Part 7

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Argusto was sitting in his office with an impatience Cinder. She put her towards him and showed him her hands which were in flames.

Cinder: Now, did anything good happened? You better tell that you've got me some good news.

Argusto: I indeed do. It's seems that fighting machine has injured one of them. I don't think that poor girl will be recovering soon. Is that satisfying to you?

Cinder: You know that I'm not satisfied until you have them all dead.

Argusto: That is what I'm planning Doing.

Cinder went back while Argusto continued to watch his slave labor work in mine.

Back with the rest.

Weiss knew that she is gonna have to face her uncle. She is tired of seeing him just take matters into his own and treat the Faunus like they are nothing. Ruby walked up to her teammate.

Ruby: Hey Weiss.

Weiss: Hey Ruby.

Ruby: So what are you doing?

Weiss: Oh nothing. I was just thinking about standing up to my uncle. He think he can do whatever he wants just be he's legally sort of the Schnee dust company. He's been taking it to his head pretty hard. All the pain that he had her causing cannot go unpunished.

Ruby: Don't worry Weiss, we'll do it as teammates and as friends.

Weiss: Don't forget that it's family Ruby.

Ruby: Don't worry, Inwont.

Weiss: Good.

Kran stepped into between and interrupted the moment.

Kran: there is no time for talking. We have some important things that we do now because we have to get to training.

The training that everyone was gonna through was not easy. They were gonna through some painful fighting. Everyday, everyone was being woke. Up by a surprise Kran. Kran would either push them off of the bed or just make some crazy surprise for the evening. It was a really rough day for all of if tyem skce they are gonna have to get up everyday like this. Nora was on the training ground and she was feeling and could not stay away. Kran gave her something.

Kran: Here, drink this. This will give you a lot of energy. I call it, energy potion.

Mira took from him and drank it all the way down. She felt all lice and strong again. She feel like she could take out the entire universe.

Kran: But do keep in mind that does have a side effect.

Nora felt her stomach rumbling and there was a small little fart noise could be heard. An awkward silence has occurred.

Nora: What? Don't judge me.

One day, Adam was only in his pajama pants. He notice that Blake was staring at him. When he turned to look at her, she turns around. She must have been staring at his muscle tones because those are in fact huge. Kran and Nora was watching as Jaune was helping some children cross the road. Seeing how Jaune was doing, Kran gave Jaune the thumb for doing such a great job.

Back in the training room, Adam was practicing training routine. He activated his semblance . He tosses Blake up in the area and she uses her semblance to knock down a Atlesian Knight dummy that was the target. It was getting hard for the others. When
They were tired, Weiss was leaned up against Ruby while Blake was sleeping in Adam's lap. Adam find her so cute to looks at when she is sleeping.

The next day, Kran has everyone gathered up for a mission.

Kran: Listen guys, there is some dust that is deep within yhe mine. I'm gonna need three strong and skills huntsmen or huntresses to come in this mission with since the place is gonna be crawling with Grimm. I don't have to choose. I'm gonna need you guys.

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