
34 1 4

Mi-Cha's POV
When we got to his car I stopped.
"Woah, nice car"
"Thanks". We get in and start driving. "So where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise" he said with a smirk.
"Oh come on, I am a very curious person"
"I'm not telling"
"Curiosity killed the cat"
"But you're not a cat"
"I'm as cute as one, so it still counts" he laughs at that.
"Well then you're just gonna have to wait" he said. I put on a pouty face. He laughs.
"Cute" he says.
"As a cat" I say. Giving him a cute smile. He blushes and smiles back.
"Oh come on, please tell me"
"No can do, but I can show you cuz we're here" he says. I look out the window and see a very fancy restaurant.
"Woah, you're taking me here?" I ask.
"This is the fanciest restaurant in town"
"I know"
"This place is super expensive"
"I know so can you please stop talking so we can go inside and eat, I thought you said you were hungry"
"I am" I said. So I shut up and we went inside. Once we were seated a waiter came by to take our order. A few minutes later we got our drinks. A few minutes after that we got our food.
"Wow this food is delicious" I say.
"Yes it is" he replies. When we're done eating we get get back in his car and drive away.
"Where are we going now?" I ask.
"You'll see" he says with a smile.
"Well wherever it is it's got you excited"
"Well lets just say it's one of my favourite places"
"Ok". After a while of driving he stops by a park. It was still light outside so I could see clearly. We get out of the car and star walking. "Seriously where are we going?"
"You'll see" he says mischievously. He continues walking and I follow him blindly. After walking for a bit he finally stops in a clearing. There were trees surrounding us except on one side where you can see the sun setting and there was a beautiful view of the city.
"It's beautiful" I say in awe.
"Yeah it is, it's not the prettiest thing I've seen but it's second best"
"What's prettier then this" I ask looking at him.
"You" he says with a big smile on his face really showing off his dimples. I punch him playfully.
"You are one of the cheesiest people I know and I know a lot of cheesy people" I tell him. He laughs a little.
"I'm come here whenever I need to think or clear my head, I like writing here too, it's so peaceful and quiet, it's easy to focus" he says.
"Do you bring a lot of people here?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"Nope, you're the first" he says to me.
"Well thank you for sharing this place with me" I say.
"No thank you for giving me someone to share it with"
"No problem" I say. "So why am I the only one you've shown this place to?"
"I had a feeling you would like this place"
"Yeah but why not show it to someone else, I've only known you for a few days"
"Yes and those are the best few days I've had in a long time" he says while looking at me. "And to answer your question, I haven't shown this place to anyone because I want to keep this place sacred and secret"
"Well thank you for letting me know about this place too" I say while smiling at him.

I lean down and kiss her softly on her lips. She kisses me back. When we pull away, we are both smiling. I link my hand with hers and we go to sit down on the bench that was there. We just sit there looking at the view and talking and laughing. A few minutes later Mi-Cha starts shivering.
"Are you cold?" I ask her. She nods. I take off my jacket and put it on her.
"Thank you" she says.
"You're welcome" I reply. Then we get up and head back to my car.
"Do you wanna go to my house?" I ask her.
"Just to tell you I share it with my band members and they're probably gonna be there"
"You told me you shared a house with them already"
"Oh well ok then"
"I think it will be nice to meet them"
"Yeah well they want to meet you that's for sure" I say while laughing a bit. She starts laughing too. When we arrive at my place I get out and walk around the car to open her door.
"Wow nice house" she says.
"Thanks" I say. We walk inside and into the living room where the guys were. They all turn our way when we enter the room.
"Is this her?" Jungkook asks while standing up.
"Yes, everyone this is my girlfriend Mi-Cha, Mi-Cha these are my band members Jin, Suga, J-hope, Jimin, V and Jungkook" I tell her as I point to each one. They all get up to shake her hand.
"So you're the mysterious girl this guy won't stop talking about" Jin says to her. She laughs at that and I look away blushing.
"Well I guess I am unless he's seeing another girl" she tells them.
"No no I'm not seeing anybody else" I quickly say.
"Does this guy have any sense of humor?" She asks them while trying not to laugh.
"Come on guys back me up, I have a sense of humor right?"
"Sorry man but we're gonna have to agree with the lady on this one" Suga says and everybody else nods their heads.
"Come on you guys are supposed to be on my side"
"Sorry dude" V says. Mi-Cha just laughs.
"See I told you" she tells me. I make a pouty face at them all.
"Oh come on cheer up" she tells me. I try to keep my pouty face but I just can't and a smile comes to my face when I look at her.
"See that's better" she says laughing.
"You know if you weren't so damn cute I would have been able to keep that pouty face on" I tell her.
"Well then it's a good thing I'm cute so I can keep you smiling" she tells me while giving me a cute smile which makes me smile even more.
"Ok this is getting to cheesy for me" Suga says. We all burst into laughter.
"You know Mi-Cha everything Namjoon has told us about you is actually true" Jungkook says.
"Yeah Namjoon you picked a good one this time" J-hope says. Mi-Cha blushes.
"Thank you" she says. We all sit down. There weren't enough chairs for us all to sit on.
"Here Mi-Cha you can sit on my lap" I told her. She blushes and sits down on my lap. The rest of the night we all stayed up talking and laughing.
"Hey what time is it?" Mi-Cha asks.
"It's 11:55pm why?"
"Just wondering"
"It's pretty late, do you want me to drive you home or do you want to spend the night here?" I ask her.
"Well my brother will probably worry or bring his girlfriend to my place and I don't have work tomorrow so what do you want me to do?" She asks me.
"Would you be ok sleeping here?"
"Definitely" she says and gives me a kiss.
"Ok ew" V says interrupting our kiss. Apparently they had all been watching and listening to everything we were saying. They nodded their heads in agreement. Me and Mi-Cha just laughed at that.

Hope u guys liked this chapter if u didn't I don't care. Please keep reading. PLEASE!❣️💜CYA

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