Chapter 4-Nicos POV

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A list of the thoughts going through my brain as im walking around looking for Percy

Fuuuuuuuuck fuck fuck fuck

Why me end my suffering why meeeee

Find him and get it over with holy schist

Fuck theres Annabeth fuck theres Annabeth fuck there fuckin Annabeth

Why is she walking over...oh shit she's walking over

"Hey Nico, got a minute?"

What the actual fuck put me out of my misery

"Uh...yeah sure. Whats up" i tried to act know. Casual as you can after you've just told a girls boyfriend you liked in front of her. Annabeth actually didn't look like she was mad though. She still looked happy and thankfully not like the other homophobic people ive met so. Nico gets to live another day?

"Umm...about what you said to me and Percy" oh...well...fuck

I tried jumping in, really regretting i left my sweatshirt with Will in the infirmary. "I know. I know im sorry its just-"

"What?" she was laughing. Surprised, eyes wide. It was almost contagious. I put my hands in my pockets, surprised to. "No. no no no Nico what do you have to be sorry about?"

I gapped a little. Looking around then back at her a few times before muttering slightly. "I...I mean...i had a crush on your...b-boyfriend..." my voice getting smaller as the sentence went on. Annabeth laughed again and hugged me. I think I actually gasped, taking a step back as she gave me another quick squeeze and letting go. Taking my hands in hers and looking me dead in the eye. Gray and stormy...powerful. But pretty, beautiful, full of compassion and genuine love for the people she cared about...i of them?

"Nico...i'm so proud of you. That took real courage to do what you did. You overcame something you fought against yourself for a long time. That was amazingly brave. And it doesnt change how i think of you, your still an amazing person and we all love you" i was knocked absolutely speechless. Opening my mouth and closing it a few times while the words digested. We stood there for at least a minute before I realized oh wait...i still haven't said anything...and i realized i was still speechless. Instead i found myself...laughing. Genuine laughing, I lunged over and hugged her tightly. I heard Annabeth laugh too as she wrapped her arms around me. At one point we let go and she smiled at me, me smiling back. And she gasped.

"Oh. I almost forgot to say. Percy was wanting to talk to you. He said he came by the infirmary earlier but you were asleep and- I'll let him tell you. Hes by the dock"

I raised an eyebrow. "The dock? Isn't that a little..." Annabeth laughed again.

"Well...he's a true daddies boy. Go talk to him though, i have to go help train some newer campers" she ruffled my hair a little then jogged off. I was left staring at her for a minute, still in complete disbelief at what had just happened before blinking and turning, still a like awe struck, heading towards the dock.



I swished my leg through the water, watching fish swim by and the occasional Naiad. Maybe Nico wouldn't even come...he probably was still mad at me. I wouldn't blame him, I hate myself for it. All those years and i never thought to have an actual talk with him, get to know him. When he came back after leaving for years the only pathetic thing I could do was follow him around and try to get him to come with me...ah shit. Why didn't I see it? I ran a hand through my hair, mentally slapping myself when i heard a voice behind me.

"Hey...looking depressed is normally my thing" I jumped, falling into the river. Hearing laughing above i popped up, about the chew out whoever thought it would've been a funny idea to-

"Ok i am NOT that quiet when i walk!" Nico was absolutely cracking his head off. Doubling over and falling to the deck. Gods how long has it been since i've seen Nico Di Angelo laughing? I rolled my eyes and threw myself back on the dock. Shaking my wet head and sprinkling him with water, possibly making him laugh even harder. Willing myself dry I chuckled as he started to die down. Wiping his eyes and sitting up, swinging his legs over the dock and smiling, brushing his long bang of hair out of his eyes. I bit my lip, realizing I was the one who wanted him here...i was supposed to start the conversation. And let me tell you i did that spectacularly

" seem happy" see? See how good I am at this?

Nico smiled and hung his head bashfully. "Happier than in a while...yeah" he hesitated for a second, and I opened my mouth to say something, he did too. And we both started saying that together sounded something like.

"About safe darijus-" we both laughed a little awkwardly, and Nico put a hand out to me. I chuckled and took a deep breath before saying carefully.

"I-im sorry" Nico pushed his long hair out of his face, looking up at the horizon. "Don' was my fault for hiding it and..." he sighed, face falling a little.

"No..." I said. "Really. All those years that I knew you were out there...alone. Even when you came back and we were on the Argo...i never took the time to sit down and talk to you. I left you didn't have anyone to confide in and...that was my fault" as I talked nico slowly turned around, looking at me, eyes connecting. He looked like he was when he was 10, wide eyed and full of light. Admiration even. He smiled slightly, turning back to the horizon, saying.

"I pushed everyone away...i should have never blamed you for Bianca...and...going back to my hometown. They were still so...against my kind of people I thought. Everyone was like that...i pushed everyone away because...i was afraid if you would realize what a freak i was and..." he trailed off and shrugged. Hesitantly, I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Im fine with..." I chuckled awkwardly, "you know" nico chuckled and looked sideways at me. "And you know Annabeth is to. Everyone else would be. Your not on your own." Nico smiled and looked fully at me.

"So...were good?"

I laughed. "great"


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. It always bothered me that we never see Nico and Percy having an actual conversation and i finally needed it. So i hope you liked it too and i have a few more ideas for this book. Including ideas for more Solangelo and Camp Half Blood fanfiction so for the people reading this stay tuned i have waaaaaaaay more free time than i realized so ill be able to post almost every day or couple of days! So any comments you might have of any kind please leave them and hope yall are having a great day!!!

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