Mask X Intimidating!Emotionless!Fem!Reader

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Mask was sitting at the crust bucket on his phone, trying to get a new high score on one of his favorite games. He heard some chatter from behind him and looked up to see a mysterious Cephalopod in a black hoodie with the hood up. They were holding a huge dynamo roller, it was twice their size but they seemed to be holding it fine.

The cephalopod took their hood down and revealed a female cephalopod with I/C tentacles styled into a nice H/S, her S/C skin looked amazing as the sun shone onto it. Mask was a bit surprised about the cephalopod that was across the square and even questioned taking off his mask to get a better look at the girl.

"Look! It's Y/n! I heard that she was banned from the square for a couple years for causing major damage to another player!" Said an inkling from behind him.

"Oh yea.? I heard that she hurt her teammates so bad, that all of them had to quit turf wars!" Another said.

Mask was confused, sure she was sort of intimidating with her mysterious nature and dynamo roller, but he wasn't sure that she was that aggressive. The cephalopod looked over at the inklings behind him and gave them a death glare which intimidated them into leaving. The cephalopod went into the deca tower to find a random match and mask decided to wait for her to come back out and then talk to her.

After he came up with his plan, he questioned himself. Why did he care? Why did he want to talk to her? Those questions crossed his mind a couple of times but then he decided to not flood his mind with questions he didn't know the answer to and continue playing his game.

After a couple of hours of playing multiple games on his phone, he has heard a lot more rumours about the I/C cephalopod and none of them were very pretty. He suddenly noticed a huge dynamo roller coming out of the deca tower and the bearer of this dynamo roller was non other than the cephalopod he had seen earlier, also known as Y/n. Mask got up from his seat and made his way over to Y/n, trying to not to make himself look desperate.

Y/n took the quickest exit that she could and left to go home since it was getting pretty late and she wanted to be alone for a bit. Little did Y/n know, she had dropped her ID while trying to leave the plaza, but Mask noticed and picked up her ID then rushed over to try and catch her. Y/n was still walking pretty fast, she had her dynamo roller over her shoulder to intimidate anyone who thought about messing with her.

"Heyy you're Y/n.? Rightttt?" Mask yelled out to Y/n.

Y/n turned her head to face the unknown inkling and nodded, she kept a tight grip on her roller just in case he tried anything funny.

"I'm Maskkkkkkk, you droppedddddd your ID" Mask said while pulling out the ID card.

"thank you.." Y/n said while taking the card and shoving it back into her pocket. She began to walk back home again

"Waitttt!" The cyan inkling shouted. "I have a questionnnn for youuuuuu."

Y/n turned around and decided to answer his question, I mean she was thankful for bringing her back her ID, she couldn't participate in turf wars without it, so she supposed she could answer a question. She nodded to Mask to ask his question.

"Areeee the rumourssssss trueeeee?, and of not, whyyyyy did they starttttt?" Mask asked while putting his hand into a raptor pose.

"none of them are true for the most part... people twist things that happen to weirdos like me to make it out like their the bad guy... for example, the one about me hurting my teammates so bad that they had to quit? the left because they were tired of being associated with me and having a bad reputation" Y/n explained with a tough voice.

Mask understood Y/n to the fullest. When he started getting popular through the S4, lots of rumours spread about him as well because he was a weirdo to most. He spoke like no other, had unrealistic goals like defeating an opponent without swinging his roller once and he would fidget a lot with his hands but time passed and he was accepted by inkopolis as being one of the strongest in the S4 and was even a role model to some.

Y/n began to walk off and Mask let her, it was weird, but he didn't want to disturb her anymore after what she told hit but it seemed like she needed to get it off her chest and try to make someone understand her. Y/n seemed emotionless but he could tell she was just like him, an outcast, but that changed for him when he met his team, maybe it could change for her if she met the correct team.

Mask watched as the I/C Cephalopod walked off, he had an idea to stop the rumours and make her come out of her shell. As he walked home, a million questions suddenly flooded his mind, am I really going to do this? She didn't ask for my help so should I? Do I feel sorry for her or is it because I admire her? Admire? Do I admire this girl? Is it because of her strength or her beauty?

Beauty.? Wait...

Is she beautiful? Is this what it means to be attracted to someone? Is this what it means to have romantic feelings for someone? Do I like this girl? We have only just met so am I rushing to conclusions?

All of these thoughts swirled through his head and his face got warmer by the thought but all he could do at the moment was let them go. He didn't want to but there was nothing else he could do, he is walking home, by himself with Y/n God knows where. Mask had a plan he would get to know her a little and then try to find her a good team where she will be happy, because that is all he wants. Is for her, to finally be happy.


Yay I'm done! Idk if I'm doing the emotionless thing right but I think it's pretty neat.

Word count:1111

Lots of love


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