Chapter 3: Can I Touch Them?

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Stanford patted the metal table as they walked into the main part of the Lab, Bill faltered for a second, before he got up onto the cold surface and laid down, keeping still as Stanford clipped the plastic restraints around him. What was he going to do to him now? Dipper and Mabel waited patiently by the desk, watching intently, Bill felt slightly embarrassed by it "What are you doing Grunkle Ford?" Mabel asked

"I'm changing the muzzle Bill must wear, I've made one that he can't take off, unless of course he uses the remote" Stanford said, undoing the old muzzle and removing it from the demons face quickly as if Bill would snap at him if he was too slow. Bill turned his head and watched as Stanford picked up another one off the desk, the straps were different, in fact the entire thing was different.

Stanford came back over to him and lifted his head, slipping it on over his curls and down his face, covering his sharp teeth filled mouth and button nose snugly. There was a hiss and the straps clicked and tightened on there own, Bill winced "Is that to tight?" Stanford asked, "Just a little" Bill said, feeling the straps digging painfully into his head.

Stanford re-adjusted it and the pain disappeared "Better?" the scientist asked, Bill nodded and Stanford unclipped him from the table. The demon rubbed his arms as he sat back up, looking over at Dipper and Mabel standing there, he gazed upon them, noticing just how older they were now "They look different from the photo" Bill said, Stanford chuckled "That's because they grew up" the man said, binning the old muzzle "You might want to update the photo then, or take a new one" Bill said as he reached up and felt the new muzzle on his face.

He gave it a good tug, it didn't budge, not one bit, rather disappointing "It really doesn't come off" Bill said, Stanford nodded "I don't want you hurting my family, even if it is accidental, I'll remove it when they leave" Stanford said, Bill nodded, that seemed fair.


"So have you ever been outside?" Mabel asked, Bill shook his head "He won't let me, says its to dangerous, I really want to go outside though" Bill said sadly, Dipper watched his wings droop, just like his emotions they seemed to respond the same, poor thing "Maybe one day he'll let you, so fingers crossed hmm?" Mabel said, attempting to lift his spirits a little.

Bill chuckled "Oh Mabel, I think the only way I'm ever leaving this place is in a box" the demon said, stretching out his wings. Dippers eyes widened at them, a look of awe on his face "Can I touch them?" he asked, Bill looked at him with those silver eyes and smiled, just barely seen through the muzzle "Sure, go ahead" Bill said, stretching out his wings more closer for Dipper to feel.

Dipper reached out and stroked it, just a light touch, Bill could feel he was trying to be careful "Their not fragile you know, you can touch them harder than that" Dipper pressed a little harder, feeling the lightness of them, leathery and smooth "Wow" he muttered.

Bill blushed "Y-You like them?" he stuttered, no one really liked his wings, not even Stanford or his assistant Fiddleford, the anxiety filled man feared him and would shriek if he flapped them or even extended them just a little, Stanford had to put a harness on him when the man came by. He hated it, it restricted his movement and made him feel trapped, but it was always fun to terrify the man. Dipper nodded and adjusted his glasses, his face a little red as he pulled his hand away, Bill folded it back comfortably near his spine 

What a dork Bill thought as Dipper smiled at him.


Bill waved goodbye as the twins left, hurrying to his room as Stanford pointed to it firmly, giving him the 'stay' look. The scientist opened the exit door and led the twins up the steps and back to where ever they were staying while Bill waited for the man to return.

Bill yawned as he trailed into his room, sitting down on the end of his bed, thinking about his two new friends. Dipper had a curious nature, and Mabel was way to positive about life. Their brown hair, brown eyes, colourful clothing, it was a nice change "So? Did you like them?" Stanford asked from the doorway, Bill got a fright and looked up at him as Stanford leaned against the door frame, when had he gotten back?

"Yeah, they were nice, thank you" he said, running a hand through his curls, he would need a shower soon they were getting a little greasy. Stanford pulled a small remote from his lab coat pocket and pressed the button, the muzzle on Bills face loosened and fell to his neck "Go to bed, its late" Stanford said, shutting the door behind him as he left.

Bill heard a drilling noise a few moments later as Stanford started repairing the mechanisms on his door, there would be no more sneaking out. Bill sighed and removed the muzzle from around his neck, placing it on his bed side table. He pulled the covers back on his bed and jumped in, the sheets cold. The automatic lights turned out a few seconds later and Bill stared up at the camera in the corner as he tucked the blankets around himself better, the red light blinking at him, watching, recording, he rolled over and faced the wall, closing his eyes.

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