Agent4.5!Emperor X Agent4!Reader (Part 1)

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You were called by Callie and Marie, apparently, some unreformed octolings were causing the squidbeak splatoon some worry. You put on your hero hoodie and headset while slipping on your hero snow boots, you grabbed your keys and exited your apartment. You took the route through the back of your house because nobody would see you, but the trip was a little longer.

The trip to tentakeel outpost was longer than you expected it to be, with the routes that would have made it faster being blocked off. Marie gave you an earful for being late but you and Callie laughed at Marie for being too uptight. You caught a glance at someone standing by the practice dummies, they were dressed like an agent, but you didn't recognize them as one. He had short, yellow tentacles, in a style that you have never seen before, 3 tentacles we're swept to the side and one was hanging down like the hipster haircut, he also had narrow, yellow eyes and pale skin, he looks sort of intimidating. Marie introduced you to the newest agent, Agent 4.5, you thought that it was funny that his name was Agent 4.5 instead of agent 7, because the squidbeak didn't have an Agent 7 yet.

You two introduced yourselves and seemed to get along pretty well, you could tell that he was overconfident and maybe a little full of himself, but you didn't mind. After your introduction to each other, Marie explained in more detail what you two would be doing. "Many armed octolings have escaped the metro and are now trying to get to Inkopolis, and it's your job to stop them!" Marie explained to you, "They should be far from here, try looking near Beaker's Depot". You and Agent 4.5 nodded at Marie's instructions and super jumped to Beaker's Depot.

Once you two arrived, you two saw the place was covered in dark purple ink, and not the normal splatters, it was all over the walls and floor. "The octarians have definitely been here.." You said quietly "Stay behind me, I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Agent 4.5 told you with a wink. You blushed a little but turned your head away, "I have been an agent longer than you have been Agent 4.5" you told him, emphasizing the .5. You heard something drop over behind you that apparently 4.5 couldn't hear. You turned around but nothing was there, you threw an autobomb and it locked onto something, you readied your hero (F/W) and something came launching at you.

You defeated it no problem, but the Octolings knew that you knew where they were hiding, so they decided to gang up on you. You and the Octarians got into a heated battle, they were easy to take down, but the amount of them made it overwhelming, one of them managed to take your weapon and headset then held you hostage, they hurt you a little but you did think it was serious, just a scratch. The squabbling seemed to attract Agent 4.5 and once he saw you being held hostage, he felt a rage inside, he managed to take out the one holding you hostage, and you got your weapon and started splitting octolings left and right while standing back to back. "Hey! You're pretty good for a newbie 4.5!" you teased "Please, call me Emperor" he told you while taking out a couple dozen octolings.

Soon, Agent 3 and 3.5 came and started to help you out, Callie and Marie must have gotten worried when your headset got knocked off. With agent 3 and 3.5 there, it went by a lot quicker, there were still octolings surrounding you left and right, but it was easier to take them out. Soon the octolings had stopped showing up and you all went back to Tentakeel outpost. Marie congratulated your successful mission and told you two to go relax, she had another mission for you and Emperor to do but she decided that it would be best for 3 and 3.5 to do it. You and Emperor started to walk away when your leg started hurting, so you chose to limp instead and apparently, Emperor noticed this.

"Agent 4? Are you okay, you appear to be limping" Emperor said with concern but you reassured him that you were fine. He didn't believe that and made it clear that he didn't, he picked you up and you were blushing hard and sweating bullets. "U-um where are you taking m-me.?" You said with a shaky voice, "To my home, you are injured and it needs to be treated" Emperor said sternly. You let him carry you to his home, his arms we're comfy and you snugged into them a little but Emperor didn't mind, all he was focused on, was getting you to his home safely and treating your wound.


I have wanted to do one of these agent stories for a while, so now I have done one! I hope you like it! Part 2 will be out in a couple of days!

Word count: 859

Lots of love


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