Chapter 7: Do You Know How I Got These Scars?

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Bill had been going outside now for about two weeks, enjoying nature, but most importantly the skies. Bill skimmed the treetops, eyes shining, hair waving in the breeze. He angled his wings, shooting up into the air. He saw Dipper waving and waved back with a smile, before he closed his wings and did a loop dee loop, cackling with glee at the exhilarating feeling. 

He glanced down at the twins once more to see if they had seen his amazing flying feat. Dipper was waving to him more frantically now and he narrowed his eyes, what was wrong with him? He tugged the rope and Dipper fell over, his hand still wrapped around the end of rope he was holding. He flew up a few meters, dragging Dipper with him, the teen shrieked as he clung to the rope, only a few feet off the ground. Mabel was now up to, waving at him. 

He didn't have time to swoop down and ask what was wrong because the next thing he knew something sharp embedded itself into his chest. Bill yelped and looked down, wings flapping to keep him aloft. The demons eyes widened at the red feathery object sticking out his flesh, tranquilizer darts, specifically, Stanford's tranquilizer darts.

He yanked it out, but the cold numbness was already seeping into his system. Bill felt another one hit him, this time on the shoulder, then another on his leg. He tried fighting the sedatives, resisting their effects, but eventually his wings drooped and he closed his eyes, tumbling to the ground into someones waiting arms. Two six fingered hand curling around his body like snakes as he succumbed to the drugs.


Dipper and Mabel watched as Stanford tucked Bill into his bed, a guilty look upon both their faces as the man sighed. Stanford closed the door behind him and turned to face them "What the hell were you two thinking!?" he asked angrily, hands on hips.

Dipper looked down "He, he just wanted to go outside Grunkle Ford, and he, we took precautions and stuff..." Dipper trailed off, he knew this wouldn't help. Stanford sighed "There's a good reason I don't let Bill outside" he said, taking off his sweater, the twins watched with open mouths as Stanford undid the top buttons on his shirt, exposing a large messy scar from the side of his neck, down his arm and partially on his chest "What the hell!? He did that!?" Dipper asked, Stanford nodded "When he was ten years old he had a tantrum, the end resulted in him attacking me, I knocked him out and Fiddleford locked him in the Bunker, he rushed me to hospital, I almost died that day. This is why Bill has to live down here, not for his safety but for others, if you ask him about it he won't know, he doesn't remember the incident because I threw him a bit to hard to get him off me, he fell and hit his head, its probably a good thing he doesn't remember" the man said, redoing the buttons and putting his sweater back on.

Mabel looked mortified "That's awful Grunkle Ford, I'm so sorry" Stanford smiled "Its okay pumpkin, I survived, as did Bill" Stanford said, Mabel hugged him, Dipper looked away "But hes different now" he said "He wants nothing more than to fly, why not make a harness for him or something!?" Dipper was upset, his twin sighed "Dipper, I know you like Bill, but look what he did to Grunkle Ford, this might be for the best, no more outside" she said, Dipper stamped his foot like a child "But thats cruel!" he said angrily.

Stanford frowned "What do you mean Mabel, when you said Dipper likes Bill?" Mabel smiled "Hes in love, got this crush, biggest crush I seen since Wendy!" she said giggling, Dipper blushed "Mabel!" he whined angrily.

Stanford chuckled "Its okay Dipper, but I haven't even talked to Bill about that 'stuff' I'm not even sure he'd understand it" Stanford said, Dipper didn't care about that at the moment, he didn't want to talk about this! He pointed to Bills containment cell "Never mind that! Hes not an animal! You can't keep him locked away! If it was me I'd be finding ways he can go outside safely! Not keeping him locked up like a damn criminal!" Dipper spat, Stanford sighed "But its not up to you, and after today's incident I won't ever let Bill out again, its not safe"

Dipper was angry, upset, pissed, were there anymore emotions that could describe how mad he was? "THIS ISN'T FAIR ON BILL!" Dipper said, he gave Stanford a nasty look before rushing up the steps and back outside.


Bill woke up late the next day, Stanford was above him, checking his vitals by the looks of the equipment "Good, your awake" the man said looking relieved, Bill didn't say a word, he felt like a lead weight "Go back to sleep Bill, its okay" Bill did as he was told.


Dipper paced in his room, paced and paced until his stomach growled hungrily. Reluctantly he went down for dinner, Stanford had brought takeout food and Mabel was already into most of it "Dipper, you hungry?" Stanford asked. Dipper ignored him and sat down, fuming angrily as he ate "I know your upset but you have to understand that Bills not human, this is for the best"

Dipper grabbed the rest of his dinner and left the kitchen, he didn't want to hear about this. Stupid Stanford didn't know what he was talking about!


Late that night Dipper had an amazing idea, slipping out of bed, he tugged on some clean clothes. Making sure Stanford was asleep he grabbed his backpack and a flashlight, plus the remote to open the bunker. Zipping up his jacket and tying his shoes he headed out into the woods. 

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