Chapter 6: Outside

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(Song For This Chapter: Shooting Star – Owl City)

They snuck up the steps quickly, Bill hand in hand with Dipper, Dipper could practically feel him fizzing and he squeezed his fingers reassuringly "Relax Bill" he said with a small chuckle,

 "How can I!?" the demon spluttered "I'm finally going outside!" Mabel pressed the button and the hatch opened. Bill was greeted with a burst of wind and sun rays streaming down through the canopy above. He closed his eyes to enjoy them as Dipper led him all the way out. Bill smiled, head tilted just so "Oh, this is amazing" Bill said happily. 

The demon stretched out his wings, letting them feel the sun too, the bright rays turning them translucent. Dipper and Mabel smiled "You really haven't been outside have you?" Mabel asked, Bill shook his head "Thank you" he said, turning his head to them. He gave them that mischievous grin and Dipper felt his heart flutter. Mabel giggled "Okay back inside Bill, before Grunkle Ford comes back" Mabel said, Bill shook his head "I still wanna fly! Please!?" he whined, jumping up and down. Dipper hummed, he didn't want Bill to go to far, or run off. An idea popped into his head, he reached into his backpack and pulled out his emergency rope.

Coming over to the confused Bill, he tied it around his bare waist, fighting the blush building up in his cheeks at the muscles he could see "There, now we won't lose you, go for it" Dipper said, Bill smiled, he felt warm when Dipper had said that, like he cared for him, it was nice to feel cared for.

He smiled and took off Dipper cap, tucking it over his messy curls "Thanks" he said, spreading his wings. Bill focused himself, trying to envision a bird, with a running start he was in the air, a little wobbly at first. But soon he was soaring above the tree tops, doing loops and tricks "Whooohoooo!" he yelled, laughing as he swooped this way and that, angling his wings to circle around when the rope pulled. Dipper laughed with him enjoying seeing Bill happy. Mabel smiled from her seat on the ground, leaning against a tree "Dorks" she muttered.


Bill drank his dinner happily that evening as he sat on the metal table, swinging his legs and humming a tune between sips. He was thinking about the outside fondly and with happiness. Like the feel of the wind in his hair, the sun on his skin, the weightless feeling of flying, the giddy feeling of sneaking out when he wasn't suppose too and the warm feeling he felt when he looked at Dipper, what was that feeling? It was a nice one, like he would feel sad if he was sad, happy when he was happy.

Stanford came back into the Lab from finishing fixing Bills bedroom door, a white towel in his hands and a new bottle of shampoo in the other, they had been running low so this wasn't unexpected "Once you've finished that, its shower time, you need one" he said, passing him the towel and the shampoo "Thanks Stanford" the demon said with a smile. Stanford smiled back, it seemed Dipper and Mabel's friendship had mellowed him out, made him happier and that was good, Bill was less annoying than he had been lately and he relished the fact.


Fiddleford gazed in shock at Stanford, the man was covered in bandages, head to toe it appeared "What the hell happened to you!?" Fidds asked as he stood on the porch, the sun just beginning to rise. Stanford grinned sheepishly "Williams hungry" Stanford said, wincing at he felt a nip at his ankle, it gave a whole new meaning to the word 'ankle-biter'. Fiddleford sighed, Stanford keeping this thing was ridiculous, the demon baby was a handful, but Fidds wanted to help his friend, maybe one day Stanford would see some sense and put it out of its misery. 


The first few days into caring for William, the toddler had been sick after consuming the food Stanford had given him, the poor thing had been throwing up and sobbing and Stanford had been beside himself with worry for his little specimen. Wondering if perhaps he was allergic to baby formula. After he had picked Bill up to comfort him, hugging the trembling body close, the child had quite literally latched onto his fingers when he reached down to run his hand through the blonde curls.

Like a leech Bill sucked at the wound he had made, seemingly content, Stanford watched shocked, wondering what on earth was going on. After a few seconds Bills fever had gone down and his skin was no longer flushed, he looked a lot healthier, maybe Bill was on to something. After feeling rather dizzy at Williams first meal, Stanford had run some tests, and it had proven that yes, Bill needed blood to survive. He decided on calling Fiddleford for help.

After a year living with him and help from Fidds, William was crawling now, and he loved nothing more than biting, it seemed he'd do it for anything. He'd bite Stanford if he wanted to be picked up, he'd bite him when he was hungry, he'd bite him if he wanted down and he'd bite him when he was upset.


"Have you given him any blood? Animal perhaps? You gotta have something" Fidds asked. Stanford nodded "Yes, but I don't have anymore left and hes becoming grumpy" Stanford said picking the toddler up and smiling at him "What did I say about your mouth?" he asked, Bill poked his cheek "Nu bite!" he said, Ford smiled, annoyed "And what did you just do?" he asked,

William gave him a sad look and burst into tears "Sworry!" he cried, Stanford hushed him and gently rubbed his back as the toddler sobbed into his sweater "Its okay, just no more biting me, it hurts buddy, and I'm running out of bandages" Fidds sighed

"Maybe you should muzzle him" Fidds said, crossing his arms. Stanford shook his head "No! That sounds far too cruel Fiddleford, hes just a baby" Stanford said grumpily as Bill tried to clamber over Fords shoulder, flapping his white wings as he tried to get down. Fidds rubbed his eyes tiredly "I'm guessing you want me to go get some things then?" he asked.

Stanford handed him a list from his pocket "It be a big help" Fidds glanced at the list and sighed "Alrighty, be back soon" Fidds said.

Stanford smiled and waved as he left, letting out a yelp as Bill chomped on his fingers again, he wanted down "I know your hungry but I need you to be patient, Fidds is going to get you some food" he said putting his throbbing fingers into his mouth, hoping to relieve the pain. Ford put him down on the floor with one arm "No biting William, please?" he asked as he grabbed a band-aid from his pocket.

"Okay Daddy" came Bills reply.

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