Chapter 9

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uuuuuuuuuuuugh ok so before you guys read this chapter i has a mini-story ok so i was typing this yesterday throughout the school day and I'm finishing it after and I'm reading this (ok guys so I type my chapters on Grammarly then copy and paste onto wattpad) and I'm like "awww yeah this is great this is sweet lets copy *clicks copy* awwww SHIT" I FUCKIN HIT PASTE AND I FREAKED AND COULDNT GO BACK I LOST THE ENTIRE FUCKIN CHAPTER IM SITTING HERE EYES WIDE AT MY COMPUTER LIKE "HOLY FUCKIN SHIT" my MOM walks in she's all like "hey what sounds good for dinner?" and in my mind I'm all like "I WANT SOME FUCKIN JUSTICE" . yeah no, it actually turned out pretty good in the end I like this version of the chapter a lot better than the other but don't tell my past self that ok I mean I was pissed ok like PIIIISSED. anyway, I hope you like this chapter cause gods did I suffer for it. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenjoy! <3

(PS: I feel like every huge Solangelo fan has heard this song and watched this video and i just think it's so perfect and describes Nico so perfectly so I wanted to include this in this chapter. I feel like this song is the lullaby Bianca would've sung to Nico when they were in Italy. I think you'll agree with me when I say this song belongs in this chapter.)


I took a deep breath and sighed, staring up at the stars. After the concert Will had taken me back to the infirmary and given me a small checkup. Then had fallen asleep in the chair next to my bed. I couldn't sleep, looking over. I had smiled and hesitantly draped a blanket over the sleeping boy, then climbed to the top of the infirmary roof, bringing up a large blanket. It was mostly flat, with a big slant of windows that looked over the patient's beds as gentle skylights. Enchanted so the light got it but the sun couldn't hurt your eyes. Whatever, it served as a great cushion to lean against and look up at the stars. It always calmed me down, seemed to lull me to sleep when I was outside. It reminded me of when Bianca had taken me out to a field behind our house in Italy at night to look at the stars. She always loved them and had seemed to memorize hundreds of the constellations and the stories that went with them. As a little kid, I used to laugh at the stories she told and the made-up stories Bianca made to keep me interested as she geeked out.

"Come on Neeks" Bianca laughed as I ran after her in the field, laughing myself as I tripped over rocks or clumps of dirt. She turned around and I tackled her, jumping on her back as we toppled to the ground. rolling around in a pile of laughing limbs. Bianca pulled me on top of her and tickled me and I laughed even more.

We rolled over and layed down next to each other, and Bianca looked up at the stars. We lived in a small Italian town, so in the field, it was empty except for the occasional tree or old bench, and no buildings or man-made things blocked any view of the clear summer, starlit sky.

Bianca gasped, smiling. "Hey look there's Leo!" she exclaimed. pointing up to the sky. I tilted my head, trying to see what she was pointing at. She talked about constellations a lot and had shown me a lot of them, but I still couldn't remember what most of them looked like unless she explained it again.

"I don't see anything," I said, still tilting my head. Bianca looked at me and laughed, leaning her head right next to mine and pointing at a particularly bright star.

"you see the big dipper, right there?" she said, suddenly talking a little quiet, dreamlike. I looked for a minute then nodded, smiling.

"point to it," she said, and I reached my arm up beside hers directed at the bright star. she held my arm by the wrist and gently guided my hand across to the sky to the right. "Riiiiiiight...there," she said. and put her hand down, laying them down on her chest, my hand was still up, trying to see what she was. Bianca chuckled.

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