Chapter 10: Wings Of A Demon, Heart Of A Human

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(Song For This Chapter: Your Somebody Else - Flora Cash)

Dipper knew something was up when Stanford refused to let them see Bill "It was a mistake, letting you two see him, he needs to understand that he can't go outside and your not helping" he said as Dipper picked at his dinner that evening "Don't you think your being a little, whats the word? Idiotic!" Dipper hissed, Stanford frowned at him "Tomorrow your both going home, I've called your parents and the bus will pick you up at 11am"

"How long is Bill staying in his room?" Mabel asked, Stanford poked at his food "As long as it takes for him to realize hes never getting out" the man said. Dipper pushed his plate of food "I'm not hungry" he snarled, standing up and leaving the kitchen. Mabel watched him leave sadly "Look, Grunkle Ford, I know your scared because Bill hurt you, heck he nearly killed you, but that's no excuse to lock him away, he may be a demon, but hes human to us, its just, I think its cruel" she said sadly. Stanford stood up and put his plate in the sink "Hes not human, therefor its fine, finish up your dinner and go to bed Mabel dear" he said, leaving the dimly lit room, the fridge hummed. Mabel listened to his footsteps disappear and she sighed, looking down at her half eaten food with an upset face as the sun sank lower over the horizon.


Dipper kicked his bed, angry, upset, he wanted nothing more to just throw everything! But he kept his cool, it wouldn't do him any good to break everything, sure it might help vent his anger, but there were better ways to do that. He heard Stanford's bedroom close and an idea popped into his head, he wrote Mabel a note before he left

Gone to free Bill,

don't worry, I'm fine,

I'll be back as soon as I can


He grabbed his survival gear and stuffed it into his backpack, making sure he had his pocket knife and snacks at the top of the pile before zipping it shut. He tied up his laces with a double bow and zipped up his jacket, tugging his hat over his hair he smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror adjusting his glasses as they slipped down his nose "Don't worry Bill, I'll get you out"

Stanford was taking a shower as Dipper peeked into his bedroom, the watery noises emitting from the bathroom thankfully drowning out the creaking he was making. Dipper glanced around the room, spotting the remote lying partially out of Stanford's coat, slung on his bed haphazardly. He grabbed it and raced out the Shack, a smile on his face.


His feet pounded along the uneven track, panting, he stopped at the fake metal tree. He pressed the button, the light blinked and the hatch opened. Dipper ran down the steps, two at a time "BILL!?" he yelled. He didn't wait for an answer, he hurried over to the containment cell and pressed the green button. Bill was sobbing on the floor as he opened the door "Bill!"

"D-Dipper?" Bill asked, he uncovered himself with his wings as Dipper kneeled down "Hey, its okay, don't cry" Dipper said, scooping him into a hug, Bill clung to him, fresh tears running down his face "P-Please, can we just g-go?" Bill asked, Dipper nodded "That's why I'm here, come on" Dipper said standing up, he helped Bill to his feet. Bill grabbed the gray sweater Mabel had made him, tugging it on, Dipper helped him with his wings and smiled at him, gently kissing his cheek "Quickly, before Stanford realizes I'm gone" Dipper said, putting out his hand, Bill grabbed his hand and wiped his face of the tear tracks, they left the Bunker.


Stanford grabbed his coat, searching for the remote to put by his bedside "That's funny, I could of sworn I had it in here" he said, he turned it upside down, shaking out the contents, nothing remotely looking like the remote (PUN!) fell out of the many pockets"Fuck! Mabel!!!!" he called.

Mabel came running "Yes Grunkle Ford?"

"Wheres Dipper?" he asked, the girl looked at her feet and mumbled something "What was that?" Stanford asked, Mabel put her head up and forced a smile "He went for a walk, sorry I was just trying to remember what he said, he was just so angry he mumbled" she said, leaving quickly, Stanford sighed and rubbed his eyes angrily. He knew exactly where Dipper was, he pulled on his coat and grabbed the gun from the top drawer of his dresser, making sure it was loaded before heading out. Fiddleford was right, he should of put Bill out of his misery a long time ago.


"STANFORD!" Bill yelled happily, Stanford made an oof noise as the smaller child hugged him "Whats with the name?" he asked, threading his fingers through the blonde curls. Bill sat back down with his toys, his bedroom a mess "Fidds said that your not my Dad and I shouldn't call you Dad" he said, tipping over his yellow car. Stanford gave Fidds a look, the man shrugged and walked away "Well, you can call me whatever you want, as long as your comfortable with it, now, can I get another hug? I missed you buddy" Bill giggled and stood up, hugging him once more "I missed you too, Fidds said you got hurt badly and needed to go to the Hospital" he said, Stanford sat down on the floor with the small demon and picked up a red truck "Yes, I was a little damaged, they fixed me up" Bill smiled and crashed the yellow car into the red one Ford was holding, the yellow car broke and Bill frowned "Oh no!" the demon said, looking upset with himself. Ford picked up the pieces "Don't worry son, I can fix it" he said. 

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