After Lessons

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Narrator's point of view:

After a long day at school Shouya and Nagatsuka road their bikes over to the school for a lesson on sign language. The sky was a bright blue with a few fluffy clouds sprinkled through it.

Shouya's point of view:

Of all the days for it to be a beautiful day. I just need to calm down. I mean, Shouko is okay. Everyone is okay. We're all still friends. We're all alive.

Narrator's point of view:

The boys walked in and sat next to Shouko and Yuzuru. "We were wondering if you two would decide to show up." Yuzuru joked. "Come one show a little patience." Nagastuka replied. Yuzuru and Nagastuka started playfully fighting in the background as Shouya walked up to Shouko. 'Hey Shouko. How are you doing?' He signed. Shouko gave him a cute smile. 'I'm great. Thank you for coming.' She replied in sign. Shouya let out a sigh of relief and sat next to Shouko.

Shouya's point of view:

See everything is alright. She's fine. She is her same old self. Why do I feel like-why do I feel like I need to save her again?

Narrator's point of view:

Class started and Shouko started taking notes. Shouya took a few notes here and there, but mostly kept looking over his shoulder at Shouko. No matter now much he tried to distract himself he couldn't get his mind off his dream. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Shouko getting up on that balcony. The days that led up to what happened kept replaying in Shouya's head over and over again.

Shouko's point of view:

Is Shouya okay? He keeps looking over at me. Do I look weird or something. I probably changed something. What did I change? Do I have something on my face? Why does he just keep staring at me?!

Narrator's point of view:

After class was over and Shouya was getting his things together Shouko tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around to face her. Their eyes locked for a second then Shouya looked away. Shouko looked over at Yuzuru and Nagatsuka talking. 'Do you want to walk with me?' Shouko asked. Shouya felt his face flair up a little bit. "Uh sure." He signed and said. Shouya grabbed the rest of his things and followed Shouko out of the classroom. "Where are you two going?" Yuzuru asked with a snarky attitude. "Uhh, just on a walk." Shouya answered awkwardly. Nagatsuka caught his eye and he gave Shouya a quick wink. Shouya gave a look of, please don't, and Shouko and Shouya walked out of site and down the stairs.

Shouya's point of view:

Why does Shouko want me to follow her? Just calm down Shouya. You guys are friends, this kind of thing is normal. Stop being so weird about it. You're just on edge because of last night. Just don't talk about it and things will be find.

Shouko's poing of view:

I need to know what's up with Shouya, but he might not want to talk about it with other people there. Is it okay for me to be doing this. I just want to know if he's okay. He's always so sweet but, he was just as depressed as I was at one point. He has to be going through a lot. Maybe even more than me.

Narrator's point of view:

They walked down to the bridge near the school and took down at the river. A few fish swam by. Shouko tapped on Shouya's shoulder and gave him a piece of bread. Shouya took a piece and threw it into the water and a fish quickly came up and ate it. Shouko kept glancing over at Shouya, she knew she had to just ask him right out. She tugged on his sleeve a little bit to get his attention, and looked him directly in the eye. 'Are you okay?' She signed.

Shouya's point of view:

I guess it's no surprise that she noticed something was up. Oh man she probably noticed me glancing at her. Should I just tell her outright?

Narrator's point of view:

"I'm fine." Shouya signed and said with little confidence. Shouko gave him a look of disbelief. Shouya walked over to the other side of the bridge and pulled on it a little while looking up at the beautiful sky. Shouko walked over to him leaning back on the rail and looked at his face blocking the sky. Shouya sighed. He straightened up and looked Shouko in the eye. She looked very concerned. Shouya rubbed his neck and looked away before sighing. 'I just had a bad dream last night. I can't seem to stop thinking about it. I don't mean to be awkward though Shouya. I'm sorry.'

Shouko's point of view:

A dream? I had to have been in it then. Did I do something in this dream? It must have been really bad for him to still be thinking about it like this. Should I apologize for it? But I didn't actually do it. But still.

Narrator's point of view:

Shouko looked away nervously too before asking, 'What was the dream about?"

Shouya's point of view:

I knew she was going to ask about that! I can't just say I don't remember. I should just be honest with her. But I don't want her to think that it's her fault!

Narrator's point of view:

"It was about." Shouya talked and signed. He stopped while trying to think of the best way to word it. 'It was about last year. I just kept getting the feeling that you were.... unsafe or something. I've just been really anxious about it Shouko. Just because.' Shouya couldn't find it it in himself to finish. 'I just wouldn't want to lose you again.' He finally signed. Shouko's eyes lit up with sudden surprise and embarrassment.

Shouko's point of view:

He really does care! I mean I already knew that, but he cares even more than I thought. He-he said he doesn't want to lose me. That's so sweet. But that's also kinda, sad.

Narrator's point of view:

"Wait I didn't mean it like that." Shouya fumbled as his face turned a bright red. "Well, I don't want to lose you, just that you're really important to me and." He signed. Shouko's face got even redder.

Shouya's point of view:

Why am I saying this! Oh my gosh I am such and idiot! She must think I'm crazy!

Narrator's point of view:

'You are my dear friend. I don't want to lose you.' Shouya managed to sign. Shouko felt her heart grow slightly heavy with the friend add on, but smiled and nodded. The two of them mad their way back up the stair with Shouko's heart lingering on Shouya's comment that his nightmare was about last year.

Authors note:

     Hey just to let you guys know I have to publish a day early since I'll be busy tomorrow.

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