Chapter 4: Then What Does He Eat?

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The next afternoon Dipper and Mabel came back to visit Bill again. The demon had a huge grin and was quite literally bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet as he waited for them to appear "Hi!" Bill said excitedly, waving at them as they followed behind Stanford. Stanford chuckled and ruffled Bills hair as he passed him "Calm down you" he said, going to his desk and sitting down. Dipper and Mabel took off their backpacks and sat down on the floor with Bill.

"Hey, sleep okay?" Dipper asked, Bill nodded. Mabel's eyes were blood shot, and she yawned widely, her teeth were straight and neat "Did you sleep okay Mabel?" Bill asked. Mabel smiled and rubbed her eyes "I stayed up making you something" she said, taking out the sweater from her backpack. The silver fabric unfolded and revealed itself to be a sweater, large slits in the back for his wings. Bills equally silver eyes widened as he took it from her "Y-You made this? For me?" he was shocked, he never really got gifts like this.

Mabel nodded "Help me get it on!" he said excitedly, Dipper chuckled and took the sweater Bill was waving in front of his face. The wings were a little difficult to get through, but they managed, it fit fine, but was rather bulky "Stanford! Look!" Bill said, standing up and grinning, turning to look at the man hunched over his desk as he worked, Stanford turned in his seat "Very nice" he said, before returning to his work.

Dipper noticed Bills wings droop a little as the man barely acknowledged his new item of clothing. But they went back up as he turned back to them, sitting back down, it was obvious they made the demon happy, Dipper smiled at that "Thanks Mabel, I love it" Bill said, giving her a hug.

Mabel patted his back "Tonight, I sleep" she said happily, a tired smile plastered on her face. Dipper rummaged around in his backpack and pulled out a bag of corn chips, he opened the bag and passed it to Mabel, the girl took a handful before Dipper offered it to Bill "I, I don't need it" Bill said shaking his head, Dipper raised an eyebrow "Of course you don't need it, its a treat, go on, have one" Bill shook his head "I can't, it'll make me sick" Bill said, Stanford sighed from his desk "Bill doesn't eat human food Dipper, it makes him sick, his body doesn't process it well" the scientist said.

Dipper frowned "Then what does he eat?" the teen asked, Bill rubbed the back of his neck "Blood..." he mumbled. Mabel stopped her frantic chewing of the cheesy nachos and looked at him "Blood? Like a vampire? Is that why you have the mask?" she asked excitedly.

Bill shook his head "My bite won't turn you into anything weird, but my teeth are very very sharp, they can harm you" Bill said, looking down nervously "What blood does Grunkle Ford give you?" Dipper asked, taking a handful of chips from the crinkly bag and stuffing them in his mouth. Bill pointed to the fridge as it hummed in the corner "Deer blood" he said.

Dipper smiled, he had corn chips in his teeth "Its okay Bill, we still like you, cheer up k?" Bill looked at him and smiled "Really? You don't think its scary? Weird?" he asked, Dipper shrugged "Not really man" he said, picking the food out of his teeth. Bill twisted a loose thread on his new sweater "You two are good friends, I appreciate it" the demon said, Mabel booped his forehead and giggled.


That night as Dipper laid in bed, (his sister snored in her bed as she slept, her half of the room covered by a curtain) his mind went to Bill. His hair was curly and almost golden, rather nice, his silver eyes glowed and shone like molten silver, they were really pretty. He liked how his wings would jerk up happily when he saw them and he felt upset when they drooped down when he was sad. Dipper frowned as the crickets chirped, did he like Bill? Or was he just thinking he was cute? Like an owner would a pet? I mean, he wasn't human...

Dipper was very much gay, he had been for awhile, he had only liked Wendy cause he thought she was cool, sure he had a slight crush on her, but he hadn't really felt anything for the teen, it was more adoration than attraction.

His sister had accepted him for being gay, as had his parents, his Dad had been a little uptight at first, but he loosened up. And he hadn't even told Stanford yet.

Would it even be right for him to like Bill? Would Bill understand if he told him? What if Bill wasn't gay? All these questions rumbled through his head like a bulldozer, giving him a headache as it flattened his mind. He sighed loudly and rolled over in his bed, looking at the curtain as it fluttered slightly from the wind coming through the cracks in the walls. It would be awhile before he fell asleep.


Stanford had decided on the forest walk for one purpose, to find something interesting to study. He hadn't expected to find a toddler, swaddled in a few old blankets and crying his eyes out as he laid in a damp musty box at the edge of a grassy clearing.

Stanford peered over the cardboard edge and looked in. The toddler sniffled and looked up at him, watery eyes staring into his own shocked brown ones "Hey little guy, did someone not want you? Poor thing" he said, reaching down and picking him up.

The toddler stopped crying as Stanford brought him up and out of the box, holding him in his arms. The man smiled down at the child as the blanket moved from his head, revealing a small tuff of curly golden hair on the top of his head, he gently reached out a finger and stroked his soft cheek as the baby babbled.

The toddlers nostrils flared and the baby went quiet, the next thing he knew the baby had opened his mouth, giving Stanford's finger a good chomp as it neared his lips. Stanford let out a scream and yanked his finger back as he felt the pain of many tiny sharp teeth embedding themselves in his flesh. 

Blood dripped down his finger as the wound throbbed painfully. The baby giggled "Ow! That hurt! Its not funny!" Stanford grumped "No biting!" he said firmly, the baby stopped giggling and looked up at him with a smile, he liked this man, he was funny

"Odd thing you are, you're not human are you?" he asked as he examined the child, he had silver eyes, inhumanly silver, like someone had taken all his silverware and melted it down into a liquid puddle.

He could also feel something odd under the blankets on the child's back, he wanted to examine the kid but it was far to cold out here for that. He walked back to the shack, the toddler falling asleep in his arms, lulled by the rocking movements Stanford made as he walked the trail back to his house.

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