Chapter 1-Nicos POV

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Hey guys! This is my first story posted to Wattpad so i have a few things to say first. #1 i hope you guys like it, im a huuuuge solangelo shipper and i love writing fanfic for my two wonderful boys. #2 i have a variety of fanfics im going to do and are already starting to compose so please please please if you like what you read check out my profile and i have a full list of things i will write. Also if you have any ideas for any of my chapters or books please please please leave a comment and ill be sure to read all of them. Any ideas i love i will give a full shout out in the chapter it includes and give full dedication to your ideas. So please follow me if you like this cause by the gods this is not going to be all:)

"See you around Percy," I said. "Annabeth"

She raised her hand for a high five.

I obliged. then walked back across the green, where Will Solace was waiting.

I couldnt help but smile as i turned to look back and saw Percy still in a tranfixed, genuinley confused face, Annabeth was patiently talking to him. Probably explaining what i just said meant, and for the first time in a while, i chuckled. Turning around to Wills somewhat similarly confused face made it even better, and my smile widened to what i hoped was a normal looking grin. I felt...good. Like a huge weight was just lifted off me. All those years of trying to fit in and ignore it, letting it go, even somewhat, telling someone. It felt good. it mustve showed because Will seemed to lighten up a bit, seemingly deciding not to chew me out further on how little sleep i get or food or blah blah blah. I realized i was looking at the ground, and blinked out of my mini 'moment', and looked up, realizing that Will was looking at me questioningly. I shook my head and blinked a few more times.

"wait...what?" i asked, noticing i was still smiling, but for once not trying to wipe it away. It was a weird feeling, i wasnt so sure if i was keen to keep it yet, but for the moment i let it go. Will chuckled a little annoyingly, rolling his eyes.

"can i finish?" He asked, looking back at me and raising an eyebrow. i chuckled again, man what was wrong with me today, and nodded.

"oh...yeah, yeah." Will cracked a small smile too, a bit confused still and suspicious but seemed to know me well enough to just let it go for now.

"ok #1-"

"ok wait theres multiple things???" i inturrupted.

"yes Di Angelo there are multiple things, #1 is that were going to have a conversation on whatever...that," Will gestured down to me then Percy and Annabeth, she still seemingly trying to talk him through something *cough cough oops*. "was...later...#2 is you still owe 3 days infirmary time and a major check up and probably an IV" i rolled my eyes again, still smiling slightly, and sighed dramatically as Will just as theatrically gestured over to the side for me to start walking. I bowed, cause dramatics, and seconds later we fell into each others step and walking side by side to the infirmary. Where all the fun times awaits.


Ok im going to say right now that i was never a person to like going to the doctors, it always smells weird and its always so unaturally...clean. i guess being a son of Hades doesnt really help matters either. im also now 99% sure that one of my doctors when i was little was a monster trying to kill me, a killer doctor lands some really messed up nightmares for an 8 year old. for a month it was all Bianca could do to get me to sleep. ive spent almost the past year trying to block her out of my head, going cross world to bring the Athena statue and getting Percy and Annabeth out of Tartarus. Geua, everything, it was almost too much on its own i couldnt afford to break down and grieve.

 I almost (oh, no...i totally) tripped over the door frame walking in. suddenly lightheaded. Will turned around and put his hands on my shoulders to steady me, and lead me over to the nearest bed. my throat closed up and i realized i was shaking, eyes wide. i closed them, holding back tears. After almost a minute i heard Will saying something, swallowing, i tried to listen.

"Nico...hey you ok?" I gulped, nodding. opening my eyes and staring at the ground, saying in a small, pathetic voice.

"y-yeah...tired..." Which lie as it was at the moment was true, i havent had a good full day to sleep in a while, and sitting on a bed made me realize how exchausted i was, mentally, emotionally, physically, it all hurt to sleep.

Will put his hand on the back of my neck, tilting his head down to make eye contact with me. dispite everything going on in my head i still felt a shiver go through my entire body from his hand, like wasnt the worst feeling. Neither was Wills voice, soft and soothing, a bit worried. 

"you sure?" he asked. i nodded, tried to give a weak smile, not enough to convince anyone. But regardless Will sighed and nodded too, sliding his thumb behind my ear for a second before standing up and walking around the room, grabbing things. Talking as he did. 

"ill get an IV strip, youve lost a lot of energy throughout the past few days, and i want you laying down, no getting up to so much as piss unless i know it or im adding days to your stay here. when you wake up ill do a full check up and your eating a full breakfast, full...breakfast." he repeated, looking back at me for enfasise as i leaned back on the bed in a half sitting half laying position. Putting my hood up i rolled my eyes and nodded as he continued, walking over to my bed and laying down an IV drip of nectar and ambrosia squares.

"we'll talk more tomorrow, maybe outside for some actual sunlight but. absolutely most important" He leaned over the bed, only about 6 inches from my face, his dead serious. " i need verbal confermation out of your mouth"

i blushed, biting my tongue. taking a deep breath, and, hoping my voice didnt come out in squeaks, said. "yeah...river styx..." and took a mental gasp of relief when Will, seemingly satisfied, leaned back and sat on the edge of the bed. He got up and hooked up the IV, and i could already feel Hipnos coming in to pull me into unconciusness as i leaned back fully and sighed. Closing my eyes as Will took one last look at me and smiled.

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