Rider X Fem!Shy!Reader

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Y/n was a very shy squid/octo. She went out of her way to avoid talking to people because of her shyness and because of this she didn't have very many friends, She had a couple though, Like BF/N. BF/N had been her childhood best friend since they were just little squiddo's. They have been on the same turf war team since they could battle, along with 2 other friends named TM/1 and TM/2.

Y/n was walking across a river to get to Inkopolis Square to meet her team for her match against Rider's team yellow-green, oh boy she was nervous. She had only talked to him a couple of times in the past but that was enough for her to develop a crush on the yellow-green inkling, the way his yellow-green eyes pierced through her E/C ones made her melt. 

Suddenly she heard her phone ring from inside her jacket pocket, she took it out to only see it was BF/N, She answered it only to hear BF/N's worried voice. "Um, Y/n where are you?" BF/N said "I-I'm taking the route by the river but d-don't worry, I'm almost t-there. Y/n stuttered "Why.?" "Because Rider's team came early, and they are getting impatient," BF/N said worryingly "O-Oh um, I will be right there!" Y/n stated. As Y/n hung up the phone she made a mad dash for inkopolis, she wasn't far but she didn't want to keep Rider waiting for too long. 

She entered inkopolis and saw BF/N, TM/1, and TM/2 standing in front of the deca tower with Rider's team, She ran up to BF/N and greeted herself to the rest of the team with a shy smile and a wave. They all entered a Turf war match and The stage was Starfish Mainstage, Y/n readied her W/n and at the sound of the whistle, everyone was off. Y/n took the right side of the stage, Inking it with I/C Ink, she swam to the side and jumped the gap, making sure she wasn't seen. She Inked a little enemy turf but stopped when she saw Stealth Goggles walk towards the ink, She jumped back to her side and swam off. 

Once she thought she was out of sight, she revealed herself and took a breather, but unlucky for her, someone saw her, someone that she didn't and did want to see, Rider. Rider started to fling ink at her so by instinct she started inking back, while Rider's dynamo roller was getting ready to fling some more ink at her, she managed to splat him. She stood there for a second trying to process what happened but after a few seconds, she inked all of her turf back and ran back to the middle to ink more turf. 

The match ended and the score looked about even so they went over to Judd and Lil, Judd for the results, The kitties held up an I/C Flag and announced that Team I/C was the winner. The team cheered and they all went in for a group hug over their victory. The player stats were announced and Y/n inked the most turf. After a mini celebration and lots of compliments, Rider left his team and walked up to Y/N's team. Y/n walked to the back of the team to avoid embarrassing herself in front of him.

Rider just casually congratulated them on their victory, Y/n came up to the front and Rider noticed this so he took the opportunity to talk to her. "Good match Y/n, we should battle again," Rider said, Y/n blushed heavily and nodded in response. Rider took out a piece of paper and handed it to Y/n, Y/n looked at it and it was a phone number, "So we can talk later..." Rider explained. Y/n noticed a slight blush on the inklings face and then Rider averted his eyes from her and walked off towards his team. Rider's team seemed to tease him about the interaction and he seemed embarrassed about it, so he just walked off. 

Y/n looked at the phone number and smiled, "Hey, how about some victory lunch, Its all on me!" BF/N said with a giant smile on her face, TM/1 and Tm/2 agreed but Y/n took out a food ticket and said that she would pay for her own. Y/n, BF/N, TM/1, and TM/2 sat down and started eating their lunch talking about the match but all that was on Y/N's mind was Rider.


O H, this is my first splatoon fanfic so I hope it's not bad. Requests are open so please give me your requests!

Word count: 769

Lots of love


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