Chapter 7-Nicos POV

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Sorry guys that I didn't post this weekend! Saturday a storm blew through and my entire neighborhoods power went to Tartarus. Made for some awesome halloween games with my little brother but wasn't so great for getting internet access. I was really busy today cause Hades forbid i have an easy weekend but I finally got enough time to type. Sorry its a lot shorter than usual. My next chapter i swear on the river Styx will be coming out tomorrow latest. And it'll be by far one of the best that are in this book, so bring a box of tissues you're gonna need them. Hope you guys like and if you like the book hey follow button looking great ain't it heeeey it calling your name. <3 (help me im hopeless XD)


A little while after i put the apple down Will come back out. Looking abnormally happy, again, not a bad thing necessarily. But it made me wonder what could have possibly happened. I put on a hopefully convincing smile as he looked at me and walked over. Taking a glance between me and the untouched food tray. I followed his gaze.

" have to eat. It's not a choice." Will said

I sighed, my fake smile falling. I shrugged. "I'm not that hungry...i'll eat later"

Will groaned and sat next to me on the bed, we were almost uncomfortably close. Only a few inches stood between us. The electric tingle that shot through me when we touched seemed to hover in those few inches.

"What happened?" His voice was soft and understanding. Normally it opened me up, practically pried my mouth open until i realized i was telling him everything. For some reason it only made me mad. I shot a look over at him, glad i wasn't on the ground or it would have cracked for sure.

"Why does something always have to be wrong?! I can't just have one day were im not hungry and don't live up to your standards and suddenly its because im depressed or something went wrong or-"

"Or you're just afraid people don't understand so you leave the whole camp all together along with the people that want to try and understand and want to get close to you" Will cut in. His face still annoyingly straight and not at all flinching or moving. His eyes shone in the slowly setting sun.

Instead...i was the one who backed away, standing up and taking a step away, trying to hold back tears, utterly and completely shocked.

Will sighed and stood up, walking up to me until we were only about 2 inches apart, I could almost feel his slow breath. "Not everyone here is against whatever it is your hiding Nico" he said, i was stuck, frozen, looking into his eyes. Gods of Hades were they always that blue? It literally pulled me in, all that was in the world were those soft brown eyes and me. His hand slowly came forward and brushed mine. "Not everyone is so eager to get away from you...some of us are trying their hardest-" he slowly leaned in...gods we were only an inch or so apart. I think i was holding my breath, like if i so much as inhaled he would evaporate or something equaly as dumb. "Just to get close to you" he finished, and he put a hand on the back of my head, slowly holding my other hand, and gave the top of my head a gentle kiss. I could've sworn he was a little bit red as he sighed and looked me in the eye. I wasn't so sure i was still breathing.

I looked down after what must've been a full 2 minutes at least, sighing. I muttered under my breath. When Will asked for me to say it again, I muttered a bit louder.

"Ill eat..." Will smiled and slowly led me back to the bed, he sat on the one across from me, and I picked up the apple again, turning it in my head when I realized Will was staring at me waiting. I sighed and took a bite, and couldn't help the ghost of a smile that played along the edges of my lips.


The next hour or so started out a little awkward. I slowly started eating up to a normal rate and Will watched me to make sure i did. Then at some point we started talking. I don't remember what about, mostly random stuff. Will told me about a time Percy came in screaming he was dying about a cut that needed a grand total of 3 stitches. "For a guy that survived 2 wars he's sure overdramatic" Will had said, laughing. And eventually I started allowing myself to remember me and Bianca's time back in Italy. I told Will about a time she took me out to see the christmas lights and i practically screamed with excitement as we lit up the tree.

Eventually we started playing truth or dare, and I ended up doing cartwheels down the whole hallway, and Will at one point was drinking water upside-down. I didn't even realize that the whole camp had gone to dinner and i don't think Will noticed much either. We were laughing and joking so much Will just barely noticed when the horn sounded for the sing-a-long. He perked up and stood.

"Oh, hey. You've never even been to sing a longs have you?" realizing i never did. I shrugged.

"No...isnt it just a bunch of dumb nursery rhyms and stuff?" Will rolled his eyes.

"Not tonight...come on. Your gonna love it." he held out his hand, and i swear all i could think of were those cheesy disney movies Bianca and I used to see when we could afford it. Hesitantly, after what seemed like a lifetime, I took it. And we walked out to the campfire side by side. It looked like the Hephestus kids were wheeling out a big stage, the normal seats around the campfire were replaced with small wooden bleachers. Seeing my confused expression. Will laughed and explained.

"Every month or so we have a little...talent show i guess you could say. It was started by my dad Apollo coming down and having his own little show. Something about the godly version of truth or dare. And it kinda started a tradition. People sing and dance and do stand up sometimes. It's even better than any old 'dumb sing along'" he said, putting down air quotes as he gave me a joking side glance. I gave a small sheepish smile.

"Do you ever do anything?" I asked.

"Not usually. Sometimes me and a few of my siblings will sing together but i don't do much alone. Tonight i am though. That's why you need to come" he smiled and tugged me along faster. I rolled my eyes but let him.

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