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The Pendulum was a different place during the day. Gone was the loud music. Sweaty bodies under hot lights were no longer on display. The cold concrete floor was swept clean and the tables all had their chairs stacked on them upside down. And it was bigger than Alex had realized any other time. As far as practice spaces went, this one worked.

She and Jason stood in the center of the dance floor staring at each other awkwardly until she finally broke the silence, "So, what did you have in mind?"

He shrugged and smiled at her, "I haven't gotten that far yet. Any ideas?"

"You don't even have an idea?" She asked, "Not one?"

He shook his head. "The only reason I'm doing this is for you."

"You're doing this for me?"

He nodded.

"Not so you can graduate and make you parents proud."

He ran a hand through his hair and looked at the ground.

"Fine. Then let's put on some music."

He looked at her as she strode over to the bar and powered the sound system on. She hit play and a hot, Latin rhythm spilled forth from the speakers.

"That's better." She strode toward him allowing her hips to sway as she placed one foot in front of the other until she was within arm's reach. She put her hand on his chest and started to push him backwards. He moved with her for a moment, then pushed back. Her arm gently collapsed and they were pressed against each other. Their legs stepped in sync, but they kept their hands off of one another. Their faces were so close together they could feel each other's breath on their skin. Eyes locked together, they moved across the floor. Jason inched closer and their lips brushed as Alex turned her head to the side.

She put a finger across his lips as his hands found her waist and slid down to her hips. He spun her, caught her close, and pulled her across the floor. She caressed his face until he turned and began to walk away. A few more steps and she leapt onto his back, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

They spun together. They stalked each other. They flew through the air in magnificent leaps. Glistening with sweat and out of breath, they sat on the concrete floor. Jason's fingers rested atop Alex's and he looked into her eyes, drinking in every bit of her. She felt herself getting lost in his gaze; enraptured. She took a deep breath, "That seems like a good start."

He nodded.

"Let's take a little break then get back to it."

"We can do more tomorrow," he said.

She smiled at him and shook her head. "This has to be perfect. And we don't have much time."

"What did I get myself into?"

Alex stood and pulled Jason to his feet.

"Again," she commanded.

"I need a little more of a break than that," he protested. "Fifteen minutes?"


He sighed and took up his starting position as Alex hit play one more time.


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