Gloves X Fem!Caring!Reader

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Gloves came out into the living room with a handful of old video games and consoles that he played when he was younger, of course, they weren't cool now, but they were the shit when he was younger. Y/n was amazed at what Gloves had and what he grew up with, she remembered that she always wanted to try some of those games so Gloves got out all of his old consoles and games.

"Wow, Gloves! These are so cool! I can't believe you grew up with this" Y/n said amazed at everything he had.

"Of course it's cool! These were the craze when I was in school so I had to get on the trend! I was the most popular at my school!" Gloves stated proudly

"I'm not surprised you were very popular. I mean your so cool of course you were popular!" Y/n complimented with a slight giggle.

Gloves' face turned a bright green when she said that. He didn't get very many compliments like that so he was flustered about it. He scratched the back of his head and chuckled from embarrassment, Y/n giggled along with him, thinking he was cute. Something hard hit the window and made a large bang, when Y/n and Gloves looked over to the window, the saw a large chunk of snow that hit the window pretty hard.

They both looked at each other and heard more snow chunks hit different windows in the house. Y/n looked over to one of the windows and saw that it was unable to be seen out of due to the snow. Y/n walked towards Gloves' front door and tried to open it, but she didn't have any luck.

"Well, guess I have to spend the night since there is no way I can get out, let alone walk home. I hope that's alright" said Y/n.

"No no, it's totally cool Y/n! We can hang out until the snowstorm dies down." Gloves reassured her.

Just after Gloves said that a loud crash was heard and all of the lights turned out suddenly. Y/n gave out a tiny scream out of shock but Gloves still heard it and rushes to Y/n's side to comfort her. After Y/n was calm, she sweetly smiled at Gloves which made his face turn bright green, he tried to hide it with his arm and faking a cough but that didn't really help. Y/n looked over at Gloves but he turned his head in the opposite direction to avoid an embarrassing situation.

"Gloves? Are you alright.? Your face is a little green..." Y/n questioned Gloves

Gloves' face got greener when she mentioned his blush, he tried to think of an excuse on the spot and told her "I-it's the snowstorm outside! M-my face always gets green when there is an extreme snowstorm!". Y/n looked at Gloves as he scratched his head. Y/n looked at Gloves with her sweet eyes and nodded as she believed the lie and she walked to the stairs then went up them.

Gloves sighed in relief and tried to get the neon green blush off of his face and managed to tone down the blush on his face and that's when Y/n came back downstairs with a blanket and pillows for Gloves.

"Woah Woah Woah! What is this for Y/n!?" Gloves questioned as his blush grew a little more.

"Since you said that your green face is from the snowstorm, you might be sick, so I brought you some pillows and a blanket to keep you warm!" Y/n cheerfully said.

Y/n proceed to wrap Gloves in the blanket and tuck him in on the couch, Gloves told her that he was fine and didn't really need this but she insisted that she must. Once Gloves was tucked in, Y/n checked that her downloaded music worked and when she realized it did, she put on some tunes for him to listen to. After the music was playing, Y/n walked into the kitchen and told Gloves that she was going to try and find something for him to eat.

After Y/n did all of this for him, he felt a sudden feeling of confidence that he never had before, he felt like he could confess his feelings to the girl he longed for since he really got to know her. Gloves was in mid-thought when he heard a loud crash from his kitchen and immediately got off the couch and rushed over to his kitchen. When he entered the kitchen he saw Y/n on the floor rubbing her head like something had hit her, Gloves got on the floor and began checking Y/n for any major injuries.

"Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay?! Are you in any major pain?! What happened.!" Gloves began frantically asking the cephalopod

"Yeah! I'm okay really! When I was trying to get a bowl from a high shelf, I accidentally knocked over the pots in the cupboard, I'm so sorry about that!" Y/n explained to the worried inkling. "But what about you?! Your sick because of this storm and should get back to the couch."

"Um w-well, I-I'm not really sick..." Gloves admitted to her.

"W-what do you mean? Your face was all green! That's got to be a sign of a cold!".Y/n stated.

"W-well I don't have a cold, the real reason my face was all green is that.. um..." Gloves paused as he tended up, all the confidence he had before vanished into thin air and left him looking like an idiot in front of the person he didn't want to look like an idiot in front of.

"I-I really like you..." Gloves finally managed to spit out "I didn't want to make a complete fool of myself by actually telling the truth, so I made up that lie about the snowstorm to cover it up"

Once his words came out of his mouth, he instantly regretted them. Gloves covered his mouth like he didn't mean to say that and his face turned a bright green again. Y/n's face also turned a bright I/C and realized what he just said, Gloves said that he liked her. Her hands went straight to her mouth as the shook.

"D-Do you really mean it Gloves.?" Y/n questioned

Gloves nodded shyly and closed his eyes in fear when he felt Y/n immediately grabbed his shoulders and hug him. Gloves opened his eyes and tried to realize what was happening. Did she like him? Was she doing this out of pity? All the outcomes for this situation spiraled through head and he wanted to know her answer.

"To be honest, I really like you to Gloves..!"

When she spoke, her voice took him out of his trance and then he realized what she said and he scooped her up into his arms and laughed out in joy, Y/n laughed along with him and kissed him on his forehead. Gloves set her down and he held her softly in his arms, swaying around lazily. Gloves guided Y/n back to the couch after they were done and cuddled her with care.


Yay, another chapter is done! I don't have much to say about this other than that I hope you enjoyed it!

Word count: 1255

Lots of love


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