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Lidia stared intently at the glowing laptop on her desk at the Miami City Ballet. A long string of unanswered emails filled the screen. She sighed as she scrolled through them before selecting one to read. A soft rap at her door interrupted her before she was able to get wrapped up in her work.

"Come in."

Alex entered Lidia's office, wearing the same clothes that she had been wearing the day before. Bags under her eyes indicated that she hadn't slept much. Lidia smiled at her, but a kind of motherly concern mixed with her enjoyment of Alex's visit.

"It's good to see you," Lidia said as she motioned to a chair. "I wanted to talk to you about last night."

"Is Jason here?" asked Alex abruptly.

"I wanted to apologize for how things went after dinner."

"I think I left my bag in Jason's car. I really need to find him."

Lidia's demeanor shifted as she examined Alex's appearance more closely. Her clothes and hair were disheveled and she looked exhausted.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "Jason dropped you off alright?"

"We went dancing and then to the beach. That bag is all I have right now." Alex was near to her breaking point and Lidia could tell.

"Can you please just tell me where he is?" Alex asked.

Lidia stood and moved towards Alex, protectiveness flared up in her for this girl whom she barely knew, but was here anyway, in her office. This girl who had nothing and was so distraught. This girl who reminded her so much of herself and her friend Chantelle when they were young dancers trying to make their way in the world. But they had support, Alex was alone.

"He should be in class. Second floor, room 207," she answered. "If he bothered to show up."


Alex nearly leapt out of her chair, but before she could get to the door Lidia had a hand gently placed on her shoulder. Alex stopped and Lidia slowly turned her around face-to-face, then wrapped her arms around her in a hug. Speechless, Alex didn't struggle to get away, but she didn't respond either. "Whatever it is you're going through," Lidia said, "you'll get through it." Alex hadn't been embraced by a women in that way in years and she was unprepared for the flood of emotions it elicited within her. What was she supposed to do? This was all so... Lidia rubbed Alex's back, "Everything will be alright."

Confused, Alex felt smothered by the embrace and at the same time comforted. Finally, Lidia let go and looked her in the eye, "Room 207."

 Alex watched through a window in the door to room 207. A group of dancers practiced a routine. It didn't take long for her to spot Jason.

She watched as he leapt, as he lifted a ballerina and carried her across the floor, and as he strode purposefully and gracefully. She couldn't help but imagine herself dancing with him. His hands around her waist. She felt the searing heat of his touch from the night before when they connected so deeply on the dance floor at The Pendulum.

She watched as the ballerina he practiced with watched him too, enthralled; devouring him with her eyes.

His techniques were impeccable, but there was no passion in his movement. Nothing primal like last night. His dance felt empty. She was overwhelmed with sadness as she watched the dancers practice. Until Jason spotted her through the door. Their eyes met and he immediately stopped, excused himself and ran over. The ballerina stared as he exited the room and her glare bored into Alex. But Jason was oblivious, a smile crept across his face as he entered the hallway and shut the door behind him.

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