Emperor X Childhood Friend!Fem!Reader

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Y/n was out with her good friend Aloha and his team for the day, she didn't have anything important to do and neither did they so they all were just goofing off. She was somewhat new to Inkopolis square, she knew her way around the city pretty well but she had never battled at the square before even though she had been meaning to. Aloha proceeded to get up and check his phone for the time.

"Yo, y/n, there's a party in like an hour at my place, Wanna come?" Aloha said looking up from his phone

Y/n thought for a second and then agreed, it seemed fun and a great way to make some more friends since Team Pink were her only friends at the moment.

"Great! I gotta get everything ready, so see you at the party!" Aloha said with a smile as he walked off. She decided to go home to get ready for the party.

After arriving home, Y/n proceeded to get ready with a nice, F/C dress top and an I/C sweater over top, some black jeans and white and F/C Flats. She looked in the mirror and tidied her I/C tentacles, making them look presentable. She looked down at a small necklace that was on the vanity and took it and opened it to see a picture of her and her childhood best friend, an inkling named Emperor, but he had to move away for his family's business. Y/n closed the necklace and wore it around her neck, she checked the time to see that it was almost time for the party, she grabbed a bag and put her phone and keys in it and walked out the door.

After a few minutes of walking, she arrived at Aloha's place, it wasn't very far from her place so it took about 5 minutes to get there and she could hear the music blasting very loud from inside, she sorta felt bad for his neighbors. Y/n knocked on the pink door and a somewhat drunk Aloha opened the door and welcomed her to the party. There were tons of Inklings and Octolings gathered around where the music was playing and some of them she even recognized like the rest of team pink and team orange.

Aloha took off her jacket and grabbed her shirt then dragged her over to team pink and when they all saw her, they hugged her and welcomed her to the party. Octoglasses grabbed Y/n by the shirt and dragged her over her to the kitchen quickly and as soon as Y/n was dragged to the kitchen, Octoglasses was gone. Y/n looked over her shoulder and Octoglasses came back with some lemonade since she knew that Y/n wasn't planning on drinking that night, she gladly accepted the drink and chatted with Octoglasses.

Suddenly, a loud chatter came from the living room and Y/n turned to where the chatter came from and so did Octoglasses, they both saw a huge crowd form around one certain spot. Octoglasses suggested they investigate what has made everyone gather and Y/n agreed so they both walked towards the crowd. Octoglasses pushed her and Y/n's way through the crowd and when they reached the front Y/n couldn't believe who she was looking at.

"E-Emperor?!" Y/n whispered to herself

"Huh? You know him?" Octoglasses replied, overhearing Y/n's reaction.

Y/n pulled out her locket and opened it to reveal a picture of her and Emperor when they were just little squiddo's and showed it to Octoglasses.

"Oooooh! So he's your childhood friend?!" Octoglasses asked.

"L-Looks like him..." Y/n Replied.

Emperor turned around and looked at Y/n and Octoglasses speaking and noticed that Y/n stood out, he recognized her. Emperor took out a locket from underneath his jacket and opened it up to see a picture of him and his childhood friend, he looked at the I/C Cephalopod and suddenly realized who he was looking at.

"Y/n.?" Emperor asked

Y/n looked up from her locket and slightly blushed after locking eyes with the sun yellow inkling. Y/n nodded, confirming that she was Y/n and Emperor smiled at this.

"Excuse the king for a moment, I have someone I need to speak with" stated the sun yellow inkling.

Emperor took Y/n's hand and lead her outside into the backyard and surprisingly, it was empty but it was also littered with cans and snack bags. The sky was a royal but stars shattered the sky making it bright and the wind was soft but you could still tell a breeze was picking up. Emperor looked down at a frightening Y/n and smirked a little, noticing her worry.

"So Y/n, how have you been since I left?" Emperor asked

"I-It has been pretty good, I moved to the square about 2 months ago and made a couple of friends," Y/n said looking down at her feet. "What about you? I heard you say that you are now the king?" Y/n questioned.

Emperor explained all of his victories and all the tournaments he had won, he explained all about his team and his rank and that everyone viewed him as the king of the turf war. Emperor told her about how one loss changed him for the better and has adapted to a better style of battling.

"You always told me you wanted to have the best turf war team and be the best player. It looks like you got your wish! I'm happy for you Emp." Y/n stated while slightly giggling.

Emperor slightly chuckled and remember how much he liked Y/n as a child, he remembered him thinking it would only be a phase but he remembered how sweet and kind the girl could be and he accepted that he wanted to protect her. He slightly blushed and turned away for a moment before looking back at Y/n slightly shivering from a newfound cold breeze that had picked up while they were talking.

Emperor took off his jacket and placed it onto Y/n to keep her warm, Y/n blushed when the jacket made contact with her and Y/n looked up at Emperor and thanked him, her soft voice thanking him made him blush and smile as he nodded at her.

"Hey Y/n? What was your wish again? I remember you kept changing it." Emperor chuckled on the last bit.

"Oh, I think it was just to have a happily ever after" Y/n answered while putting her arms through the jacket's sleeves.

"A happily ever after you say.?" Emperor questioned, "I can give you that."

Y/n blushed pretty hard at that last bit and Emperor noticed, he smirked and thought this was an perfect opportunity to amaze her with his charm.

"W-what is that supposed to mean?" Y/n questioned with a dark I/C blush on her face.

"This is what I mean" Emperor stated as he put his lips on hers while kissing her softly, trying to leave a good impression. Y/n blushed even harder when she realized what was happening, she kissed back by instinct and Emperor was somewhat surprised by it, due to the kiss being out of the blue. Emperor deepened the kiss and Y/n seemed to enjoy it, so he kept going, he had been wanting to do this ever since he found out that he was moving away, he truly loved Y/n.

Emperor pulled apart from Y/n and put his hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead. Y/n giggled and blushed at Emperor, she was surprised that her childhood friend that she had liked for the longest time, would like her back. Y/n leaned her head onto Emperor's shoulder and snuggled into him and Emperor wrapped his arm around her and put his head on her head, snuggling her as well as they both watched the stars together.


Woo yeah I got this out, this was really fun to do, I wanted to try some real lovey-dovey stuff so this was born, I hope you all like it!

Word count: 1395

Lots of love


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