Part 3

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They all looked around to see Grimms. The majority of the Grimm were huge and this beyond what they have ever seen. While they looked at the Hrimm that Atlesian knights were holding off, they saw an aircraft that was falling right out of the sky. Everyone looked at each other in saying what was that? They sure hope that whoever was in that aircraft was okay. So anyways, they readied those weapons but of course Blake's was still destroyed so she could only shoot. By thousand of Grimms we're attacking Atlesian Knight. Some jumped upon the aircraft that were carrying other Grimms denying them free.

Ren: What is that?

Nora: There's some sort of glow coming out of them.

Kran: Well you see here you saw that he likes to use power so much that he even tried the most ridiculous action. He inject some dust into them so that he could enlarged their strength.

Jaune: That's totally insane.

Kran: It is and we don't wanna make them mad.

Ruby: No. we don't come all this way just to fail.

Ruby fires at the Grimm but her bullets barely even do anything. It turned its attention to her and made a full charge in her direction. Ruby was fast on her semblance and she moved away from the attack and she swung her scythe right in the Grimm. She was now very scared now that she see that the Grimm was unfazed by her attack. Yang pushed Ruby out of the way and grabbed the Grimm by the teeth and punched it.

Yang: It's tougher than it looks.

Kran: Stand back. I've got this.

Kran's eyes started glowing and he blew up all the Grimm to pieces.

Ruby: That was awesome!

Kran: Done get all cheering yet. You haven't seen anything.

Kran rushes at them and slid underneath and cut it and dashed back when another one attempted to attack so he decapitated it and kicked its head clean off. They rest get ready to join in but something seems to have gotten the their attention. They were all drawing back for some reason. Why?

Jaune: What's going on?

Kran: I don't know but something seems to be drawing their attention. I recommend that you should get a partner to come with you since it's gonna be dangerous out here.

Qrow: In guess you haven't known it. I'm a professionally trained huntsman. I can handle myself.

Kran: Keep telling yourself that because once the Grimms get even stronger than they're already are, you're gonna need someone watching out for you.

They heard a growl coming their way, so they turned their attention towards a Grimm that made that sound. It ran straight towards them but it was shot down but who was the person responsible for that. They looked at the person with red hair, it was no other than Adam himself.

Blake: Adam...

Adan looked at the pilot boy that carried him all the way to Atlas.

Adam: Go, I'll be safe from here.

Pilot: Alright...

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