A Long Life of Love

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Shouko's point of view:

I can't believe I guest did that! Ohhh my gosh! Did I just? He seemed okay with it though. Was he okay with it? Are we together now?

Shouya's point of view:

She-she just kissed me. Shouko just kissed me. Oohh my gosh Shouko just kissed me! S-she likes me? Keep it together Shouya! She just kissed me though! L-like an actual kiss!

Narrator's point of view:

Everyone stared at them with surprised looks on their faces. "Wow Shouko, didn't think you would be so bold." Yuzuru taunted. Shouko's face blushed deeply. Toshi walked around the back of the shrine to see everyone. "Toshi! What are you doing here?" Miyoko pointed out. "I just came up here with some friends." Toshi answered. Naoka and Miki quietly walked behind him and kept their eyes away from Shouko and Shouya.

Shouko's point of view:

Wait there were there the whole time? That means I just kissed Shouya in front of all of them! Especially Naoka. What is she going to do?

Narrator's point of view:

"S-shouko!" Shouya shouted. Shouko turned around to face him. Shouya looked down with his cheeks blushing deeply. "S-so. Does this mean?" Shouya signed and said. He looked up and looked her in the eyes. "That we're together now?" He asked with a wide smile. Shouko's face blushed happily. "Only if you want, Shouya." She signed and said to the best of her ability. Shouya ran up and hugged her as everyone else wasn't there. "Ah, great you're in love. What's new. Come on guys we don't want to ruin their little honeymoon." Naoka hissed turned away. "Wait Naoka. I want to say something first." Miki exclaimed. Naoka stayed in place with her back turned to Shouya and Shouko. "Shouya, will you translate for me please?" Miki asked. Shouya nodded and told Shouko he would explain what Miki was saying. "I need to apologize to you two. I never realized how much I had convinced myself I was in the right. In doing so I dragged everyone down in my eyes and made you seem like monsters. In reality we were all just dumb kids who were too scared to take responsibility for being mean." Miki explained. Shouya signed as much as he could to Shouko and she understood for the most part. "I'm sorry I brought all that up, and for yelling at you Shouya. I don't know if I will ever be able to forget what happened back then, but I also never want to forget my part in it as well!" Miki exclaimed with a few tears brimming her eyes. "And Shouko, I'm sorry. I should have known to step up for you. Maybe I could have made a difference if I had more of a heart back then." Miki added with a tear falling down her cheek. Shouko walked over to her and gave her a big hug. "Naoka, isn't there something you would like to say to the two of them?" Miki asked. Naoka puffed out her cheeks childishly. "No!" She snapped. Toshi leaned over and gave her a glance that pushed her into giving in. "Fine. I'm only saying this once so someone translate if they want Shouko to hear it!" Naoka declared. She turned halfway towards them. "I'm-I'm sorry for being such a jerk and teasing you. Don't get the wrong idea I still hate Shouko! I just- I guess I could have hypothetically handled it better. But so could have everyone else." Naoka muttered to herself at the end. Shouya smiled. "That takes a lot of guts to admit that." Shouya complimented. Naoka blushed. "Like I said that's all you're getting!" Naoka shouted. Yuzuru walked up to the two of them and patted them on the back. "Well, good job guys." Yuzuru told them as Naoka, Miki, and Toshi went back down to the festival. Nagatsuka ran up and hugged Shouya tightly. "I knew you could do it buddy!" He yelled. Shouya's face blushed. "Look don't make it weird." Shouya told him. "Well you know there's something left to do though." Yuzuru told them. Shouya and Shouko faced her confused.

Shouya and Shouko sat in front of Mrs. Ishida and Mrs. Nishimiya nervously. Mrs. Nishimiya stared at the two of them with a death glare neither of them had seen before. "Well, I'm so glad that you two have decided to tell us this, wonderful news." Mrs. Ishida exclaimed while nervously looked over at Mrs. Nishimiya. She glared at them harder. Shouko looked over at Shouya for comfort.

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