Chapter 9: Oh How The Caged Bird Sings

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Bill smiled as he listened to Dipper explain all about the 'harness' he wanted to build for him, so he couldn't go far and would still be able to fly. His wings drooping because Stanford would never agree to it "Dipper?" he asked quietly, just loudly enough for him to hear. The teen looked up from his drawing "Yeah?" Bill gently placed his hand on Dippers cheek, giving him a weak smile "You need to stop, Stanford won't agree to this and your getting my hopes up and down worse than a rollercoaster ride" he said. 

Dipper felt his cheeks heat up at the warm touch "Sorry Bill" he said, placing a hand over his, Mabel giggled "You two are so cute" she said, pulling a bag of candy from her backpack. 

She torn it open and stuffed a few into her mouth, Stanford turned around to watch them, noticing Bill had his hand on Dippers cheek, Dippers face red as held it there "Is there something going on with you two?" he asked, Bill quickly pulled his hand away and Dippers face went even redder "N-No" he said, grabbing some of Mabel's candy and shoving them into his mouth. 

Stanford raised an eyebrow "Cause if there is, I'm going to have to give Bill 'The talk' And I know full well hes not going to like that" Dipper choked on a gummy bear and Stanford chuckled. Bill frowned "What's the talk?" he asked, Mabel gasped and covered her ears, making a loud 'la la la la' noise with her mouth. Stanford smirked

"I'll tell you later" he said, turning back to his work.


Bill listened to Ford as he spoke, The Talk, as Stanford had called it wasn't that bad, sure it was rather icky, but that was normal right? "What if its two boys?" he asked quite suddenly, Ford stopped talking "Huh?"

Bill sighed "What if two boys liked each other?"

"Then they like each other, its called being gay, there's nothing wrong with it, its just a little different" Stanford said, Bill was silent for a moment, he liked Dipper, loved him a lot! He made his heart beat fast, his skin sweat, his emotions build up like an overflowing sink and he just wanted to kiss him all over his face when he was being a dork "Then I guess I'm gay" he said.

Stanford smiled "Dipper I presume?" he asked, Bill nodded "I like him a lot, hes nice and sweet and caring towards me, when hes happy I'm happy, and when hes sad or upset I feel bad" Bill explained. Stanford reached out and ran his fingers through Bills floofy curls and Bill smiled, closing his eyes at the affection "That's real sweet Bill, now, its very late, get some sleep" he said, Bill nodded "Thanks for telling me" he said, tucking himself under the covers. Stanford nodded and pressed the button for Bills muzzle, the straps loosened and Bill took it off and placed it on his bedside table "Goodnight Bill" Stanford said, closing the door behind him. The camera turned on moments later.


A few weeks later and Stanford was desperately trying to ignore Bills pleading attempts to get him to let him out. He'd been asking over and over again for five minutes already and it was starting to bother him, at this rate he'd get no work done

"Please?" Bill asked again,

"No" he replied,

"Please!" Bills voice asked, louder this time

"No! I said No! Now shut up!" Stanford said, pounding his desk with a fist.

"Just for a few minutes!? Please!?" Bill pleaded. Stanford stood up and came over, a vein twitching in his forehead, Bill mentally squeaked "I SAID NO!" he yelled, Bill shrunk back in his seat, whimpering. 

Why was Stanford being so grumpy?

Stanford rubbed his eyes tiredly and sighed "Look, I said no, no is no, quit asking me, now go to your room" he said pointing to the door "But its not t-" Bill began to say, but it appeared that was the wrong answer.

Stanford growled and picked him up, Bills wings jammed under his arm painfully as the man held onto him. Once they reached Bills room, Stanford threw him in and shut the door, it hissed and locked "No dinner, straight to bed when I say, Dipper and Mabel won't be coming today, in fact, no more visits ever again, plus I'm sick of you wanting out all the fucking time so your never getting out of your room again, you can stay in there, as punishment" Stanford's voice said annoyed.

Bill heard him walk away and banged his fists against the door "NO! LET ME OUT! THIS ISN'T FAIR! I'M SORRY! PLEASE! LET ME OUT!" Bill yelled, tears running down his face "LET ME OUT!"


Eventually Bill stopped banging on the door, sliding down to the floor and curling up, his hands bruised and his body shaking as he sobbed loudly. He covered himself with his wings, trying to stay hidden from the damn camera, the red light felt like a laser as it watched him.


Finally out of the hospital Stanford was able to see Bill, the bunker was quiet as Fidds led him to the cell at the back "I put him in here" he said. Stanford could hear Bills voice, he was singing, soft and sad, quite beautiful, it made him smile sadly

"There was a time when I was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home

My only friend was the man in the moon

And even sometimes he would go away, too

Then one night, as I closed my eyes

I saw a shadow flying high

He came to me with the sweetest smile

Told me he wanted to talk for awhile

He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me

I promise that you'll never be lonely, " and ever since that day"

Fidds smiled "Hes been reading Peter Pan, from a stack of books I gave him, when he heard that song on the radio he deemed it his favorite and has been singing it ever since, hes really missed you, and Stanford?"
"Yeah?" Stanford asked
"He hit his head quite hard, he doesn't remember hurting you, I think its best we don't tell him" Fidds said, Stanford sighed "Yeah, sounds good, now let me in"

"I am a lost boy from Neverland

Usually hanging out with Peter Pan

And when we're bored we play in the woods

Always on the run from Captain Hook

"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me

Away from all of reality"

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