Chapter 6-Nicos POV

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"So...were good?"

I laughed. "Great"

Id forgotten how...good it felt. To actually laugh, to have fun. To smile and it be genuine not a fake one to get Hazel or Jason off my back. Me and Percy talked for a while. Talking mostly about dumb shit like dumb things Percy did around Annabeth, one time. He told me. He had tried filling her room with blue removable slime (but she didn't know that little bit), courtesy of the Stoll brothers. And she had chased him around with blue water balloons filled with ketchup during the next capture the flag. I talked a little about me and Hazel having fun back in Camp Jupiter before Percy got there. The time she tried surprising me on my 14th birthday and I had accidently shadow traveled to the other side of camp and come out toppling onto Reyna. We joked, laughing hysterically, as Percy tried through gasps of breath to tell me about Annabeth's face when the Athena cabin had a spider outbreak. How she had thrown herself through Poseidon's cabin window onto Percies bunk screaming her head off in the middle of the night.

"NO, NO WAIT" Percy said, through laughs. I barely heard him, me laying down on the deck laughing my face off so much my sides hurt. Percy was laughing as he tried talking again.

"OK so last year me and Annabeth were on different sides of capture the flag and i was about the grab her flag but she set a bubie trap that the Stoll brothers changed to letting down a sheet of small rocks that landed on my head-" i was positively dying, it probably wasn't even that funny but it felt so good to laugh i just kept letting it out. "I swear i was in the infirmary for like 2 DAYS after that, Annabeth won't ever let me forget it"

I couldn't remember how long we talked, eventually i remembered it was almost the time Will wanted be back for lunch and we reluctantly got up to start walking back. By the time we had calm down Percy started talking again.

" are you and Will?" I looked up at him.

"What do you-theres nothing between us" Percy chuckled and smiled, smirking even. It was so identical to Jason's it kinda scared me. Those two are like long lost twins.

"Come on Nic" (pronounced Neek) "Your telling me you don't like him even a little bit."

I coughed on air. I am not joking i actually fuckin coughed on the air, way to go Nico.

"No! He's my...friend. Nothing more" Percy shrugged and nodded as we came up on the infirmary, we could clearly see Will through the window checking up on someone else. Thankfully his back was to us. But Percy wasn't going to shut it down completely that fast.

"Have you told him? You never know, ya know.'' I knew exactly what he was talking about. I groaned.

"No...and i don't want to right now...what if he doesn't even want-"

"People are different now. Sure there's always going to be jerks out there but most everyone here is cool" he looked down at me and smiled. I used to go stiff and have an excuse to walk away when I saw him smile like that. Now i was over it and I realized it was more brotherly than anything. I couldn't say it was that bad...people genuinely caring about you. I hated to say it was kinda growing on me.

I bit my lip, and Percy leaned over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Which i did stiffen at. I was slowly getting used to laughing and smiling but i think i'm always going to be a little flinchy at physical contact.

He ruffled my hair as we saw Will turn around and see us, walking to the door. I turned to see percy walking away, and i swear he fuckin winked at me. Giving a small flick of the eyes between me and Will. Gods i hope i wasn't blushing.

Unfortunately I didn't see Percy high five Jason the moment I turned towards will and their large smile as they looked back at us.


Will seemed, happier. I'm not saying that as a bad thing. Just that he was way more peppy and happier than he normally was, and he's already a genuinely peppy and happy person as far as I could tell. Bossy and annoying and a bit (no a lot) overprotective 100% yes, but still. He led me inside and closed the door, putting up a finger for a second with a smile then to the bed I slept last night. Will then walked down to his small office at the end of the hallway and closed the door, jumping over and grabbing a small notebook off my bed as he walked. I looked back at him, finding myself grinning slightly, and sat down, looking over at the lunch tray with a note that said quite clearly.


I couldn't help it, i laughed a little, and grabbed an apple from the tray, tossing it in the air and taking a bite, leaning back again the wall while I waited for him to come back.

Maybe Percy and Jason were right...maybe the world was different than how my home town was. And i knew they were my family, but i couldnt stant the hurt of opening up again to have people torn right out of my hands again. But maybe if i took it slow...maybe if i took it one step at a time...maybe i could open back up again...i wanted it more than anything in the world in that one moment

I just needed to break down the reinforced wall ive built around myself from the moment i ran from camp...the barrier i built to keep myself from feeling, from loving. I couldnt stand seeing someone else i loved disappear like Bianca did. Or not even see me like Percy. I couldnt stand the thought of Will going by these 3 infirmary days then moving on and not bothering with me ever again...i starred at the apple in my hand...and put it back on the table...

I was risking to much thinking i could stay this happy



I almost fell into the office, smiling so wide i probably looked insane. After Jason said to figure out how to get to Nico, in his corny ways but non the less. I knew what i had to do. No one could get to him by words at this point. I could see in his eyes, no matter how much he thought he could hide it, that he was downright terrified for people to care about him. It shook him to the core to think that anyone would patronize, hurt him or the people around him for being who he was. I needed to be the one to show him that, that i loved him and people loved him and i knew exactly how i was going to to do it.

Hey guys i just got smacked between the eyes with a perfect idea and a bit of a theme for the rest of this book. The next chapter will be posted tomorrow for sure and bring a box of tissues cause its so gods damned precious and emotional.

I also wanted to say thank you to the people reading this, i know someone is glancing over my bad writing with like 10k followers and even more readers and shaking their heads but ya know what i do not care im thanking every single one of you no matter how little or much that are reading this.

Still standing that any ideas or comments you have posted and/or follow please please please if you cant thats fine if you can then hey hey hey my mans and womans my maaaaaans and womaaaaaaans that follow button looking prty good right now right?

Thanks again for reading

Next chapter will be great

See ya!

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