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Alex wheeled into the kitchen where Jason sat writing on some paper he had found. He was so focused that he didn't notice Alex come in, until she spoke.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"I was inspired to write a poem."

"But we're not in a bus station."

"I know, weird, right?" He smiled and put his pen down.

Alex glanced at the paper with words scrawled across it, scribbles, words slashed and replaced, arrows and circles. "You really work at it, don't you?"

Jason nodded.

"Can I read it?"

He shook his head, "You wouldn't be able to make heads or tails of it like this," he said. "But I'll read it to you."

He picked up the paper and cleared his throat, "Roses are red. Violets are blue-"

"Ha ha," Alex scoffed. "Seriously, let me read it."

"I was just warming up. This has to be done right."

He straightened his posture and held the paper in front of him so that it hid his face from hers. And he began...

"My mind is enchanted by God's greatest design,

She's fashioned in beauty and elegance refined.

Embraced by the joyous, rapturous sound,

Of angelic laughter unheavenly bound.

Spellbound I follow the brightest star in my sight,

She lights my way in the darkest of night.

Until gathered beneath the warm morning sun,

We tell of the stories not yet begun.

And hold forth a love that defines our life,

Enraptures our soul and conquers our strife."

"Wow," Alex said as she sat stunned for a moment, letting his words sink in. "You don't know me at all."

Jason smiled, "You liked it then?"

"I liked it. Though I think you're crazy."

"You wouldn't be the first."

Alex bit her lower lip as she worked up the courage to speak. She had been having such a wonderful time these past days with Jason that she didn't want it to end. But she knew it had to. They couldn't go on like this. Soon the reality of the world would intrude, uninvited and things would be miserable again. She couldn't stay here. He couldn't stay here. He'd be bored in no time and be dying to leave, but he'd never say it. No, it wouldn't be fair to him.

He could tell she was deep in thought about something and did what any good boyfriend should do, "What's up?"

"We have to go back."

"What are you talking about?"

"Miami. We have to go back."

"There's no rush." Jason shrugged.

"There is. You've got a showcase to do."

He shook his head, "That was for you. I don't care about that."

"I won't be the reason you don't graduate," she stared at him defiantly. "And I've been thinking... I know you don't want to do ballet. And I can't dance like this. Not in the traditional way at least."

"What do you mean, not in the traditional way?" Jason perked up. He loved a good challenge and was always up for something different.

"I was thinking about ice skaters and how they glide across the ice and they do these dance moves and jumps and throws. And, well, I can't jump. But this chair could glide."

"Wait a minute. You still want to be my dance partner?"

"I looked it up on Youtube," Alex explained. "People do it. Wheelchair dancing. And it's beautiful."

"Wheelchair dancing. Do I need to be in a chair too?"

She shook her head.

"But that won't get you into the school."

"Ever since my Mom died, I've focused only on only one thing; being who I thought she wanted me to be. Making her proud of me. But you know what I think would make her most proud?"

Jason waited.

"Not letting this define me. It's what happened to me, but it's not who I am. And it's not going to hold me back. And I'm going to help you be who you want to be. And for that, we need to go to Miami."

"You can't bring your mother back this way."

"I'm not trying to," she said. "I'm going to dance with you at your showcase so that everyone can see that there's more to who you are than ballet."

"By dancing in the showcase?" he said. "That seems a little backwards."

"Trust me. I have an idea."


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