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Mi-Cha's POV
Namjoon spent all day at my apartment, most of it was in my bed, not that I'm complaining. I just keep pressing repeat on the memory of last night and today.
"What do you wanna do?" He asks snapping me out of my daydream. "I don't know, how bout we watch a movie?"
"Sounds fun"
"Do you wanna go to a theatre or watch it here?"
"Whichever one means that we can cuddle" he says while giving me a flirty smile.
"Ok so we're watching it here" I say and give him the same flirty smile back. We head to the living room.
"What do you wanna watch?" I ask him.
"I don't know, what do you have?"
"Netflix and some dvds in that cupboard under the tv" he goes to see what dvds there are while I search Netflix.
"Hey how bout we watch this one?" I ask.
"Sure, looks funny"
I put it on and he comes to sit beside me on the couch.
"I'm gonna go make some popcorn" I tell him.
"Ok" he replies. As I go get the popcorn I hear him laugh every once in a while. When I get back I set the popcorn on the small coffee table in front of the tv. As I try to sit down, Namjoon grabs my wrist and pulls me to sit on his lap. I giggle and we lock eyes then burst into laughter. Then I asked "so what did I miss?"
"Nothing much, the guy just got dumped into a garbage can the other guys gave him a swirly"
"Sounds funny, I always enjoy watching people get swirlies and dumped into garbage cans"
"Me too" he says. We watched for a few minutes then Namjoon started kissing my neck, when I turned to face him, he surprised me and kissed me deeply on the lips. I didn't stop him either and he didn't pull away. "We really shouldn't do this right now" I told him but ignored me and kept kissing me. I figured it was useless to try and argue so I just went along with it. He picked me up and took me to my room where it started to heat up. The next thing I know is we're both naked and under the sheets still kissing. When we finished I asked him "are you hungry?"
"A little, what about you?"
"Me too, I'll go order a pizza" I grab my bathrobe, put it on and head to the kitchen where I left my phone and called my favourite pizza place. When I placed the order I realized that the tv was still on. I went to turn it off. When I turned around, Namjoon was right there staring at me. At least he had pants on. Damn he's got good abs.
"What are you looking at?" He asks teasingly with a smirk on his face.
"Nothing" I try to sound casual but I think my voice broke a bit. He laughs and says "well it seems like your looking at something"
"No, what makes you think that?"
"The fact that you keep looking at my abs" he says while laughing. I blush so hard that I think my cheeks are the colour of tomatoes. He laughs when he sees that I'm blushing and steps closer. He brushes a strand of my hair and tucks it behind my ear. I relax a bit and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. His touch is so gentle and soft, but then he moves his hand down to my waist and pulls me towards him and pecks me on the lips.

I peck her on the lips then ask "so when's the pizza gonna get here?" Just then we hear a knock on the door. "Well I think it's here" she says and smiles at me in the cutest way. She answers the door and pays for the pizza. "Do you have hot sauce?" I ask her.
"Yah it's in the fridge" she says while pointing at the fridge. She gets the plates and sets the table. After I find the hot sauce I sit down on the chair and grab a slice. I put the hot sauce on my slice of pizza. I look over at Mi-Cha and she has her nose scrunched up as if she's disgusted.
"You know you're adorable when you scrunch up your nose" I tell her. She scrunches it up again and unscrunches it quickly. I laugh at her. "What?" She asks.
"Nothing, it's just you scrunch up your nose so often for the slightest reasons and I find it adorable" she blushes and scrunches her nose again.
"See" I tell her and she giggles at herself.
"How can you like hot sauce on your pizza?" She asks.
"How can you not like hot sauce on your pizza?"
"I just think don't fix it if it ain't broken and this pizza is definitely not broken" she says as she takes a big bite of her pizza.
"You can never go wrong with a classic pepperoni pizza" I say. She nods her head as she takes another big bite.
"But there's always room for improvement" I tell her.
"I guess" she says thoughtfully. She gets up and gets something from the cupboard.
"What's that?" I ask her. When she comes back she says "chilli flakes and parmesan cheese" she smiles at me. She sprinkles some of each on her pizza slice. She looks up at me and asks "pass the hot sauce please". I can't help but laugh at her and pass her the hot sauce. "Pass the flakes and cheese please" I ask her. She passes them to me. "Thanks" I say to her. She just nods at me because she's stuffing her face with pizza.
"Slow down we don't want you to choke now do we" I say to her while smiling. She slows down and continues eating. After a while we finish eating and I help Mi-Cha with the dishes, there was pretty much none anyway. After we finished cleaning up the food we went back to the living room and sat down on the couch.
"We could finish the movie we started?" She says and I nod my head in agreement. She puts it on and she moves a bit closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder. After the movie I realize that Mi-Cha fell asleep on my shoulder I turn the tv off and carry her to her room. When I try to leave her eyes flutter open and she says "no don't go oppa please" and she gives me the puppy dog eyes and her pouty face. How could I refuse her.
"If you weren't so cute I'd leave but your to cute and I can't refuse you" I tell her and she giggles like a little baby. It's so adorable. I laugh softly at her and make my way back to the bed and lay down beside her.
"Good night oppa" she says as she snuggles closer to me.
"Good night beautiful" I say back to her. I hug her and kiss the top of her forehead.

Sorry it took a while but I had a busy weekend and I hope you guys liked this chapter❣️💜

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