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Lidia, José, Alex, and Jason decorate a Christmas tree. Alex rifles through a box packed with newspaper wrapped ornaments. As she unwraps them and passes them to Lidia, Lidia tells her little stories about each one. Alex unwraps an ornament of an old-fashioned rocket ship and passes it to Lidia.

"I remember this one," Lidia said. "Jason, do you remember?" She shows him the ornament.

He shook his head.

"It was from when you were about 8 years old. You were obsessed by Ziggy Stardust. You'd run around the house singing Major Tom."

"Four, three, two, one..." José began the singing countdown.

Jason gave his dad the evil eye and Alex chuckled.

"I'm so glad we get to do this," Lidia continued. "I feel like I haven't seen either of you for more than a few minutes since you've been back."

"We've been busy," Jason replied.

"I know. I'm just happy you're here now."

"You've both been working so hard on this showcase," José added.

Alex jumped in, "You're going to come watch, right?"

"We wouldn't miss it."

"We're expecting great things," Lidia said as she draped lights around the tree.

Alex smiled, "It's definitely going to be something you've never seen before."

"Should I be worried?"

Jason quickly interjected, "Alex put it all together."

"There have been some pretty innovative pieces that have come out of the student showcase over the years. I'm excited to see what you've come up with."

"This is definitely innovative," Alex said with a grin.

José placed the star on the top of the tree, "You're mother's not going to regret bending the rules, is she Jason?"

He shook his head.

Alex replied, "We would never put you at risk like that."

Lidia patted Alex's hand, "He was just being playful, dear." She gave her husband a cautious look. "Have you decided what you're going to do after the showcase?"

Alex shook her head as she wheeled back from the tree to get a good look, "I've been so focused on this and my physical therapy that I haven't given it much thought."

"There are some great universities around here," José added.

Alex nodded, "Once my parent's house sells, I'll look into getting my own place."

"I didn't mean..." José stammered. Lidia put her hand on her husband's shoulder and addressed Alex, "We want you to know you're welcome here for as long as you'd like to stay."

"Thank you, for everything," Alex responded and an awkward silenced ensued until Jason changed the topic.

"I'm looking forward to a break after tomorrow night. Maybe some beach time. What do you think, Alex?"

She smiled at him, grateful for the distraction, "That would be perfect."

Lidia and José exchanged a knowing glance.

"Are you two officially dating?" José taunted.

Alex flushed red and Jason stammered, "C'mon dad..."

"Are you?" Lidia added.

"It's not like it's a secret," Jason said.

"You just never told us is all," replied Lidia.

"Yes," Alex answered, "officially."

"Good," said Lidia. She gave Alex a great hug as José watched and smiled.


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