Chapter 11: You And Me, Forever

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Lips on his, warm and soft, the crickets loud and the stars above them shining as they made out by the fire Dipper had lit. Bill pulled away 

"Thank you, for getting me out, I appreciate, I really do" Bill was cut off by Dippers mouth and he smirked into those soft lips "Shut up, okay, I said that it wasn't an issue" Dipper said once he had pulled away. Bill smiled and nodded. 

They continued their frantic kissing, Dippers hands on his chest, warm, nice, he let out a small moan as those hands went a little lower, teasing him, Dipper chuckled "Your adorable" he said, Bill blushed "nah ah!" he whined.

Dipper smiled "You know, we're alone out here, we could, if you wanted too?" Dipper asked, trailing a finger down to the waistband of Bills shirts. Bills face was redder than a cherry "N-Now? A-Already?" he was shocked, Dipper frowned "You don't have to if you don't feel ready" Bill shook his head "Its not that, its just" he said

"What?" Dipper asked

"Its just, how are we suppose to fit?" Bill asked, Dipper burst into laughter "Oh you innocent bean, I'll show you okay?" Bill nodded and took of Dippers hat, eyes widening as he moved the brown locks away from his forehead "So that's why they call you Dipper" Bill asked in awe


"Beautiful, my Star Boy" Bill whispered planting a kiss on his forehead, Dipper blushed.


The next morning the two were awoken by the suns rays, warm and soft as they blanketed the two naked lovers in their golden light. Bill woke from his sleep, stretching in the sleeping bag they shared, oh how his back hurt! Dipper stirred beside him "Bill?"

"Morning" he said, Dipper smiled and hugged him "Morning, sleep well?" he asked, Bill nodded "My back hurts"

"Yeah it does that, nothing to worry about" Dipper said, he turned Bill around and began massaging his lower back, the demon relaxed, almost cuffing Dipper with his wings as they drooped lower "Oh, thats much better, thank you" Bill said, Dipper placed a kiss in his spine, sending a trail of goosebumps up Bills back "We should hide you before the bus comes, you can fly through the exit door at the back last minute and come home with us" Dipper said as they got dressed, Bill nodded "Sounds good"

"Then Mabel and I can find you a place to stay, set you up" Dipper said, Bill liked the sound of that. They heard a crack of a twig and looked up just as Dipper was tying his shoes "No ones going anywhere" Stanford said, stepping out from behind a tree, gun raised. Bills eyes widened "Shit"

"Shit is right, now you have two options, get back in your room, or let me put a bullet in your brain" the man growled. Dipper looked shocked at Stanford's change of nature, he looked pissed with a side of exhausted "Grunkle Fo-" he began, Stanford hushed him "Whats it gonna be Bill?"

Bill was trembling, he gave a defeated look "Fine, I'll go back to my room"

Stanford put his gun down and nodded "Good choice, son"

Bill looked at Dipper and gave him a wink. The next thing Dipper knew his Great Uncle was on the ground, gun skittering across the leaves as Bill pinned Stanford to the leafy damp earth, wings out, growling, he looked terrifying "Go back to the house Dipper, I'll be there soon" Dipper nodded and grabbed his backpack, running off.

Stanford pushed at him, trying to get him off "Were you seriously going to kill me!? Your my Father for fucks sake!!!" Bill said angrily, tears in his eyes "I loved you! I trusted you! I step outside for one fucking minute and you go to shit over it! What did I do to hurt you so bad that you had to stuff me underground for the rest of my days Dad!? Huh!?" Ford felt the warm tears hit his face, Bill had called him Dad, after all these years. He felt guilt well up inside him "You hurt me" he said quietly, he had to tell him.

"When!? How!? WHY!?" Bill asked, shaking him.

Ford sighed "You were ten, you didn't want a bath, you wanted to play outside with your cars, I tried to put you in time out and you tried to murder me" Stanford said quietly, Bill looked shocked "I don't remember that, it can't be true"

"You hit your head William, on the edge of the tub as I was trying to get you off me" Bill looked horrified "I, I would never hurt you! Your my Father! I love you!" Bill said looking upset.

Ford felt another feeling, a feeling of 'oh shit he'd done wrong' he was expecting Bill to smirk and say "Good! You deserved it now stand still so I can kill you"' but instead he got this. Dipper was right, he had changed, and he was going to kill him over nothing! Oh god please forgive him, for he had sinned.

"Bill, son, look at me" Bill got off Ford and sat down next to him, looking up at him, those beautiful silver eyes filled with tears "I'm sorry for hurting you Dad, please, please don't kill me" Bill begged. Stanford carefully pulled his son into a hug as he sobbed "I'm not going to kill you Bill, this is my fault, I didn't listen, didn't think, I was stupid" Bill cuddled into him, fingers bunched up into his sweater, Stanford soothed him by rubbing his back "Its okay Bill, Its okay, Dippers right, I can't keep you locked up, will you forgive me?" Stanford asked, Bill looked up at him with silver eyes and nodded "Yeah"


Dippers eyes widened as Stanford and Bill came out the woods. The demon ran over to him and picked him up into a hug, spinning him around and laughing, Dipper chuckled "What the hell happened in there!?" Dipper asked, Bill smiled and set him down, leaning in to kiss him softly, Mabel made an awe face while Stanford wrinkled his nose "Everything's better now, now come on, don't we have a bus to catch?" Stanford ruffled his hair as he walked passed them and Mabel smiled "You guys resolved what ever beef you had then?" she asked, Bill nodded "Yes, I think things are going to be much better now" he said with a smile.

He let Dipper go and ran off across the dewy grass, unfurling his wings and shooting up into the sky like a bullet, eyes shining as he looked at the view. He smiled down at Dipper and for a second Dippers heart stopped beating, he saw no demon flying there, only an angel, a free angel, his angel.

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