Chapter 5: Whats Christmas?

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Stanford found some suitable clothing for the child before he ran him a warm bath, making sure it wasn't to hot with his elbow before unwrapped the child. His eyes widened as he was able to see exactly what the weird lump had been on the babies back. A pair of white bat-like wings, almost translucent protruded from his shoulder blades, folded neatly, they were very unusual. Stanford picked him up and plopped him in the bath carefully.

Immediately the child began to splash about, giggling at the bubbles as Stanford cleaned him up. He used an old plastic cup to wash his hair, putting his hand on his forehead so the child wouldn't get soap in his eyes. After making sure he was all clean, he took him out the tub. The toddler didn't want to get out and he reached for the water making sad noises, he liked the water!

"No no, your all clean now, you don't need to stay in there too long, you'll get all wrinkly, now, I bet you feel heaps better hmm?" he asked. The child giggled at him as he smiled, sticking his hand into his mouth and sucking on it contentedly "We need to give you a name, don't we mister?" he asked, gently tickling the babies tummy, the toddler took his hand out of his mouth and burst into giggles, kicking his legs at him "How about William? That's a nice name, good for when your older too"

William gurgled in agreement as Stanford finished drying him off and put him in a makeshift diaper, using some safety pins he made sure the yellow t-shirt he had found fit him more snugly. William wriggled about on the floor in his new outfit, clean and happy, waving his arms about as he tried to sit up "Now for some food, I bet your hungry huh?" the man asked, picking him up and settling William onto one arm as he walked to the kitchen.

Stanford began to rummage around the fridge for something William could eat. Not noticing as William reached for his arm with sharp teeth. Yes, William was hungry, just not for food.


"How many times have you bitten Grunkle Ford?" Mabel asked as she bit into her sandwich, Bill had a dark blue reusable milkshake cup and was sipping the contents in it through a reusable straw. He made his 'thinking face' as Dipper called it, scrunching up his eyes and looking away, a frown on his face. Bill put the cup down on the floor carefully "I don't know, a lot I guess, he has scars from it" he said. Mabel smiled "Poor Grunkle Ford" she said.

Bill chuckled picking up the cup again and taking a sip. Red liquid shot up through the see through straw and Dipper felt his stomach curl "Dipper? You okay?" Bill asked, looking at him with concerned features. Dipper nodded "Yeah, just got to pretend its cherry or something" he said queasily, pointing to the cup. Bill glanced at it "Cherry? What's that?" Bill asked, Mabel grinned "Their these red fruits, Mom and dad buy them around Christmas for us, cause their really expensive" Mabel said.

Bill frowned "Whats Christmas like? I mean, I've only read about it in books" the demon said. Mabel gasped and looking up at Stanford, standing up and pointing a finger at the man "GRUNKLE FORD! How could you deny Bill the amazingness that is Christmas!!??" she asked. Ford turned around in his chair and gave Mabel a knowing smile, mentally chuckling at her fierce love for her favorite holiday "Because my family didn't celebrate Christmas, we did Hanukkah" he said.

Bill smiled "We did that last year! I got so many books!" the demon said excitedly, Mabel sighed with relief, glad Bill was getting something at least. Dipper frowned "Wait, our family is Jewish?" he asked, finishing off his lunch. Stanford nodded "Yes, but it appears your parents didn't want that for you" Stanford said, looking at the clock, he would need to eat soon.

Dipper chuckled "Wow, I had no idea" he said, putting his rubbish into his backpack. Ford smiled "I'm not that cruel to deny Bill holiday experiences you know" he said, going back to his work.

Mabel chuckled "What about birthdays?" she asked, Ford shook his head "Doesn't need one, he gets enough books as is, even when its not a holiday" he said. Bill grinned "I'm gonna need a bigger bookshelf soon" he said chuckling.


A few hours later and Ford got up off his chair,  stretching his back, it popped and clicked in all the right places "You three stay here, I'll be back in about half and hour, I'm going to go get some lunch" he said, picking up his satchel. Bill nodded and waved as he left through the exit door. Mabel and Dipper leaned back against the wall, Bill waited for the door to close before grinning behind the muzzle.

"Okay, now that hes gone, who wants to sneak me outside?" Bill asked, Dipper gaped "But he said no!" Bill growled and banged the floor with a fist "Look Dipper, hes been denying me the outside for years! I'm bored out of mind! I want to fly! Feel the sun! Please Dipper! I'm desperate here" Bill said frantically.

Bill took Dippers hand and Dipper felt his heart skip a beat as those sad silver eyes bore into his, pleading with him "O-Okay, but only five minutes" he said, melting a little. Bills eyes lit up and he felt himself smile "Thank you!" Bill said happily.

Mabel chuckled at his face as Bill stood up "Your like him!" she whispered in a sing song voice, as Bill went to go return his cup to the sink, running the tap to clean it out. Dipper huffed "No I don't" he said crossing his arms and sticking up his nose, Mabel giggled and poked him "You do!"

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