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Lidia and José sat at their dining room table playing a game of cards as Jason attempted to sneak into the house passed them. He marveled at how his parents could just enjoy being with each other without really doing anything. He wondered if that was what it was like to be old. If it was, then he didn't want to be old... unless it was with Alex. He paused and wondered why that idea just popped into his brain. He looked at his parents once more. They were content, happy even. He shook his head as he crept by, hoping they wouldn't notice him.

"Where have you been all day?" asked Lidia without taking her eyes off of her cards.


"You weren't in school," José mentioned casually as he drew a card.

"I was practicing for the Christmas showcase."

José and Lidia both put down their cards and looked at him.

"You entered?' his mother asked.

He nodded.

"Are you doing a solo?"

He shook his head, "I have a partner."

"Is it Joy?" asked José.

Jason shook his head, "Alex."

Lidia raised an eyebrow.

"Don't give me that look, Mom," Jason said.

"What look?"

"That one," he said, "the one that says surprise and suspicion all wrapped up together."

"Well, you've just never entered the showcase before."

"I know."

José patted his wife's hand as he spoke to his son, "You look tired."

Jason nodded, "Exhausted."

José nodded towards the bedrooms and Jason quickly disappeared. Lidia glared at her husband after their son had vanished.

"Why'd you let him go?" she demanded playfully.

"Don't interrogate the boy," he answered. "Be glad he wants to graduate. Even if it's for a girl."

"That's what I'm worried about... the girl."

José nodded, "I know."

"He doesn't have a great track record of things holding his interest for very long," she said. "Especially relationships. And Alex is... fragile."

"I know."

"Remember what happened when he dated Joy?"

"I know."

"I don't think he even wants to be a dancer anymore."

"I know."

"Then why'd you let him go?"

"Because he's our son," answered José. "And he's tired."

"So am I," said Lidia.

"I know," said José as he patted her hand again.


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