A Trip to the Doctor

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Narrator's point of view:

  Shouko skimmed over her closet looking for something to wear. A lingering feeling of dread wrapped around her lungs and throat. Shouko absentmindedly rubbed her hearing ad between her fingers. 

Shouko's point of view: 

     It's fine. I haven't noticed any changes since my last visit, it's fine Shouko. There's nothing to worry about. 

Narrator's point of view: 

     "Shouko?" Yuzuru asked when she walked in the room. Shouko stood staring at her closet. Yuzuru walked over and tapped her on the shoulder bringing her out of her mind. 'Are you okay?' Yuzuru signed. Shouko jerked around startled, she sighed and gave her a wavering smile. 'I'm okay.' Shouko signed as she pulled out a light blue top. Shouko brushed her hair out and carefully angled it in front of her ears. Shouko's mom walked over to Shouko and kissed her on the head while she rubbed Yuzuru's hair. "Be safe you two." She warned them. "It'll be fine mom." Yuzuru assured her. With that said they walked out the door into the warm day. Yuzuru and Shouko walked side by side down the sidewalk. Yuzuru stared at the bright day around her trying to get her mind off of things. Shouko stared down at the ground letting her mind drift into her anxieties. 

Shouko's point of view:

     Could it get any worse? I guess there really isn't any hope for fixing it. Could there be other problems? I don't think I will be able to do that to mom. I don't want anyone to worry about me. I would be happy if things just stayed the same. I'm not holding out for a miracle. This will be the first trip without granny. She might have been the one to take me when I was a baby too, I wouldn't doubt it. It feels weird without her holding my hand.'

Narrator's point of view:

     Yuzuru and Shouko walked to the front of hospital and made it to the front desk where Shouko signed out her forms to meet with her doctor Dr. Sato. Shouko sat down in his office next to Yuzuru and waited anxiously. He walked in with a warm smile and sat down in front of them. "Nice to see you again Shouko." He said and signed. He glanced over at Yuzuru and smiled. "This must be you're little sister." He added. "I'm Yuzuru, thank you Dr. Sato for working with Shouko." Yuzuru told him. She shook his hand quickly. "The pleasure is all mine. She's such a lovely girl to work with. So today we will do a regular check up on things just to see how things are doing." Dr. Sato explained. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouya checked his phone as he leaned against the wall while his mind went blank. "Shouya! Shouya!" Shouya's mom called. Shouya blinked back and rubbed his eyes a little while yelling back, "Yeah?" "Hurry up and get down here I need you real quick!" She explained. Shouya sighed and threw on some casual clothes and rushed down stairs with his mind still asleep. "Yeah?" He asked sleepily. "Maria has a fever and I have a regular coming in thirty minutes from now. Will you please take her to the doctor while I work on her, she's really particular about rescheduling." Shouya's mother pleaded. Shouya's mind rushed to keep up with his mother's fast pace. "Uhh, yeah sure." Shouya muttered. "Great, just sign her in with my name and take my card and they should let him see her. You know our doctor right?" Shouya's mother rattled off as she ran around the house getting her apron and brushes along with a basket of curlers. "Of course. Go do your job she'll be fine." Shouya assured her as she rushed to the shop part of their house. Shouya walked into Maria's room and found her in the bed with a cold rage on her forehead. "Hey Maria, let's go to the doctor so you can feel better okay?" Shouya told her sweetly. She picked her up gently in his arms and felt heat radiating off of her. She lazily lumped in his arms as he carried her out the door as she slept draped over his shoulders. 

Shouya's point of view:

     I hope she's okay. I wonder what happened to her to get her this sick. Our doctor is Dr. Sato right? Yeah, as far as I know. If not then I'll just text mom. Wait, isn't today Shouko's appointment? I wonder what the report will be. Maybe we'll run into her. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouya walked in with Maria still asleep and signed them in to see Dr. Sato. "He's currently with another patient, please wait and he will see you shortly." The receptionist instructed blankly. Shouya walked over to their waiting seats and sat Maria down in the chair next to him. He got out his phone and started to find something to look at to pass the time when he noticed something at the top of his line of vision. He looked up and saw a little boy staring at him. Shouya smiled and waved, but the boy hide behind a chair nervously. 

Shouya's point of view: 

     I wonder what he's doing here all alone. I wonder where his parents are.

Narrator's point of view:

     The boy stared at Shouya anxiously. Shouya smiled nervously and waved over at him. The boy hunkered down even more. Shouya smiled to himself and looked back down at his phone while waiting for him to come out again. Slowly the little boy crept out from his hiding shot and moved closer and closer to Shouya. He was just in front of him when Shouya looked up at him and smiled. "Hello." He told him softly. The little boy shuttered shyly and looked away. As he turned his head Shouya got a glimpse of a hearing ad. 

Shouya's point of view:

     He's deaf. That might have a factor in why he's so shy. Come to think of it, he kinda acts like Shouko did when she was little. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouya waved a little to get his attention, then sighed 'What's your name?' The little boys eyes lit up with awe. 'You know sign?' He signed quickly. Shouya laughed a little to himself. 'My friend is deaf. I learned so I could talk to her more.' Shouya explained. The boys eyes brimmed with a few tears, but he quickly rubbed them away and sighed. 'My name is Haruto.' He signed happily. 'My name is Shouya.' Shouya replied. The boy looked down at the floor nervously. 'I've never signed with anyone other than doctor and mom.' Haruto signed. A warmth brightened Shouya's heart. 

Shouya's point of view:

     If he can just have that one person who will have a conversation with him, then maybe things will work out for him. I wish everyone in the world knew sign, then he could talk to whoever he wanted. 

Narrator's point of view:

     "Haruto!"  A woman exclaimed as she ran over to the little boy. She quickly grabbed him and he struggled to get away. He yelled a little while trying to pry himself free from her grip. "Honestly Haruto your exam was supposed to start ten minutes ago." She sighed. "I'm so sorry if he bugged you." She added to Shouya. Shouya shook his head. "It's okay honestly." He told her. He looked down at Haruto who was still trying to get away. 'Be strong.' He signed to him. Haruto quit struggling for a second and just cried. 'I'm scared.' He signed. 'Things will get better, just try and give the doctor's your best smile.' Shouya signed. Haurto forced his cheeks into a small smile and nodded. The woman took him by the hand and lead him behind the door to the doctor's rooms. Shouya looked over them smiling. "Shouya?" Yuzuru asked confused. 

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