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Mi-Cha's POV
Hi my name is Mi-Cha, I'm 22 years old, some people call me a player but I think I just can't find the right guy. I don't know, maybe they're right. I don't care what people think of me. I'm so stressed out so tonight I'm going out maybe to a club or a bar. And if I happen to hook up with a guy then it'll be a bonus. I go to my room to change into my favourite dress, a short loose spaghetti strap  red dress with red stilettos. After I do my makeup I call a cab and head to the most popular bar in the city. When I enter a wave of memories take over me. It was a few months ago when I came in here last. I had just started talking to this one very attractive smooth talking guy, he took my hand and led me to the dance floor right as an upbeat song came on. I smile to myself then frown because that guy ended up being my boyfriend but he cheated on me with my best friend. I can't believe I actually fell for him. I shake it off and tell myself that I'm not gonna do that again. I make my way to the bar and order 3 shots of fireball whisky. I down them one after another. Then I order a corona and just sat there. A few minutes later a guy walked up to me and said "did it hurt when you fell from heaven cuz you're an angel" then he smirked at me. "wow, is that the best you got?" I say sarcastically. "Or is that how you pick up all the girls". He looked a bit taken back, now I'm the one that smirks. "I'm just saying you need some better pick up lines, unless you're planning on picking up some dumbass blonde who's stupid as shit". "Oo a tough bad girl, me likey". "Shut up dumbass I could beat the crap out of you but I'm not going to just to save you your pride and save your self esteem, they're the only things you got". "Hey I got looks and my pick of the ladies here so if all you're gonna do is waste my time then I'm gonna leave". "Fine by me" I say as I take a sip of my beer. As he walks off I say "Good luck getting a girl that can actually handle all that self esteem and stupidity". He turns around and gives me the middle finger but I set down my beer and give him 2 and say "right back at ya". Then he walks away, thank goodness.

I had a super busy day so I'm on my way to my favourite bar. When I walk in, the first thing I see is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but she was talking to another guy. The guy was walking away then she said something but I couldn't hear what she said. Then I saw him give her the finger and her giving him 2 fingers and smirking. I was like damn she's hot and playing hard to get, I like that in a women. I went to get a drink and sat down beside her. "Did you know that guy?" I asked her. "Nope he's just like every other guy I've met". "And what kind of guy is that exactly, if you don't mind me asking". "The same guys looking for the same thing" she said as she gestures to her body. "Oh, well what kind of guy are you looking for?" "Do you always ask this many questions to a person you don't even know?" "Sorry, my name is Kim Namjoon". "Mi-Cha". I shake her hand, it feels soft and warm and fits perfectly in my hand. For some reason I feel sad when she pulls her hand away. "So Mi-Cha can I buy you a drink?" "I was waiting for you to say that cuz I need a refill", she says while shaking her empty corona bottle and wearing a smile. Wow her smile is beautiful. I shake the thought from my head and order us 2 drinks. "So, are you new here cuz I know all the regulars and I've never seen you in here before". "I live in the city I just don't usually go to this bar, the last time I came here was a few months ago". "What a shame, what made you not come here anymore?" She looks down as if she's sad all of a sudden. "Sorry I don't mean to pry into your life, I'm asking way to many personal questions". "No it's ok, it's just I met my last boyfriend here and he cheated on me with my best friend so I never got up the courage to bring myself back here again". "Woah, that's rough". "It's not the first time, don't feel too sorry". I just sat there silently for a few seconds then she says "do you wanna dance with me?". "Sure". She takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. An upbeat song is playing. "This is my favourite song" she says. "Mine too". "Seriously!?" she says surprised. "Ya I mean why wouldn't I, this song is awesome". "I know right, I can't believe so many people don't know this song". "I know, whoever doesn't know this song is really missing out". "That's what I keep saying". We keep talking and laughing and dancing until we can't breathe and our feet ache. We head back to the bar for a drink. "Well that was fun" I said. "Ya it was, that was probably the most fun I've had in a long time". "Now that I don't believe" " why not?" she asks. "How can a beautiful girl like yourself not have more fun with someone else than hanging out with me?" I see her blush a bit. "Probably because your a really fun guy and there's not that many guys like you out there". Now I'm the one blushing a bit, she smiles at that. "You know what I think we should do?" she asks. "What?". "I think we should blow this place and do something more fun". "Like what?". "I don't know, maybe we'll figure it out while we start walking or call a cab". "Sure I'm game let's go". We grab our jackets a head out the door.

Sorry it wasn't the greatest this is my first time writing something like this, pls don't judge❣️💜

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