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Mi-Cha's POV
After we had finished there was only ten minutes for us to get ready.
"Joonie come on we gotta get ready" I tell him.
"Five more minutes" he says pulling me back on the bed. I get back up and get my clothes.
"We have ten minutes to get ready so I suggest you get your ass up right now unless you want me beat the crap out of you" I say. He shoots up from the bed. As we get ready in a rush, somehow we sneak a few kisses in between. I was in the bathroom finishing up my hair and makeup. I walk out and saw Joonie. Damn he looks fine as hell in everything. He looks up at me.
"Woah" he says looking me up and down.
"What?" I ask confused.
"You look hot" he tells me with wide eyes.
"Ok I get it now come on" I tell him blushing. We put our jackets on and head out to his car. We get to the guys house. Joonie comes and opens my door and helps me out of the car. When we knock, Jimin opens the door.
"You guys are late and Jin is freaking out"
"Sorry sorry" Joonie says.
"Yes we're sorry we're late we lost track of time" I tell him.
"Yah Joonie you can't keep it in your pants" Jimin says and shakes his head as he lets us in. Joonie laughs and I blush a deep red.
"Do I hear voices?" Jin says coming into view. "Get your butts in here my food is getting cold". We all laugh at him. He leads us into the dining room. The table is full of food.
"Woah Jin this is amazing" I tell him.
"I know, that's why nobody wants to be late, who would want this to spoil or get cold" Jin says.
"True so true, this is beautiful" I tell him.
"I know" Jin says cockily.
"Can we eat now?" Jungkook whines. We laugh.
"Yes we can" Jin smiles.
"Ok so where do I sit?" I ask Jin.
"Beside me" Mi-Soo says.
"Right here" Jungkook and Jimin say together.
"Here" Suga says. V waves wildly at me to sit there.
"Wherever you want" Jin says.
"Here here" says J-hope.
"Wherever you do sit I'm sitting right beside you" Joonie tells me. I laugh at them all trying to get me to sit by them.
"Sorry guys I think I'm gonna sit with my brother" I laugh. They all pout a bit as I sit down beside my twin. I see his girlfriend sitting on the other side of him.
"Hey jee nae" I say as I shake her hand.
"Hey Mi-Cha, how are you?"
"I'm good what about you?"
"I'm good" she says. I nod and smile at her. She smiles back. I sit down and Joonie comes and sits beside me. He leans over and whispers in my ear.
"You look sexy as fuck" he whispers. Then he kisses my cheek softly. I blush a deep red and smile. He smirks when he sees me blush.

Namjoon's POV
She looks so cute when she blushes. Her brother notices and laughs quietly. I smirk. We all sit down and start dishing up our food. Dinner was full of laughter and talking. After we finish eating we all go into the living room. The guys girlfriends all came over too. Everybody was getting to know each other. There were people sitting on the floor and girls sitting on laps. Mi-Cha insisted on helping Jin clean up. When he didn't let her she threatened him.
"I will break everything in this kitchen"
"No not my kitchen" Jin whines.
"Let me help and I won't harm anything" she says pointing a finger at him.
"Ok ok you can help"
"That's what I thought" she said smiling. She's so adorable. After they finished cleaning everything up, she came and sat with me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she sat on my lap. I nuzzled my face in her neck.
"Joonie come on" she says quietly as she lightly pushes me away.
"Yah Namjoon ah keep it in your pants, there are people around" Jin says to us. We all laugh.
"I don't know if I can" I say teasingly.
"Well you better cuz I am not doing that" Mi-Cha says. We all laugh. The night went on and it was full of talking and laughing. When it was very late we decided to open our presents. Everybody got a present from almost everybody. Mi-Cha got the most presents though considering she was in a coma.
"You guys are lucky" Mi-Cha says.
"Why?" All the guys ask her.
"I always do my Christmas shopping early" she says as she hands out her presents to the guys. When she finished passing them out, she sat back down and gave me mine. Then she kisses me on my lips.
"Here's yours" she says smiling.
"I don't think I need one other than you" I tell her which makes her blush. I smile. Then I try and open my present. Inside the box was a Rolex watch.
"Wow thanks babe" I tell her.
"Anything for my Joonie" she replies and kisses me again.
"Now can I give you my present" I ask her.
"Yeah why not" she says giggling. I stand up. Everybody was watching me.
"Mi-Cha ever since I saw you in that bar that night you've had my heart, you were always on my mind, you were always there for me when I needed you, you also saved me from my ex and other girls who tried to get me, the way you did that was kinda hot though" at the last part there were some laughs.
"When you were in that coma it broke my heart a little bit, the guys will agree that I was a pain in the ass to get to do things during that time" they all nodded their heads.
"Hell yeah you were" Suga says. We laugh at that.
"Mi-Cha you were always there for me and I want to be there for you and care for you for the rest of our lives, I love you so much" I say and I see that she has tears in her eyes. I get down on one knee and pull out a little box from my pocket. When I open it, she gasps and covers her mouth. She's crying.
"Mi-Cha would you like to deal with me being a pain in the ass and make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I ask her. Everybody is holding their breaths waiting for her answer.

Hello my lovely readers I'm back again with another update. Hope you like it. What will Mi-Cha say? Will she say yes or will she say no? Nobody knows(except me, duh). Anyway I will hopefully update again soon. Sorry if this book is really crappy. It's my first one so don't judge me. Byeee❣️💜

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