Chapter 3-Nicos POV

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Hey guess sorry for not updating in a few days, i was having a little bit of writers block on how I wanted to do this next chapter because it has subjects that i epicly wish would've been in the books and I wanted to do it right. This will also be noticeably longer chapter so i hope that kinda makes up for it. Anyone who might have started reading and realized what a cruddy righter i am let me tell you dont i know. But im getting better and hopefully this makes up for those 2 chapters of complete crud. And thank you to the people who read before and i hope you come back to read this next one! I really think your going to like it so let's go in!


"You promised you would protect her," I said, voice shaking, looking down at the could Percy have let her go...she was with him the whole time how could he have let her

I faintly heard him say something, I didn't was just an excuse...he let her go.

"You promised!" I yelled, looking up into his eyes...eyes i trusted. Gripping the small statue in my hand, I heard my voice breaks.

"I shouldn't have trusted you! You lied to me! My nightmares were right!" I threw the statue to the ground...Bianca was gone...that statue was just a reminder of the pointless piece of rock that replaced my sister. "I hate you!"

I was stuck...watching this scene over and over again. I could tell I was asleep, I felt it. That may sound weird but...i just knew. But this wasn't like my other dreams. I couldn't move or turn away...even blink. I was stuck watching these scenes in my head for what felt like hours. The skeletons coming to kill running away from camp...

I saw my hometown when I was on my own trying to figure out about my life...realizing how small minded those people were. I saw myself walking up to them...flashes of rocks and names and insults. As a little kid the only one that stuck was "faggot"...and the horror that took me over realizing what that meant...what i people saw it.

Most of all, i remembered, horrified, what it turned me into. The people i pushed away and stayed away from. Seeing Percy and Annabeth happy...together. The terrifying scenes that flashed in my mind when he looked at me, knowing he wouldn't even be in the same room with me if you knew. Oh gods...if Bianca would have known. It scared me to the point where i didnt want to talk to anyone, didn't want to risk my secret getting out...

I saw Cupid...with Jason back in Rome...the utter, paralyzing fear that took over me when Cupid turned his arrow to me. Jason right...right there, on the verge of knowing. The terror that filled my every being when i saw myself crack, felt it break inside me...

Will...Will Solace...the few times I risked coming back to camp to make sure everything was ok. The few small talks weve had, his smile at my dumb jokes. The small times when...just for a minute...i let my guard down...smiled a few times. It was almost like back in Italy, when i was younger and bianca would make me Will did...

I couldnt risk it......but just the way he said my name...the dumb nicknames he created.

I mean, who calls a son of Hades 'Angel'? Neeks...Nikki once...just him saying my name normal.

Nico...Nico Di Angelo

"Nico...hey, Neeks" I groaned, moving a bit. I felt a hand go through my hair, my name again.

" to Death Boy" a small chuckle. That snapped me up a bit, the cute (dumb! Dumb nicknames...i hate them...right) nicknames. I cracked an eye open, seeing a blur of Will in front of me, chuckling slightly as he stood up.

"What time i' it" I mumbled, reaching a hand up and pulling my hair over my face.

"12:30PM...of the next day," Will said, smiling as he pulled the sheets off of me. Reluctantly I sat up and rubbed my eyes, hanging my head as I swung my legs over the bed. After yawning and groaning a few times i said, a little less like a...ok well a zombie.

"Anything interesting happen while i was out"

Surprisingly, Will bit his lip, thinking for a second before saying.

"Uhh...nothing to much, a kid broke his arm 2 days after i casted him...that was a fun 4 hours. And umm...Percy came down looking for you"

That got me awake, I looked up, raising an eyebrow.

"Percy...what? Why?" but i had a sinking feeling. What if it was just to make fun of it, what I told him. What if it finally processed and he realized how much of a freak I am. Jason still remains as the only person who knows and he's cool with it, and it's great having someone to talk to. He'll bring up every once in a while if i've thought about telling other people but i would always go into hysterics and shut it down frantically. And he's great and hasn't spilled it to anyone either, even Piper or Hazel, I love him for it (brotherly love seriously i want to make that very clear). I know that now everywhere isn't like back in my hometown, that apparently genuinely people have come a long way but...every time I think of someone else, people I love, I noticed my face kind of fell, and snapped out of it, looking up as Will asked.

"Do you know what he was talking about?" Probably a little too fast i shot out

"No..." trying to chance it around i said "i and him haven't really...talked in a while and. Well probably just checking in I guess" Will looked unconvinced, saying sceptically

"You sure? He looked a little...weird..."

"Yeah, im sure" i said, dropping my gaze back to the floor. Will kneeled down to the ground and bent to try and make eye contact.

"Nico. You can tell me don't have to hide stuff from me. If you feel uncomfortable taking your time i understand know i'm here. Right?" his voice was soft, comforting. I made the mistake of glancing at him and oh shit...his eyes were so god damned blue. I bit my lip...i can't afford to lose him...i felt my eyes going red and I put my hands over my face. I heard Will sigh and that alone almost broke me. Whyyyyyy. I thought. Why does it have to be this hard.

Will put a hand on my head and ruffled my hair a bit. Saying just as softly as before, so gods damned understanding and caring ah shit...

"Ok...i get it, really. If you want to go see what Percy wanted you can. I just want to back by 3, a major check up and real food is in order Death Boy ''I smiled a little despite myself and nodded, looking up at him and giving a for once real smile back. I swear i saw Wills face light up a bit. Standing up i put a hand briefly on his shoulder, trying to say thank you in the gesture, small as it was. a small spark of electricity seemed to shoot up my arm as Will chuckled a bit and put his hand on mine, only for a split second. He nodded, and then i was walking out the door, hoping to Cupid (despite myself) and Aphrodite and back i wasn't blushing as much as i felt i was.


Wow...that was actually way longer than i thought it would be. Im only half way done with what i was thinking. Im going to split this into 2 chapters and i will get the second half of this out by tonight or maybe tomorrow.

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