Chapter 10- The End

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HEY GUYS!!! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter done. Its the last chapter (sorry) and i wanted it to be good. And i really think it is. you guys are going to love it. Especially its...over 4500 words XD

have fun!!!


I slowly woke up, trying not to move or open my eyes, last thing I remembered Will had wrapped his arm around me and I had fallen asleep...that was a dream, I told myself, you're going to wake up and Will will be sitting on the chair next to your bed,

Will groaned in his sleep next to me, and slowly I forced my eyes open...Will laying next to me and my head in the crook of his shoulder, I flinched in surprise as Wills's arm pulled me in a little closer as he mumbled something in his dream-like state. slowly, I smiled, nuzzling in closer to him.

After a while, another hour maybe, the sun was just starting to poke up over the horizon. wow...Apollo kids really did wake up at sunrise. I chuckled a bit as Will stirred, rubbing his eyes and yawning, then looking down at me. he smiled too,

"hey sunshine...what's so funny?" I froze. looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"you had all the nicknames in the underworld to choose from and you choose...sunshine?" this time Will chuckled, shrugging.

"I think it fits, even if you don't see it. Now, what's so funny?" I rolled my eyes. then laughed a little.

"I didn't think you actually got up at sunrise," I said, and Will rolled his eyes back at me, taking back his arm from around me and stretching out, looking up at the sky. I didn't even realize his arm was still there until he lifted it, it had felt so strangely natural, I felt the absence of it way more than I think I should have.

"How are you feeling?" Will said, and I blinked, looking back up at him, gods his hair was a complete nightmare. Though to be fair, mine was most likely worse, he had the poster boy picture of 'hell yeah I just crawled out of bed sue me', but it looked good on him. His eyes glittered in the rising sun and his whole body seemed to literally give off a soft glow. I realized I was just sitting there staring and I mentally shook my head, sitting up and brushing back the hair from my face.

"better, a lot...better," I said a bit reluctantly. But it was true, I was in misery for so long I barely even noticed it myself. After eating for just the past few days it was like my brain finally woke up and realized 'holy fuck we haven't eaten in like a week we should do this more often'. I noticed that it didn't hurt to walk after a while and my head stopped making the world spin. I actually felt great. Will smiled and shook his head, standing up and holding out a hand like some Disney movie. I raised an eyebrow.

"where are we going..." Will smiled, holy schist I hope I didn't blush.

"we're going somewhere, its a surprise."

"I don't do well with surprises," I said, hesitating a bit. debating on whether to take his hand or just die on the spot. Will was probably just as stubborn as me though.

"come on Neeks, I'm giving you a day out of the infirmary, your telling me you'd rather stay here?" ...touche...this was going to be a very interesting day.

I bit my lip then slowly took his hand. Praying to every love goddess and god I knew (reluctantly to Eros too, though I still don't forgive him in the slightest) that I wasn't blushing as much as I felt I was. Will led me down to the ground, and we started walking. Not going to lie, I was starting to get curious about what Will was talking about, so the only question I asked was when we started towards the normal way to the mess hall. Then took a complete turn to Thalia's old tree.

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