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Namjoon's POV
We decided to have the wedding after Mi-Cha had the baby.
(7 months later)
"Babe I'm home " I yell as I enter Mi-Cha's apartment. She comes walking out of her room.
"Hey babe how was work?" She asks as she hugs me.
"Great, terrible, awful, awesome" I say kissing her cheek. We both smile. Her stomach has grown a lot.
"I've missed you" I say.
"How you saw me this morning" she tells me. I bring her closer to me.
"Not like that, I mean I miss...having fun with you" I say biting my lip. She hits my chest lightly and pushes me away.
"Yah keep it in your pants the baby will come soon enough and then we'll be married and we can have fun on our honeymoon" she says winking at me and she goes into the living room. I sit down beside her and hold her hand. About two hours later she starts holding her stomach.
"Babe you ok?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"No I think my water just broke" she groans in pain. "Ah it hurts so bad"
I help her up and we rush to the hospital. When we arrive the doctors take her to the room and I follow. I hear her screaming in pain.
After the baby is born.
Mi-Cha just gave birth to a beautiful little girl. We named her Nina. The nurse was cleaning Nina and Mi-Cha was resting. When the nurse was finished she wrapped Nina with a pink blanket and handed her to me. I was having worries about being a father but as soon as I saw her face my worries disappeared. She was adorable. She looked a lot like Mi-Cha but she had my dimples. I stood beside Mi-Cha. When she saw Nina she started tearing up.
"We did it, we brought a new life into this world and she's beautiful" she says with joyful tears running down her cheeks.
"Can I hold her?" She asks holding out her arms. I gently layed Nina in her arms. We were so happy. A while later we were allowed to leave. When we entered the apartment we were surprised with the guys all jumping out and saying congratulations. They had a banner and everything.
"Hey congratulations guys" J-hope says cheerfully.
"Thanks" I say.
"I'm surprised Namjoon didn't brake her" (god of destruction, sorry) Suga teases.
"I am offended, she's a human being I won't brake her, hopefully" we all start laughing.
"Ah Mi-Cha Can i hold her please?" Jin asks.
"Yeah sure" she says giving Nina to Jin.
"She so light, don't you worry Nina when you get older uncle Jin will make sure you eat good ok" Jin says. We laugh at that.
"I'm an uncle" Mi-Soo says in disbelief.
"Yes bro you're an uncle" Mi-Cha says hugging him.
"Hey I'm jealous, why don't I get a hug" Jungkook pouts.
"Oh don't worry you get a hug too" Mi-Cha says laughing.
"Hey I want one too" Jimin whines.
"Me too" V whines. Mi-Cha laughs and gives them all hugs.
"It's easier to hug you now that you aren't pregnant anymore" V says. We all laugh. The night goes on and we talk about the wedding, since it's coming up soon. I am very happy with my family.

Heyyo guys I'm back again with another update. Sadly this book is almost over. It's also a relief that this book is almost over. But don't worry I will be writing more BTS fan fictions so watch out for those. And please comment and vote. Thank you to those who have read this book. Sorry that it was kinda crappy It's my first one. Byeee❣️💜

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