Chapter 5-Wills POV

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I was so unbelievably glad that i didn't have shift today. My half sister Katie has her day today and I can finally take a day off. After Nico left i cleaned up his bed and cleaned and put away the equipment before happily handing over the infirmary and long looooong line of patients to Katie and her group. Opening the door at her knock and theatrically and maybe a little to happily bowing her in to her rolling but amused eyes. High fiving a few people on the way out and letting a few others know Katie was on duty today I finally got to my cabin and collapsed on the bed. Taking a deep breath in the empty cabin and relaxing for what felt like the first time in a week oh has. I finally had a few days though where I could lay back, relax, and not think about anyone or why did Nico always come surfacing to the top of my thoughts?

I remembered when I first met him, when he first came here when we were both 10. I was pretty new to camp too, but already got sorted into my cabin and spent a lot of time outside. Knowing the place really well even after only a week or so at camp. I wasnt that talkative back then, but I still liked to think I wasn't a complete loner, I had a few friends and I was already getting close to the others in my cabin. Katie was my closest friend by far.

When i saw Nico coming in i was walking down to an archery lesson with Katie, holding our bows in one hand and laughing and talking, probably about some dumb joke we thought was funny at that age. When Nico came barreling down the hill behind us, rolling down like a laughing barrel, and ran into us, quickly transforming us into a heaping mass of arms and legs. We were all silent for a second, then i caught Katies eye and it was all over, we were laughing and cracking up for almost a solid 5 minutes. Eventually we pulled ourselves up and i looked at the boy who knocked us over, still laughing slightly. And caught sight of his shirt...holy crap...I gaped at it and the boy looked at me a little weird. Looking from me to his shirt. Then said awkwardly.

"Are...are you ok?" I nodded blankly, and Katie snapped her fingers in front of me, slapping me out of it.

"Is that...Mythomagic?!" I said, quickly starting to get whipped up again. "Oh my GODS i love that game!"

Nico laughed. "ME TOO! I have most of the sister wont let me get some of them back in Italy though...apparently we didn't have enough money"

Katie looked down at the shirt now too, me geeking out hard, and pointed out.

"How come that Wine Dude isn't on Mr. D?" Nico pulled the shirt straight and looked at it upside-down.

"They just have the first maine gods and goddesses, from the original card deck. A few of the monsters are on there too but most demons and stuff are on the later editions when they were put into the game." Katie shrugged, seemingly satisfied. I piped in, still smiling wide.

"Still...that's literally my dreeeeam shirt. Maybe we can play some time! Do you have-" suddenly our instructor, the camp counselor at the time, a girl named Mia, came up.

"Will! Katie! We're starting class talk later!" me and Katie groaned, and Katie waved bye before running down. I turned to the boy and smiled, and he smiled back. Then I ran down after Katie, saying to myself id just track him down during lunch and we could talk after.

...he wasn't at lunch

...or after

...not at dinner

...or the next day



A few years passed and i almost forgot about the Mythomagic boy. When i asked Katie about it she shrugged and kept working. But no matter how much time passed by i could never fully put him out of my mind. Almost 4 years had passed when I was walking down from the rock wall, new holes peppering my orange shirt, that i passed someone walking out of the forest. Black hair and black jeans riddled with holes. And a black iron sword on his belt. I swore it looked like he just appeared there.

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