Chapter 8: You Have A Nice Face

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The hatch made the usual clunk sounds before it opened and Dipper Pines quickly hurried down the stairs, his footsteps echoing as he ran "Bill?" he asked loudly as he entered the Lab. He heard a crash from the containment cell "I'm in my room! Shit! Ow!" came his faint reply, he must of fallen over. Dipper studied the door "How do I get in?" he asked, Bill sighed "Green button on the left" Bill said, Dipper pressed the button and the door hissed and clunked as it unlocked.

The teen pushed at the heavy door, it creaked as it opened "Hey Bill" Dipper said "Hey" Bill said tiredly, he looked awful "Can you get me some blood? I'm starving" the demon said. Dipper nodded "Yeah, sure, hang on a sec" he said, going back to the Lab. The fridge hummed quietly in the corner and Dipper grimaced as he opened it "Ew, that's disgusting" he said taking out one of the pouches hanging off the many hooks, resisting the urge to throw up.

Dipper cut it open with some scissors and poured the contents into the cup, screwing on the lid as quickly as he could, before heading back. Bill grabbed it as he passed it over and sucked it down fast, obviously hungry "Thanks" Bill said once the cup ran dry, the demon glanced up at the camera, thankfully Stanford hadn't turned it on. 

Dipper only just realized that Bill didn't have his muzzle on, he sat down next to him on the bed, looking at him with awe "You, you have a nice face" Dipper blurted out. Bill smiled and chuckled, extending one wing, Dipper felt it wrap around his shoulder, nice and warm "A nice face huh? Your a dork" Bill said chuckling, Dipper blushed. Bill smiled at him as he put the cup down, a pale hand reached out and brushed his cheek, Dippers heart bet wildly "You, you have a nice face too" Bill said, his cheeks red. Dipper leaned in, stopping inches apart, breathing hard, chocolate brown eyes focused on those silver orbs "I-" but Dippers words were lost as Bill closed the gap. Warm lips on his, the taste of blood, warm and coppery.


Dipper woke from his bed in the attic, the house creaking and Mabel's snores absent. He turned to see the curtain drawn and the sun streaming through "Finally, what time did you fall asleep?" Mabel asked as she leaned against the door frame. Dipper rubbed his eyes, remembering last night, a faint blush rose in his cheeks, he had made out with Bill, oh wow "Uh, I don't know, late I guess, what time is it?" he asked, Mabel smiled "Just after lunch, Grunkle Ford wanted me to wake you, he needs to chat"

Dipper gulped.


Stanford smiled as his nephew trailed into the kitchen, black circles under his eyes "Good sleep?" he asked, Dipper shrugged "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I know you think its unfair how I treat Bill-" Dipper cut him off "No, no its fine, I don't understand, you've had Bill for years and I've met him for like what? Five minutes, so yeah, I'm sorry" Dipper said, although he didn't actually mean it. Stanford smiled and nodded "Thank you, I accept your apology, now go get dressed, don't you want to spend some time with Bill today?" Stanford asked, Dipper smiled "Yeah, that would be nice" he said hurrying off to change.


Bill waved awkwardly "Hey" he said, he had the muzzle on once more, Mabel hugged him "How are you feeling?" she asked him, Bill smiled "Better, thank you" Stanford ruffled his hair gently "That's good, glad to hear, I was afraid I may have used to much sedative" he said, Bill looked down at his feet "Its fine, you had every reason too" he replied. Dipper leaned in and hugged him, he smelled nice, clean "Hey" he said, Bill hugged him back and leaned into his ear "I had fun last night" he whispered, his breath tickling Dippers ear. Dipper felt his face heat up "M-Me too" he said quietly as he pulled away. Mabel giggled "Dorks" she said.


Bill pouted and stamped his foot "I DON'T WANNA!" he screamed, Stanford sighed and pointed at the bath "If you don't get in right now you'll be going to bed early without dinner" he said firmly to the ten year old demon. Bill shook his head "NO!" he screamed, he didn't want a bath! he wanted to play with his cars outside! "William Pines you get in this tub right now!" he said angrily, Bill growled at him and Stanford huffed, reaching for his shirt to put back on, the only reason he had taken it off was so it wouldn't get wet, Bill liked to splash.  

He stood up, intending for himself to pick Bill up and put him in time out, but the next thing he knew Bill had leapt at him angrily, ripping at his skin like a hot knife through melted butter. Stanford screamed in pain as the sharp teeth dug deeper. As his vision clouded with pain and blood poured from the wounds, he wrenched Bill off him and flung him away. 

The demon hit his head against the bath tub and was out cold in seconds, wings splayed out and his body curled up "FIDDDDDS!" he screamed as he stumbled. Fidds came running "Oh no, oh dear, Stanford just hold on" he said helping him to his feet. Fidds got him in the car, a towel against the bloody mess as he bleed "Hang on one second" Fidds said rushing off. He came running back moments later "I locked Bill in the bunker, lets get you to the Hospital" he said, turning the keys, the car spluttered to life and Fidds took off, Ford going in and out of consciousness as he fought to stay alive.

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