A Short "Date"

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Narrator's point of view:

     They both made their way down to the mall. People shot a few glances to Shoya and Shouko, the "aww how cute are they" glance. It was always awkward to see, but never really seemed to faze them all that much. They walked side by side inside the mall. Shoya looked over his shoulder to see the sea of people rushing around them. It was always so hectic hectic.

Shoya's point of view:

All of them look so confident. Especially the ones in a group. It feel like just yesterday when I was like that. When I didn't have a care in the world. Nothing really bothered me. I had my friends. People who I thought I could trust. People who I used to hang out with. Why do things like that have to go away the older you get?

Narrator's pint of view:

Shoya shyly looked over his other shoulder to see Shouko walking beside him, a pleasant smile on her face and her eyes looking out over the people. He quickly turned his head.

Shoya's point of view:

Who am I kidding it only feels like yesterday when I couldn't talk to anyone. When I was all alone. When I couldn't even look anyone in the eyes. When I....

Narrator's point of view:

Shoya slowly turned back to look at Shouko again. This time he let his eyes linger on her.

Shoya's point of view:

When I didn't let myself hear others.

Narrator's point of view:

They both found a McDonald's and sat down at one of the booths. They both looked up and read from the giant menu they had hanging over the counter where you ordered your food. "Sorry I couldn't find anything better, I don't have all that much money right now." Shoya told her embarrassed. She smiled a bit wider and reassured him that it was fine.
After about 10 minutes of them reading the menu they decided what they wanted. Shoya stood up to get the money out of his pocket, when he noticed it was gone. He signed and said to Shouko. "I'm so sorry, I left the money, I'll be right back. Go on and order and I'll be here to pay. Can you do that?" He asked in the kindest way he could. A slight look of nervousness swept across Shouko's face.

Shouko's pint of view:

I've only ever done it once and that was when my mom was there with me! That was at a restaurant where you sit down and order too. I hope fast food is as patient as they were there. But Shoya went through all this trouble to take me somewhere, I can order for myself. I have to learn how to do it.

Narrator's point of view:

Shouko nodded and Shoya rushed outside to his bike that he walked over with Shouko. He had left the money in the little basket in the front that held mostly wallets and phones. Shouko got a little piece of paper and and wrote down what she wanted. Shoya ran as fast as he could back to the McDonald's. Once he was a few feet away from the restaurant he hear, "listen I can't do that. Your going to have to get someone to order for you or you can't get anything!" He heard a man say harshly. Shoya quickly walked inside to find Shouko handing the man at the counter the paper, obviously shaken. She looked scared and nervous, but she was determined to try and just order her food with the paper. "I Can't Do That! It's Bot Part Of My Job!" He frustratingly said louder. Shoya quickly rushed in next to Shouko. "Sir please I'll order for her!" He said quickly. He handed out his hand and took the paper Shouko gave him. He read it and said, "she'll have the number 6 please." He said in a bland voice. The man begrudgingly typed it out. "You know you should have an interpreter." He hissed under his breath. Shoya put his hand on her shoulder and lead her to there seats. I'm sorry he signed. She shook her head, her eyes full of tear, but still forcing a smile. It's fine she signed back. They are with a little bit of small "talk" (it was actually mostly sign language) and left quickly after that.

Shoya's point of view:

     It's not fair she should have to live in a world that treats her like that. He could have obviously just read it. Shouko didn't deserve that.

Narrator's point of view:

     Shoya and Shouko were getting ready to leave the mall when Shoya caught another good glimpse at her.

Shoya's point of view:

     I'm not any better than that man though. I'm worse actually. It at least ended at that. I should have said more. I should say more now. I just.....don't have much of a voice anymore.

Shouko's point of view:

     That was so dumb of me. I should have just waited on Shoya. I just end up causing people to come to my aid.

Narrator's point of view:

     Shoya walked Shouko back to her house and waved her goodbye. Shoya said and signed, "I'll see you around ok." Shouko smiles and nodded. And sorry about today. He signed. No, thank you, she replied back. She went inside as Shoya got on his bike and made his way home.

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