Chapter 2: Silver Eyes

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The air was chilly as Stanford led them into the woods, the only light source was the lantern Stanford was holding onto with his left hand. Mabel had added an extra sweater over her usual attire, while Dipper had worn one of Stanford's jackets, his nose even redder as they walked through the thick pine trees

"Um Grunkle Ford? Where are we going?" Mabel asked nervously, Stanford smiled "I have a secret bunker out here in the woods, to keep the supernatural creatures I find and study safe from people that either wish to harm them, or could be harmed by them" Stanford said, Dipper visibly relaxed, quite honestly thinking their Great Uncle had gone insane and might be leading them to their deaths. Mabel grabbed his hand and he squeezed her fingers reassuringly, her skin were cold.


After a bit of walking Stanford stopped them at a tree, turning to them with a smile and knocking on the trunk, instead of a soft thud, they heard a loud metal thunk "Its fake!?" Dipper asked surprised, it looked just like any other tree in these woods, he would never have guessed it was fake by looking at it.

Stanford nodded "Yup!" he said, putting down the lantern, the light flickered slightly as it was set down on the grassy earth. He pulled out a small hand held remote from his trench coat pocket and pressed the large single button on it. There was a UFO key ring hanging off one end.

The remote flashed a deep red in the dimly lit area, signaling it had received his message to open the hatch. A few seconds passed and it turned green. A whirring noise accompanied it and Dipper jumped in fright as the tree made a couple of loud thunk noises that echoed through the quiet forest.

There was a brief moment of silence before the ground began to move, Dipper and Mabel stepped back a little as a hatch opened up, revealing a staircase underneath the 'roots' of the false tree "Come along then" Stanford said, picking up the lantern and beginning the descent.


Loud music could be heard, filtering through the cavern Stanford was leading them down. As they entered the Lab it grew louder, the twins weren't sure where said music was coming from "WILLIAM PINES! YOU BETTER TURN THAT OFF RIGHT NOW AND GET BACK IN YOUR CONTAINMENT CELL BEFORE I GAS THIS WHOLE ROOM!" Stanford yelled.

The music was suddenly cut short and they could hear thumps and scuffling noises "Shit, shit, shit..." a voice said in fright. Dipper and Mabel peered out from behind Stanford's back just as another loud thump noise was heard. Stanford sighed and put the lantern down on the long metal table in the middle of the Lab "Sorry about that, he'll be punished later, now I know this may be weird to you, but the person I want you to meet isn't human, but hes very lonely, an annoying the crap out of me so I want you two to be his friends while you stay here, is that okay?" Mabel nodded "What is he?" Dipper asked

"Hes a demon" Ford said, taking off his trench coat and tugging on his Lab coat "Follow me" he said, ushering them down a hall way. Dipper gulped at the large metal door as it neared, a demon? What did Stanford mean by that? Was he actually a demon or just acting like one?

Stanford knocked three times upon the shiny surface before entering. Dipper and Mabel stayed in the hallway "Bill? How did you get out?" Stanford's voice said. Dippers poked his head through the door and his eyes widened at the teen sitting on the bed. He had golden curls, pale skin and hauntingly beautiful silver eyes that glowed a little in the bright light, but that's not what caught his hearts attention, it was the huge white bat wings protruding from his shoulder blades, they were amazing.

Bill huffed under the muzzle he was wearing "T-The door may be a little broken..." Bill said looking down "Since when?" Stanford asked, Bill fiddled with his fingers and turned his head "February..." Bill said, he winced as Stanford growled "That's not acceptable, you know the rules!" Stanford said angrily "Yes sir, sorry sir" Bill replied looking upset.

Stanford rubbed his eyes tiredly "I brought Dipper and Mabel here to see you, come along now" Dipper pulled his head back and looked at Mabel with a smile, giving her the thumbs up.

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