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Mi-Cha POV
I took his hand as we leave the bar. For some reason I feel something I've never felt before. I know I'm not drunk so it's not nausea. I don't know what it could be. I look at him and he's looking at me. "What?" I ask him. "Nothing" he says as he quickly looks away. I laugh a little. "What do you want to do?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asks. I stop and stand still for a few seconds. "Do you wanna go to my apartment?" "Sure", he sounds a bit nervous but he was wearing a smile to cover it up. "You ok?". "Huh? Oh, ya I'm fine". "Don't tell me you've never been inside another women's apartment". "Ok I won't tell you then" he says shyly. "Seriously!?". "Ya". "Wow, that's the first time I've ever heard that". "Really" he says. "Ya, like I said before all the guys I've met want the same thing which means they've done it before". He nods "So you've done it before?" He asks. "Ya, why? Does that bother you?". "What? No, not at all" he tries to brush it off. "Oh my god, it bothers you".  "N-no it doesn't". "It totally does" I laugh a bit at him and he starts laughing too. "So is that a yes or no on the going to my apartment?" I ask. "Definitely a yes" he says. I suddenly have a weird feeling in my stomach. Could I actually be falling for him already? No, I tell myself, as I push the feeling away I tell myself I already know how that will end, been there done that not gonna do that again. I smile at him and lead him to my place. "So just to be clear, are you single?" I ask him for some stupid reason my brain is not connecting with my mouth. He blushes and says "yep I'm 100% single, wbu?" "Same" I say. I think I hear him sighing with relief. I smile to myself. "So how much longer till we're at your place?"  "Little eager there don't you think?" I say and laugh a bit. He blushes really hard and says "sorry, I'm just a bit cold" "oh, ya I guess it's a bit chilly out here". A few minutes later we get to my place. As we enter he says "this is quite the nice place" "thanks, it's a bit small but just perfect for one person living here". "So you live here alone" "ya" "doesn't it get lonely sometimes?" "I guess but I always find something to do to fill up my time". "Do you bring a lot of guys here?" "Are you calling me a slut?"
"What, no I'm not, I was just asking if-", I cut him off. "You basically just called me a slut, I told that I've done it before and you instantly think I'm a slut" "no I was not saying that-" "ya I'm pretty sure you did and if you continue the argument I will beat the crap out of you". He was silent after I said that. "I'm sorry" he says. "For what?". "For calling you a slut". "So you admit it". "What, no-" "calm down I'm just kidding" I say while laughing. "So no sense of humor" "hey I have a great sense of humor" he argued. "Oh ya you showed me that a minute ago" I say while still laughing. "That was a bad example" he says. "Whatever helps you sleep at night" I smirk as I make my way to the couch. He follows me but doesn't sit down.

She sits down on the couch but I stay standing. "I have the best sense of humor" I say. "Sure" she says. "Why you little-" I run to her and start tickling her, she screams and runs away and for some reason I run after her. When I catch her I think we're in her bedroom, I toss her on her bed and tickle her more. She screams and laughs her head off. She starts to kick me and push me away but she's weak from laughter. "Ow you kicked me, stop" I say. "Well I'll stop when you stop tickling me" she says through laughs. She's laughing so hard that by the time I stop she's in tears and panting. "I think you gave me multiple bruises" I say as I check my arms. "You wouldn't have those bruises if you wouldn't have tickled me in the first place". "True but I wouldn't have tickled you if you hadn't said I have no sense of humor". "Well you don't" she says while panting. "If you would have a sense of humor you wouldn't have gotten worried when I said you called me a slut which you admitted to afterward". "Because you tricked me into admitting it". "That's true, I am a master at tricking people" she says confidently. "I bet not as much as me" I say back to her. "Is that a challenge?" she asks. "It just might be" I say. "Well I accept your challenge". I smile and say "good". "So what do you wanna do now?" she asks. "I don't know, you pick something to do" I say. "I hate when people tell me to choose something to do" she pouts. "You're cute when you pout" oh my god did I just say that out loud, why am I not thinking straight? Why is my brain not working properly? She looks as shocked as I feel. "I-I mean umm-" she cuts me off. "No it's fine, thanks for saying that" she smiles and I let out a sigh of relief. She laughs and says "you're funny". When she says that I blush hard and I feel my face heat up. We're sitting a few inches away from each other. I want that space closed. What am I thinking, I just met her, but for some reason I feel like there's a magnet pulling us together. The next thing I know her lips are on mine. It feels so good. I put my hands on the sides of her face deepening the kiss. A few seconds later she pulls away and I feel a longing for her to kiss me again. Her face is just inches away from mine. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" she asks. Without answering I put my hand on her cheek and pull her in making my lips touch hers. I pull away a bit and say "does that answer your question?" She nods and smiles and kisses me again. I don't want this moment to end. We start reclining on the bed neither one of us breaking the kiss, neither one of us wanting to. We start pulling each other's clothes off. I pull away for a bit and say "I hope I never forget this". "You better not" she replies teasingly. "Cuz i know I won't forget this"

The last part got a bit steamy. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry if you didn't. If you didn't like it I'll try to change it up a bit. Thanks for reading.❣️💜

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