do. 

Shouya's point of view:

     She's so cute when she's focusing like that. She'll be a great hair dresser. I wonder if she'll take over the shop one day? Maybe if we get together then she will. Wait! No that's going a little too far. But still, it's not such a bad thought.

Narrator's point of view:

     "Wonderful job Shouko! Now lets try dying hair next." Mrs. Ishida exclaimed. Shouya translated as best as he could and Shouko nodded happily and too the bottle of dye from Mrs. Ishida's hands. Shouko carefully followed every little tip Mrs. Ishida gave her and the dye came out perfectly. The wig was now a bright blonde rather than a dark brown. "Amazing Shouko!" Mrs. Ishida exclaimed. 'You did great.' Shouya signed to her for himself. Shouko blushed deeply at Mrs. Ishida patted her on the back. "It took me twelve tries on myself before I could get nearly that good." She laughed. Shouko washed her hands and sat down at the table that was decorated with food and plates. "Please help yourself Shouko. You worked so hard." Mrs. Ishida told Shouko happily. Shouko got herself a little bit of food and started to eat and Shouya followed suit. After a little bit Shouko tapped Shouya's shoulder and asked. 'Where is Maria?' Shouko asked. 'She's at a friends house for a little bit.' Shouya explained. "Oh guys. Are you going to the festival this year?" Shouya's mother asked. Shouya's heart stopped. "W-what?" He asked. Memories of last year came flooding back. "Yeah, it's that time of year. Are you two going to go?" She asked again. Shouya found it a little hard to breath.

Shouya's point of view:

     Why is she asking us this?! She knows what happened last year! Is it weird that I'm reacting like this? Is Shouko going to be okay? What is even going on right now? It can't already be a year since the last festival, can it?

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko looked over at Shouya confused. 'She asked if we're going to the festival.' Shouya explained. Shouko's eyes widened, but she signed. 'I want to go.' Shouya looked at her shocked. "I guess, we'll go this year." Shouya answered slowly. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Miki sat on her bed looking at her phone letting the afternoon drag by. She suddenly got a text from Toshi. /Hey/ Miki stared at his text for a bit before replying. /What/ /I was wondering if you were going to the festival that's coming up/ Toshi texted. Miki thought for a moment. /Maybe. Are you going?/ She replied. /Yeah. Naoka texted me and said she was too./ Toshi explained. Miki felt her face get hot with anger. /I really don't want to be around her or Shouya right now/ She replied. /You don't have to, you can avoid them. But I feel like we need to hang out/ Toshi explained. Miki sighed and rolled over with her phone close to her face. /Okay. See you this Saturday then./ She texted him. 


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