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Lidia sat at her desk, typing on her computer as a soft knock disrupted her data input.

"Come in."

The door swung open and Jason pushed Alex in her wheelchair into the office. Lidia's eyes lit up at the sight of them and she leapt to her feet, crossed the room, and had them in an embrace before Jason had fully crossed the threshold.

"You're back!"

Alex smiled broadly.

"Hi, Mom," said Jason, his words muffled by her squeeze.

Lidia pulled away and wiped a tear from her eye.

"Are you crying?" asked Jason. "We were only gone a couple of weeks."

"I wasn't sure you were coming back." She moved aside so they could fully enter her office and close the door. "Were you able to take care of everything you needed too?"

Alex nodded.

"Almost," said Jason. "We weren't able to practice for the showcase."

"You're running out of time."

"We know. But we don't have anywhere to practice anymore," he admitted. "They won't let us back where we were. Too much liability."

"We need your help," Alex said.

"What can I do?'

"Let us in, here. At night. When the studios aren't being used."

"But you're not a student. That's tricky."

"But, I am," said Jason. "And that's why we'd do it when no one's around. No questions."

"I'm not sure..."

"C'mon, Mom," Jason pleaded.

Alex begged with her eyes.

"I'm trusting you with my job here."

"We know. You won't regret it."

"Do I at least get to know what you're doing?"

Jason shook his head.

"We want it to be a surprise," said Alex.

Lidia took a deep breath, sighed heavily and nodded.


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