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Mi-Cha's POV
"Hello?" I ask as I answer my phone.
"Hey babe" I hear on the other line. I freeze. It was my psycho ex, ji noo(I just made it up I don't know).
"How the fuck did you get my number?" I yell at him.
"I have my resources babe you can't hide from me" he says. "So who's the asshole you keep hanging out with, hopefully a long lost brother or a cousin"
"How did you find me?" I ask.
"I got resources baby remember"
"Shut the fuck up and answer the damn question" I yell at him.
"Same old Mi-Cha glad to know you haven't changed" I hear him laugh. I'm terrified inside. My hands shake as I quickly hang up. My head is feeling dizzy.

I hear Mi-Cha yell at the person on the phone. I go to check it out. I see her shaking. She's starting to fall backwards. I run and catch her. She's unconscious. She fainted.
"Guys, GUYS come quick we gotta go to the hospital" they all come running. I pick her up bridal style and carry her out to the van i share with the guys.
"What happened?" Suga asks.
"I don't know I went to check up on her but when I got to the kitchen she started fainting I quickly caught her before she hit the ground" I tell them. Jin is driving so fast I thought we would get pulled over. V is calling the hospital so they would be ready to take her as soon as we got there. Who was she talking to? What did they say? Is she gonna be alright? So many questions are going through my head right now. Oh god please let her be alright. Her face lookes so pale and lifeless. I check her pulse to make sure she's still alive. I feel a heartbeat. It's slow but it's there.
"Mi-Cha you are going to be ok" I tell her. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize we were at the hospital. I carried her in bridal style. The nurses told me to lay her on a hospital bed. I laid her down and the nurses take her away. I tried to follow them.
"Sir you are going to have to stay here for now. We will come and tell you how she is hopefully soon" one nurse tells me. I couldn't say anything so I just nodded and watched her still body being taken away into a room. We were led to a waiting room.
"You should call her brother" Jimin tells me.
"Oh yeah I should" I quickly get out my phone and call Mi-Soo.
"Hey mute" he says to me.
"Hey something happened to Mi-Cha, we're at the hospital" I couldn't hear anything except running.
"I'm on my way" he says and hangs up.
"He's on his way" I tell the guys.
"Ok" they all say. I can't sit still so I'm pacing the waiting room. Soon Mi-Soo comes running in through the door.
"Where is she? Is she ok? What happened? Who or what did it?" He was talking really fast. I walk up to him.
"She's in the operating room getting checked, the doctor hasn't said anything to us yet, I don't know what happened, she got a phone call and started yelling at the person when I went to check on her she fainted" I told him. He clenches his fists.
"There are only a very few people she yells at, including me, I think I know who she was talking to, only one other person has been able to do this to her" he said as he also clenches his jaw.
"Who could it be?" I ask him. He looks at me. I'm so worried about her.
"Long story" he tells me.
"Well we don't got nothing else to do, let's hear it" J-hope says. Mi-Soo nods his head. He goes to sit down. I sit beside him. He clears his throat.
"Ok, she had this one boyfriend, ji noo, he was a real pain in the ass, he abused her and scared the shit out of her, she tried to break up with him but he wouldn't leave her alone, whenever he abused her he would make up for hitting her by charming her, he was a very charming person, he could charm almost anyone, almost everybody would fall for him, after a while I finally caught on to him, I never had a good feeling about that guy, he went with her everywhere she went" Mi-Soo said.
"Even the bathroom?" Jungkook asks.
"He would wait outside the bathroom door" Mi-Soo explain.
"Wow" Jungkook says.
"Yeah, anyway he would end up putting her in the hospital a lot, he was also a drunk half the time, she finally called the cops on him,"
"How? If he went with her everywhere how could she call the cops?" Jimin asks.
"She did it once quietly when she "went to the bathroom"."
"Oh" Jimin says.
"How long ago was this?" I ask him.
"About two years ago" he says. "The cops sent him to jail but he escaped, he was crazy but really smart, the cops caught him again a sent him to an insane asylum, I guess his time was over or he maybe he escaped again" Mi-Soo finishes. We all nod.
"So this guy is a total psycho" I say.
"Yes and he's very good at hiding himself, he could be anywhere, he's a very dangerous person" Mi-Soo says. Just then a nurse comes.
"Family of Mi-Cha?" She says.
"Here" Mi-Soo and I say. The boys all come stand beside us. The nurse walks over to us.
"She's doing fine but she is still unconscious" she tells us. We sigh with relief to know she is alright.
"Do you know when she will wake up?" I ask her.
"Unfortunately no, sorry, but we're gonna need someone to fill out her paperwork" she says holding out a clipboard and pen.
"I'm her twin brother, I'll do those" Mi-Soo says and grabs the clipboard and pen.
"Can we see her?" I ask.
"Yes, come this way" she says motioning for us to follow her. The nurse leads us to a room where we see Mi-Cha laying still on a bed. The only part of her moving is her stomach so she can breath. Mi-Soo and I pull up chairs beside her. Mi-Soo is filling out her paperwork. I grab Mi-Cha's hand and hold it with both my hands and kiss it. I rest my head on my hands which are holding her hand. I can feel tears slowly coming. The guys just come up behind me and pat my back.
"She's gonna be fine" V says.
"Yeah she's strong, she'll come through" Jin tells me reassuringly.
"She'll fight it she can beat it" Jungkook says rubbing my back.
"Thanks guys" I tell them trying to fight the tears back but failing.

What's gonna happen to Mi-Cha? Who knows. I'll try and update again soon. Sorry for leaving you hangin. Lol. I hope you enjoy this story. Honestly I don't know why you read if anyway but thanks for the support. Please I'm begging you keep reading. Tell your friends about this book get them to read it too if you want. See ya my lovely readers❣️💜

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